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Big Data Refinery: Distilling Value for User-Driven Analytics

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The Briefing Room

Big Data Refinery: Distilling Value for User-Driven Analytics

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Host: Eric Kavanagh

[email protected] @eric_kavanagh

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  Reveal the essential characteristics of enterprise software, good and bad

  Provide a forum for detailed analysis of today’s innovative technologies

 Give vendors a chance to explain their product to savvy analysts

  Allow audience members to pose serious questions... and get answers!


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Refinery is the Perfect Term

Ø Data Quality is a byproduct Ø Master Data Management is an enabler Ø Data Integration is changing

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Analyst: John Myers

John Myers is Managing Research Director of

Business Intelligence at Enterprise Management


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Pentaho offers a variety of business intelligence and analytics products

Pentaho’s platform includes the Streamlined Data Refinery, which provides access to any data source, and includes data integration, governance, discovery, analysis and visualization

Pentaho’s solution is designed to be user-driven for ease of access and self-service

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Guest: Chuck Yarbrough

Chuck is the Director of Big Data Product Marketing at Pentaho, a leading big data analytics company that helps organizations engineer big data connections, blend data and report and visualize all of their data. Much of Chuck's focus at Pentaho is in educating organizations on how big data can help win, serve and retain customers, lower costs and grow revenue through the proper use of big data. A life-long participant in the data game, Chuck has held leadership roles at Deloitte Consulting, SAP Business Objects, Hyperion and National Semiconductor.

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Perceptions & Questions

Analyst: John Myers

Third Alternative Between Artistry and Commodity

Slide 11

Artistry vs Commodity

2 Years

8 Hours

Slide 12 © 2015 Enterprise Management Associates, Inc.

Customizable Applications: Best of Both Worlds

Slide 13 © 2015 Enterprise Management Associates, Inc.

Design Patterns: Connecting Big Data

Slide 14 © 2015 Enterprise Management Associates, Inc.

Data Refining with a Hybrid Data Ecosystem

Slide 15 © 2015 Enterprise Management Associates, Inc.


Slide 16

Discussion Questions

• Why not just use the data integration tools that exist within the Hadoop “stack”? For example, sqoop and flume are both provided by Hadoop

• There are differences between sandbox environments and “operationalizating” data integration for on-going operations. How can Pentaho’s blueprints make those tasks easier?

© 2015 Enterprise Management Associates, Inc. Slide 17

Discussion Questions

•  “Data Refinery” brings up images of a one-way process from a crude state to a finished product – much a like crude oil being “cracked” into various products like heating oil, motor oil, gasoline and jet fuel. Does Pentaho view the “refining” of data as a one way proposition? Or a more bi/multi-directional approach?

Slide 18 © 2015 Enterprise Management Associates, Inc.

Discussion Questions

• Data governance is a wide ranging practice in the work of data management. How does Pentaho position itself within the breadth of the concept of data governance?

• Some have described “data wrangling” via the Stanford wrangle project as self-service data integration. How does Pentaho compare/contrast with wrangle’s approach?

Slide 19 © 2015 Enterprise Management Associates, Inc.

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ATTENTION! Some images provided courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and "Anacortes Refinery

31911" by Walter Siegmund (talk) - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/
