The Raspberry Pi – Building an Internet Radio Gary Short Head of Gibraltar Labs @garyshort

Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI


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These slides walk you through the process of building an Internet Radio on your Raspberry Pi using: C#, Mono and VistaDB.

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Page 1: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

The Raspberry Pi – Building an Internet Radio

Gary ShortHead of Gibraltar Labs


Page 2: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

Who the Hell’s this Guy?

• Gary Short• Head of Gibraltar Labs– Skunk works division of Gibraltar Software

• Social Network Analysis and Computational Linguistics research

• @garyshort• Facebook.com/theothergaryshort• [email protected]

Page 3: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

We Need a Repository of Radio Streams…

Page 4: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

And we Need a way of Playing them…

Page 5: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

apt-get install mplayer…

Page 6: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

Do the Simplest Thing that Works…

Page 7: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

And Check that it Does …

Page 8: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

So Now we Need a “UI”…

Page 9: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

apt-get install mono-complete…

Page 10: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

On your Dev. Machine Code the App…

Page 11: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

Main() Method…

Page 12: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

GetData() Method…

Page 13: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

BuildMenu() Method…

Page 14: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

PlayStation() Method…

Page 15: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

Run it in Visual Studio to Test…

Page 16: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

Open WinSCP…

And drag across the .exe, the DB file, and the VistaDB DLL…

Page 17: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

Run the Exe on the Pi…

Page 18: Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI

You’re Done!