Business Process Automation What is it? Presented by: Aciron Consulting, LLC.

Business Process Automation: What is it?

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Bu s i n e s s P r o c e s s Automat i o n

What is it?

P r e s e n t e d b y : A c i r o n C o n s u l t i n g , L L C .

Page 2: Business Process Automation: What is it?

What is Business Process Automation?

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

Leveraging technology to transform and

streamline a manual process so that it

becomes more cost and time-efficient.

Page 3: Business Process Automation: What is it?

It takes an everyday manual business process, such a filing documents or onboarding new employees, and moves all physical documents and related workflows from filing cabinets to one centralized, web-based system.

What is Business Process Automation?

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

Page 4: Business Process Automation: What is it?

It takes an everyday manual business process, such a filing documents or onboarding new employees, and moves all physical documents and related workflows from filing cabinets to one centralized, web-based system.

Basically, it’s the answer to the thought we all have at least once throughout the day:

“there has to be a better, and easier, way to do this.”

What is Business Process Automation?

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

Page 5: Business Process Automation: What is it?

There are endless ways that a company can automate their processes, and in the end, only you and the members within your organization can determine what processes should be automated to increase efficiency and reduce cost.

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

How can it help you?

Page 6: Business Process Automation: What is it?

There are endless ways that a company can automate their processes, and in the end, only you and the members within your organization can determine what processes should be automated to increase efficiency and reduce cost.

You can automate processes to manage:

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

How can it help you?

Documents Legal Cases Inventory Employee Collaboration

Studies Projects Volunteers Members

Contract lifecycle Training Scheduling Reporting … & more!

Page 7: Business Process Automation: What is it?

A Boston-based hospital network had an extremely inefficient reporting process in compliance with the Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA).

The Problem:

Hospitals required to have physicians complete semi-annual reports on the typical amount of hours they work and how those hours are spent

The hospital network was using a manual paper-based form distribution process

Administration staff would hand out, and then collect, the necessary forms and manually compile the data to create reports

Inefficient, time-consuming process with little visibility into data

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

Example 1: Automated Financial Reporting

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The Solution:

Web-based application where physicians can fill out forms and hospital staff can generate reports

Streamlined and simplified the semi-annual process

Increased overall response rate and visibility into the data

Decreased amount of time and effort spent collecting and reporting on information

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

Example 1: Automated Financial Reporting

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The legal department of a global consumer goods manufacturing company was experiencing inefficiencies in its manual contract management processes.

The Problem:

The manufacturing company was using a paper-based process to draft and review agreements, and manage contracts throughout their lifecycle

Employees were spending a lot of time collecting the necessary information and creating documents

Inefficient, time-consuming process

Little visibility into contracts after execution

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

Example 2: Reengineered Contract Management

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The Solution:

Customized contract management system on a Microsoft SharePoint platform allows employees to develop, manage, and optimize contracts and related business relationships

Streamlined the contract management process

Shortened the once lengthy process

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

Example 2: Reengineered Contract Management

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1. Create an online portal for community volunteers to enable them to access important information and resources

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

More Ideas for Automation

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2. Implement a document management system and move everything from the filing cabinets to one secure online location

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

More Ideas for Automation

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3. Utilize an online employee directory in order to allow everyone instant access to the team’s contact information

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

More Ideas for Automation

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4. Simplify project management with a system to help you manage each project’s tasks, deadlines, assignments, client information, accounting information, and more in one place

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

More Ideas for Automation

Page 15: Business Process Automation: What is it?

© 2015 Aciron Consulting, LLC.

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