#CIPRSM #CIPRSM Broadcasting live events through social media Russell Goldsmith @markettiers4dc,@russgoldsmith 12 th September 2013 SOCIAL SUMMER

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Broadcasting live events through social mediaRussell Goldsmith @markettiers4dc,@russgoldsmith12th September 2013


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• Explore opportunities for brands to stream interactive content in their social channels

• How to keep your audience engaged with your brand beyond a few minutes of video content

Share This Too – Chapter 11

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1990 (according to Wikipedia)

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“I’m not paying for the TV License. All people do is sit around a box in the corner of a room not talking to each other. It’s anti-social”

– Housemate I’d met for the first time on moving in

Manchester 1990 – Is TV social?

Christmas 1990

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1990 (according to Wikipedia)

fall of 1990 Tim Berners-Lee created the first web server and the foundation for the World Wide Web

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• I didn’t even any email

The Internet 1990 None of the following

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• ‘social TV’ now a huge challenge for brands involved in content marketing

2014 - Is TV social?

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Using Twitter to Drive Video Views

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So can brands use Social to drive views to their own video

content?Headstream’s Top Social Brands report certainly

suggests video helps engage and build a community

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All Facebook posts

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Likes by type

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Comments by type

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Shares by type

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• By Q4 2014 ¾ of viral reach was made up of video content

• Yet only 23% of posts contained video

• Twitter is 3x more likely to refer to a video than other content

And according to Adobe’s (US) Digital Video Benchmark Report …

Via @ThePaulSutton & @dirktherabbit

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‘The Social Games’

Sir Tim Berners-Lee tweets from Olympics Opening Ceremony

• Possibly no better example of how people are using Twitter whilst watching live TV

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• During opening ceremony, @dannyboylefilm grew to 100’s of 1000’s of followers in a couple of hours … only for it to be just a fan’s feed!

• Twitter counted 9.66m mentions of the opening ceremony between 8pm GMT to end of the delayed broadcast on NBC in US

‘The Social Games’

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• Twitter can also be a nightmare for some programmes and the death of Sky+!

• How many of us intend to watch something after it was broadcast, only to check our social media feed to find someone who has revealed whodunit!

• Even stars of the shows have ruined the viewing experience for viewers

Jessie J fans were furious after she revealed on twitter who she had picked for the

semi-final of the first series of ‘The Voice’ 2hrs before the

show aired.

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• More videos are being watched online than ever before

• Social media can drive engagement, particularly in a live environment

• More important than ever for PR to get involved

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• Felix Baumgartner’s jump for Red Bull watched live by over 8m people globally (myself and son included)

• However, not all of us have the millions of dollars required to enable a man to jump from 128,100 feet!

• So how can we engage our communities for a slightly smaller budget …

Learn to Walk before you Jump

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• Google+ Hangouts• Live Event ‘Firsts’• Engaging with

Bloggers• Ensuring you reach

your community

Some ‘cheaper’ opportunities

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• Google+ Hangouts On-Air feature means that, with the live feed being broadcast through YouTube, the stream can be embedded into other social networks too

• Google+ engagement is growing and there are some great examples of how brands are using hangouts to their advantage– Cadbury’s Social Media & Community

Manager Jerry Daykin “give it a try and think about a new way of connecting with your consumers and having a chat with them”

YouTube Live, Google+ & Pinterest



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• Some considerations as still not the perfect tool for broadcast …– Invest time in pre-production– Test every participants connection, lighting before going live– Use a running order and ensure you have a producer to avoid

people speaking over each other

• Otherwise the viewing could be painful!• Enables spokespeople to join remotely• Could become extention of blogger engagement• Allow competitions winners or fans to be involved• B2B – embed a panel discussion between industry

leaders from their desks into a discussion thread on LinkedIn

YouTube Live, Google+

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• 75% executives watch work-related videos on business-related websites at least weekly & more than 52% watch work-related videos on YouTube at least weekly

• 54% senior executives share work-related videos with colleagues at least weekly

• 47% post links to work-related videos to networking sites weekly (69% of under 40year olds)


Source: Forbes ‘Video in the C-Suite’ report from 2010

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Some live streaming examples Creating a first …

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The Carphone Warehouse First Live Gig

• Facebook’s first ever UK live concert produced for The Carphone Warehouse with Eliza Doolittle from Ronnie Scotts to launch the INQ Cloud Touch smartphone

• Increase likes on the page by over 10% from 50,000 to over 56,000 in half hour

• But reaching an audience directly through their newsfeed via your timeline is crucial


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Challenge of the Facebook timeline• Updates only reach 17% of ‘likes’ on average

(EdgeRank Jan 2012) unless more engaged through comments, likes, and shares

• How honest are we in PR to give the real stats? To compete with Ad and other agencies we need to be confident in the effectiveness of our content

• Broadcasting live into the timeline and into the newsfeeds of those who have liked your page improves engagement, enabling them to watch the content without leaving their Facebook page, sharing it with their friends and helping the viral spread.

• Worth considering support with targeted advertising and promoted tweets

It works.. And we can prove it with real metrics and tangible resultshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fggZUCOpVU

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The Dictator Premiere Timeline

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The Dictator live ads

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Why through ads?

Streaming from page with just a status update-

20% of 39,171=

reach of approx 7,834

9,718,266 impressions

Reach of 3.5 million unique users within a 2 hour period

14,068 video plays from the ad unit

Further 4,621 views organically generated

3,701 new fans generated

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Royal Albert Hall First Live Science Lesson

• Positioned as the first ever schools science lesson to be streamed live into Facebook 

• Partnered with The Times Educational Supplement

• Included a Live Audience of school kids


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National GridFirst Live Magic Show• Reaching students to discuss

the serious issue of carbon monoxide poisoning in their rented accommodation.

• Using magic, as CO is invisible, ran a competition for a student to have their year’s rent ‘disappear’.

• As part of the campaign, produced the first ever magic show to be streamed live in Facebook  featuring Damien O’Brien

• Included a trick with a guest over Skypehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embe


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Streaming on Mobile

• 11.2m mobile video users in UK (262% year on year increase).1

• End of 2012, mobiles and tablets made up more than a ¼ of BBC iPlayer requests (177% year-on-year increase).2

• 64% of the 49.5m UK mobile owners now use a smartphone, a statistic set to increase given that in December 2012, 82% of phones acquired were smartphones. 1

• Yet 31% of communications professionals still don't expect to view live content via a mobile device. 3

Source: comScore

1. comScore's latest report, UK Digital Future in Focus 2013 2. BBC

3. markettiers4dc 2013 survey

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Bright Grey Engaging with Bloggers

• Live financial advice clinic with an Independent Financial Advisor and Bright Grey, Managing Director

• Viewers invited to submit questions surrounding parenting and finances – the show was streamed into private Facebook page

• Bloggers asked to write about their experiences and if they feel more confident about their ability to control their financial situation.

• Five mummy bloggers then offered a private chef to cook dinner at their home

• Idea is to give them time to talk about money and finance - using the advice given during the previous show

• Bloggers to document their experiences of the night on video and blog about it to share with their followers


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• Who is your audience – internal, external, B2B, consumer

• Where will they view the content – home, office, on the move

• What platform – desktop, tablet, mobile• What style do you want – raw, professional• Keeping attention – camera angles, video

inserts, slides, graphics• Engagement- questions, comments, polling• Focus on talent or use a presenter to pose


Some production tips

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• Pre-production is vital– Basic scripts– Running order– Call Sheet – who needs to be where and when

• Sourcing locations if outside broadcasts – recce!– Access– Lighting– External noises– Broadband connectivity (4-6mb), mobile encoder

or Sat truck?

Some production tips

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• Talent– Brief them – how long, what to wear,

what to say, what questions to avoid, will they wear an ear piece, do they need an autocue

• Legal– Release Forms– Health & Safety risk assessments– Rights – live & ondemand

Some production tips

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• Social media is a digital advocacy platform used to share information.

• Broadcast has an ability to bring a story to life, as well as excite, enthuse and engage an audience.

• Combine both tools and remind yourself that you no longer are as reliant on the ‘professional’ journalist but instead can communicate directly with your audience through a brand’s own community or with bloggers who are advocates of your products and services

• The result for PR teams is very powerful and exciting

So in summary

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Thank you for attending

Find out more at cipr.co.uk/social-summer


[email protected] 7253 8888@russgoldsmith