ConnectExplore – Revealed: The Most Profitable Targeting Interests Your Competition Doesn’t Know Exists ConnectExplore is a newly available tool that can FIND targeted audiences on FaceBook that are hidden from your competition, RATES those audiences for profitability, & helps you serve PRECISE ads for maximum ROI. http://crownreviews.com/connectexplore-review-bonus/ What Is ConnectExplore? Thousands Of Business Owners Like YOU Are Competing For The SAME Audiences In most niches, advertisers target the exact same interest groups. They might try to find untapped interests . . . however, they end up failing. It’s because Facebook’s Ad Manager and Audience Insights tool shows a limited number of interests to target. Usually 20 or 30 per keyword, tops. So it’s NO WONDER click-thru rates start dropping . . . and audiences become ad blind. Not only is the competition heating up, ad costs are also rising. Many authorities tell you to split test interests to keep ad costs down. However, to get the data from split testing, you need to set up one adset for every interest you want to target. Setting up all those different ad sets for a split-test takes time… And keeping track of those results eats up even more of your precious time. Another issue is every adset also needs to have it’s own minimum daily budget. So, if you need to test 50 different adsets you’ll need to have a big testing budget. Even if you budget only $5 per ad set, you’d spend $250 per day to test just 50 interests. As you probably know, you need to run tests for several days to get accurate results. That adds up to a LOT of money just on testing.

ConnectExplore Review and (MASSIVE) $23,800 BONUSES

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ConnectExplore – Revealed: The Most Profitable

Targeting Interests Your Competition Doesn’t

Know Exists

ConnectExplore is a newly available tool that can FIND targeted audiences on

FaceBook that are hidden from your competition, RATES those audiences for

profitability, & helps you serve PRECISE ads for maximum ROI.


What Is ConnectExplore?

Thousands Of Business Owners Like

YOU Are Competing For The SAME Audiences

In most niches, advertisers target the exact same interest groups.

They might try to find untapped interests . . . however, they end up failing.

It’s because Facebook’s Ad Manager and Audience Insights tool shows a limited number

of interests to target. Usually 20 or 30 per keyword, tops.

So it’s NO WONDER click-thru rates start dropping . . . and audiences become ad blind.

Not only is the competition heating up, ad costs are also rising.

Many authorities tell you to split test interests to keep ad costs down.

However, to get the data from split testing, you need to set up one adset for every

interest you want to target.

Setting up all those different ad sets for a split-test takes time…

And keeping track of those results eats up even more of your precious time.

Another issue is every adset also needs to have it’s own minimum daily budget.

So, if you need to test 50 different adsets you’ll need to have a big testing budget.

Even if you budget only $5 per ad set, you’d spend $250 per day to test just 50 interests.

As you probably know, you need to run tests for several days to get accurate results.

That adds up to a LOT of money just on testing.

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This means many marketers skip testing altogether, or don’t get any real benefits from


Poor Interest Targeting Means You’ll Pay MORE Than You Should For

Facebook Ads

When your interest targeting is off, fewer people click on your ads. This gives you a low


Low click-through-rates make Facebook think you’re providing a bad user experience . .

. something it wants to avoid at all costs.

In other words . . .

Facebook charges you much more for your ads if you don’t get your interest

targeting right.

Seeing these trends, Wilco de Kreij from Connectio Company figured there had to be a

better way to find profitable interests to target.

He and his team decided to test some of the available targeting and analytics tools

already on the market. They wanted to see why these tools weren’t giving business

owners the help they needed to get their interests right.

Why Most Targeting Tools On The Market Aren’t The Answer

It’s simple.

Most companies don’t have rights to access Facebook’s Ads API. (This bit about the API

can be a bit confusing, so let me explain.)

While everyone who wants it has access to Facebook’s general API, the Ads API is a

different animal altogether.

Facebook is very picky about which companies they let access the Ads API. You have to

pass a lot of tests and jump through hoops to get permission.

Many targeting tools can’t access data directly from your Facebook Ads account because

they can only access Facebook’s regular API.

Instead, these tools rely on Facebook’s regular API. The regular API doesn’t have

access to Interests. Other tools only ‘guess’ which interests can be targeted. They have

no way to find and verify all the interests actually available.

So it’s no wonder marketers don’t get good results from them.

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Therefore, marketers need a tool that not only can access to FaceBook API but also

analyze this huge market.

And ConnectExplore has just came out to save the day!!!

The Ultimate Facebook Interest Finding & Analytics Tool

The Interest Targeting Tool Facebook Marketers Need Right Now

Wilco built an interest gathering and analytics tool for Facebook unlike ANY other on

the market.

This advanced (yet simple-to-use) tool:

Pre-qualifies every interest as highly relevant for the keywords a user enters

Shows instant performance metrics of each & every interest – without

any guesswork or complicated split testing

Finds untapped interests other tools can’t access – giving you a one-sided

advantage over your competition

Adds interests directly to your ad manager in a single click – without

any cutting and pasting (massive time savings)

Includes interest ‘layering’ in your targeting options… (more on how

layering significantly increases your conversions soon)

Doesn’t need any outside tracking tools to measure results (which are a

pain to set up)

In short, ConnectExplore tool FINDS targeted audiences that are hidden from your

competition, RATES those audiences for profitability, & helps you serve PRECISE ads

for maximum ROI.

ConnectExplore is the brand new tool to uncover the most profitable Facebook

interests to target..

How Does ConnectExplore Work?

Special Features of ConnectExplore:

ConnectExplore’s Advanced Targeting Features

ConnectExplore finds you the lucrative interests your competitors miss out on . . .

dominate your niche for skyrocketing ROI on your ad dollars!

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User Friendly Layout / Dashboard – find and filter interests with ease

get the interests you need to dominate your competition, when you need them

save all interests as ‘projects’ you can build on and add to over time

Powerful Interest Search Engine – finds the motivated audiences you

NEVER uncover on your own

search MULTIPLE keywords at once

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auto-suggest feature finds you all related keywords as you search

uncover even more highly related interests to your keywords by enabling “search


For example, if you typed in ‘nursing’ as your keyword, the extension feature

would search for ‘nursing association’ ‘nursing institution, ‘nursing school’ etc. as


analyzes which Facebook pages can be used as an interest for your Ads

cruise past your competitors with interests they’ll NEVER find on their own

“Explore” Pages (no other tool on the market does this)

ConnectExplore finds Facebook Pages which have liked similar Pages to theirs…

then allows you to target these “liked” pages. This way, you can ‘piggyback’ on the

work of work of others – you won’t be limited to your own creativity to find


Automated Suggestions

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Once you get an initial list of interests, ConnectExplore suggests an additional list

of highly-related suggestions to target

Filtering – results you can actually USE

powerful, smart filters easily find the best interests for your search strings

because ConnectExplore is directly integrated with your Facebook ads account,

you’ll only see targetable results

Foreign language targeting option – tap into under exploited local markets

target by foreign languages to find hidden markets other marketers are ignoring

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43 languages supported – more options than ever to target underserved markets

for huge profits

Advanced Targeting – ad costs go down while performance goes up for the

ultimate in ROI

drill down to the most motivated audiences with layering (e.g. people interested

in 2,3 or 4 of your interest sets)

add interest lists to FB ad sets in 1 click (without leaving the ConnectExplore

dashboard . . . or any copy & pasting)

Analyse – the best of split testing without the time, hassle or expense

Get a detailed breakdown of the status of EVERY ad you serve PER interest group

Impressions, clicks, CTR, unique clicks, unique CTR, spend, cost per click

Works with all of your ad sets – not just those created with interests you

discovered with ConnectExplore

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Drop under-performing ad sets in a single click (enables you to constantly

optimize your campaigns for a MASSIVE return-on-investment of your ad


How It Works:

It works its magic in 4 simple steps:

1. Discovery

Find interests to target, many of which are simply unavailable to your competition

2. Filter

Find the best interests and most engaged audiences, keenly engaged in your offers

3. Target

Apply results to specific interests for the highest possible ROI

4. Analyze & Scale

Measure which interests are working best. Your ads perform at the highest level, putting

money back into your pocket

Who Should Use ConnectExplore?

Who Can Benefit From ConnectExplore?

CPA Marketers

get more targeted traffic to your offers for less ad spend and bigger profits.

Affiliate Marketers

target buyers your competition is ignoring for an unfair advantage. Adding layering

uncovers raging niche fans . . . scale up your offers fast.

List Builders

get more leads for less money by optimizing your ad sets with ConnectExplore.

Local marketing consultants

each local businesses owners like never before. Perfect for those wanting to enter

lucrative foreign markets as well.

eCommerce Marketers

get more sales with less ad spend. Find interests you never knew your customers had . . .

gives you tons of ideas for new hot selling products to stock in your stores

Social Media Marketers

your competition will never know how you are getting so many leads and sales. They’ll

wonder what the secret weapon in your marketing arsenal is!

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It goes without saying you’ll be provided with full video-based training on how to make

the most of ConnectExplore and the entire Suite. You’ll be able to get profitable

Facebook campaigns up in no time flat – without any guesswork.

If you get stuck, help is as close by as the friendly, helpful support desk. (You can access

the support desk from directly inside your ConnectExplore dashboard.)

Why Should You Get ConnectExplore Now ?

In the unlikely event you find during your 30 day trial you find you’re not:

Making more and spending less on ads

Adding more leads to your autoresponder with less friction (especially from

mobile visitors)

Getting better ROI on your retargeting campaigns

Saving time finding profitable interests to target

Marketers have never had an opportunity like this.

Imagine if you could:

Find profitable untapped Facebook interests other marketers and

business owners didn’t already know about … effectively leapfrogging your


Know ahead of time the exact interests to target in your advertising – with

pre-analyzed interests so there’s no guesswork involved

See which interests in your ad sets were generating clicks and making

conversions . . . so scaling multiple interests becomes a no-brainer

Eliminate the need for complicated split testing to find lucrative interests

Effortlessly filter your audiences to drill down to the hungriest groups of leads

and buyers

It’s Time To Take YOUR Interest Targeting To A Higher Level With


It will help you make your Facebook ads substantially more profitable (with much less


No more spending long hours in research just to find the same interests everyone else is

targeting. No more tedious, time-consuming split testing to find winners.

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Optimizing ANY of your ad sets (ConnectExplore created or not) is a breeze with


You’ve seen the case studies and testimonials for ConnectExplore. They speak for

themselves how powerful this tool is.

Exclusive Bonuses From ConnectExplore

Get Incredible Value For Your Money… And A Very Special Bonus

As a way of welcoming you into the Connectio family, The company have a very special

bonus offer for you.

You’ll receive 30-days of free access to our award-winning Facebook

marketing suite of software called ConnectSuite.

These Aren’t ‘Lite’ Versions Of My Best Tools

Sometimes, software developers allow prospective customers access to watered-down

‘lite’ versions of their products.

This is not the case with your 30-day free trial.

You’ll get to experience ConnectSuite’s full-featured power to boost your Facebook


Get ready to score all the leads and sales you can handle!

An Overview Of The Potent Tools Inside ConnectSuite…

Here are the ConnectSuite tools you’ll get exclusive access to for the next 30-days with

your purchase of ConnectExplore:

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ConnectLeads – eliminates the need to manually export data from FB lead ads into

your autoresponder. Mobile visitors can add themselves to your list with just a few taps.

Fully integrates your Facebook ad account and autoresponders for maximum

efficiency – no wasted time downloading CSV files, uploading them to your

autoresponder, etc.

Facebook users on mobile get added to your email lists with just a few taps –

leads are automatically imported to your autoresponder/CRM instantly

Real-time data and analytics – all the data you need to make important business

decisions at your fingertips

Most major autoresponders and CRM platforms are supported by ConnectLeads.

And more . . .

Your advertising dollars are wasted on prospects that show little-to-no engagement with

your content. You need to focus your ad spend on your most highly motivated prospects

. . . and ConnectRetarget allows you to do exactly that.

Segments your visitors based on how they interact with your website.

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Targets only your most highly motivated prospects (for more leads and sales

faster than you dreamed possible)

Weeds out tire kickers unlikely to buy or subscribe (keeps your ad costs low)

And more . . .

Reach your subscribers like never before with a powerful combination of email and

Facebook Custom Audiences. Gain Custom Audience targeting options never available

before now. Maximize your conversions for massive ROI and profits.

Custom tailor Facebook ads to keep up with your email follow-up sequences –

increase your subscribers’ exposure to high-ticket offers using Facebook ads.

Maximize your conversions and put more money in your bank.

Segment FB Custom Audiences – target past product buyers, subscribers who

opened/clicked on emails, didn’t open emails/click links and much, much more

Create lookalike audiences based on your subscriber lists – target Facebook users

who match similar preferences, demographics and interests of your subscribers.

Expands your reach without any extra effort

Compatible With Most Popular Autoresponders – almost any autoresponder can

be supported with a simple cut and paste of HTML code

And more . . .

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Where will you be in your Facebook marketing in 30 days if you don’t act now?

Battling it out with a sea of other marketers all targeting the same interests as you?

Spending hours setting up split tests?

Blindly guessing how best to optimize your ad sets? Why put yourself through all this

when ConnectExplore is a much better solution?

Click the button below to start saving time and money on Facebook ads.


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