Superorder: Archosaurs


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Page 1: Crocodilians

Superorder: Archosaurs

Page 2: Crocodilians

Superorder: Archosaurs

• a group of diapsid reptiles that first evolved from Archosauriform ancestors .

• They are represented today by birds and crocodiles.

• are set apart by having socketed teeth

• four-chambered hearts

Page 3: Crocodilians


Page 4: Crocodilians

CROCODILIANS• From the Middle Triassic

• Include the subtropical and tropical alligators, crocodiles, caimans, and a single species of gavials.

• They have survived major upheavals such as the break up of the continents and the ice ages. 

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Nile crocodile - Crocodylus niloticus Caiman - Caimaninae

Page 6: Crocodilians

American alligator - Alligator mississippiensis

Gharial - Gavialis Gangeticus

Page 7: Crocodilians

Distinctive Features• powerful jaws

• protective scales

• streamlined body

• long tail

• eyes and nostrils that are positioned on top of the head

• elongated snout

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Common Characteristics• They usually lay around in the water


• Their eyes and snouts are the only part of their body that stays above the water.

• Crocodilians have sharp teeth for capturing large prey. 

• semi-aquatic predators

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Common Characteristics

• They have an extra transparent eyelid on each eye that can be closed to protect their eye when underwater. 

• They have a flap of skin at the back of their throat that prevents water from seeping in when they attack prey underwater. 

• They can also close their nostrils and ears in a similar manner to prevent the unwanted influx of water.

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• Their features have changed very little from those of their prehistoric ancestors, proving that their body form has been highly successful in nature.

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Gavial Caiman

Shape of snout

Slender and triangular

Broad and round

long and narrow  

slightly more pointed

protruding fourth tooth

on the lower jaw

hidden inside a socket on the upper jaw

hidden inside a socket on the upper jaw