#pink13 @servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave20 Dave, I'm Afraid I have to Place You On Hold Robotics and IT Support. Text “Robots2013” to 50500 or http://bit.ly/dave201

Dave I'm Afraid I Have to Place You On Hold - Robotics and IT Support

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Dave, I'm Afraid I have to Place you On Hold -Robotics and IT Support. You can't manage it until you measure it. This mantra has lead to an era of automation, self-service and consolidation. Doing more with less, doing less with less. The IT department is birthing out robots faster than an alien invasion. These robots are not the type we were told about in our childhood, these robots are here to take our jobs away. While many herald the coming revolution in IT, we should stop and give pause to what we will do with the millions of displaced workers in 2020. * Review a history in robotics that have displaced human jobs. * Look forward at the trends in automation that are disrupting information technology and information systems. * Discover the skills that will be desirable for knowledge workers as "automation" becomes commonplace. * The five employees you meet in heaven, augmented, AI, Robot, human, post carbon MEDIA and PRESS INFORMATION: http://chrisdancy.pressfolios.com/ Feel free to reach out at [email protected], +1-303- 872-0786, or by texting "chrisdancy" to 50500.

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  • 1. http://bit.ly/dave2013Dave, I'm Afraid I have to Place You On Hold#pink13@servicesphereRobotics and IT Support.Te x t R o b o t s 2 0 1 3 t o 5 0 5 0 0 o r h t t p : / / b i t . l y / d a v e 2 0 1 3

2. http://bit.ly/dave2013We are in IT, we should act like IT@servicesphere2005-2007 - Service Catalog, Help Desk Best Practices, Categorization for the Service Desk, Desktop Management and IT Support 2008 - Social Media and the Help Desk, Support Remote Users, Selecting an IT Software Vendor, IT Marketing2009 - Enterprise 2.0, Social Media and IT Support 2010 - Big Data, Social Media and Collaborative Systems 2011 - Mobility, Location, ITSM 2525, Social Media and ITSM 2012 - Reputation Economy (Knowledge Lockers, Quantified Self) Digital Literacy 2012, Social ITSM 1990-2014, Social ITSM 2015-2050, Enterprise Celebrity#pink132013 - Robotics, Mindfulness, Empowered Employees Culture 2.0, Measured Me Quantified Self 2.0 Knowledge Worker 2020, Contextual ITSM 3. http://bit.ly/dave2013 @servicesphereAchievement Unlocked:1. Can distinguish robotics around you. 2. Identify your role consumer, enterprise, government and humanity as it relates to robotics. 3. Consider non-human factors in support.#pink134. Think provocatively about the ethical considerations of a human minority to a digital majority. 4. http://bit.ly/dave2013 Post Human Awakening History Today Future#pink13 Tools Skills Metrics GraphDefinedSupport@servicesphereFutureRoles Today Future 5. #pink13@servicespherehttp://bit.ly/dave20131970s1980sMy Experience with Robots1990s2000s2010s2020s 6. #pink13@servicesphereWhat is a Robot?http://bit.ly/dave2013 7. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 8. http://bit.ly/dave2013 @servicesphereForm & Function #pink13Does it have to look that way? 9. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 10. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 11. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 12. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 13. http://bit.ly/dave2013 @servicesphere @servicesphere #pink13 #pink13Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need.-Voltaire 14. #pink13Robots and I, Today@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 15. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 16. #pink13 http://bit.ly/dave2013Lump of labor fallacy@servicesphere 17. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 18. http://bit.ly/dave2013AugmentedHybridUltra CapableAIRobotic@servicesphereHuman#pink13EngineeredPost CarbonSUPREME USERS 19. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave20132010sTOOLS 2020s2030s 20. #pink13@servicespherehttp://bit.ly/dave2013SKILLSPhysical Id /Ego/Super EgoDigital IdDigital Super Ego 21. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 22. #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013@servicesphere #BMCSocialGRAPH 23. #pink13 272035-2050@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 24. #pink13 #pink13@servicesphere http://bit.ly/dave2013 25. 4 26. Chris [email protected] text chrisdancy 50500 twitter @servicesphere