Developing for TV Daniel Davis @ourmaninjapan Opera Software Developing for TV Daniel Davis @ourmaninjapan Opera Software

Developing for TV

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Developing for TV

Daniel Davis@ourmaninjapanOpera Software

Developing for TV

Daniel Davis@ourmaninjapanOpera Software

"I don't want a tablet."

Leo Laporte, Jan 2010

"I don’t use a laptop anymore."

Leo Laporte, April 2010

"I don't see people wanting tohave the internet on their TV."

Leo Laporte, May 2010

I play with TVs


I play with TVs


So muchto learn


So muchto learn


Text input is painfulText input is painful

Text input is painfulNavigation is painfulText input is painfulNavigation is painful

Text input is painfulNavigation is painfulReading text is painful

Text input is painfulNavigation is painfulReading text is painful

Text input is painfulNavigation is painfulReading text is painfulPage loading is painful

Text input is painfulNavigation is painfulReading text is painfulPage loading is painful

Text input is painfulNavigation is painfulReading text is painfulPage loading is painfulText input really is awful

Text input is painfulNavigation is painfulReading text is painfulPage loading is painfulText input really is awful

Wait a cotton pickin' minute...

Wait a cotton pickin' minute...

That's just like mobile!

That's just like mobile!



Utopia: Dedicated TV


Utopia: Dedicated TV


Compromise:TV-ify your

mobile pages

Compromise:TV-ify your

mobile pages

OK, OK.Just show me

the code!

OK, OK.Just show me

the code!

Calm down.Calm down.

So? Just zoom in already!

So? Just zoom in already!

body {-o-transform: scale(2);-moz-transform: scale(2);-webkit-transform: scale(2);-ms-transform: scale(2);transform: scale(2);


body {-o-transform: scale(2);-moz-transform: scale(2);-webkit-transform: scale(2);-ms-transform: scale(2);transform: scale(2);


body {font-size: 2em;


body {font-size: 2em;


body {font-size: 3em;


body {font-size: 3em;


The “tv” media type is not used

by TVs

The “tv” media type is not used

by TVs

Instead, use Media Queries

Instead, use Media Queries

Media Queries:“if” statements

for CSS

Media Queries:“if” statements

for CSS

@media (condition) {regular CSS


For example:

@media (max-width: 600px) {body {font-size: 2em;


@media (condition) {regular CSS


For example:

@media (max-width: 600px) {body {font-size: 2em;



If: @mediaAnd: andOr: ,(comma)


If: @mediaAnd: andOr: ,(comma)

The perfect TV media query...The perfect TV media query...


@media tv,(width: 1920px) and (height: 1080px),(width: 1280px) and (height: 720px) {body {Font-size: 2.5em;


@media tv,(width: 1920px) and (height: 1080px),(width: 1280px) and (height: 720px) {body {Font-size: 2.5em;


bit.ly/tvdevDaniel Davis

@ourmaninjapanOpera Software

bit.ly/tvdevDaniel Davis

@ourmaninjapanOpera Software