Digestive System

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Digestive System

Page 2: Digestive system ppt  moodle


• Section 48-1 : Review on own• Carbohydrates• Proteins• Fats• Lipids• Vitamins• Minerals• Water

•Elements found in the compound•Function of the compound•Examples of the compound•Monomer of the compound

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Overview of Digestive SystemPlease read but do not take notes on this slide.• The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal as well as

the organs and glands that contribute digestive enzymes and other products to specific portions of the canal.

• In processing the food you eat, your digestive system uses mechanical and chemical methods.

• Three major types of macromolecules must be broken down during digestion—carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.

– When these macromolecules are broken down sufficiently—into individual glucose monomers, amino acids, and fatty acids, respectively—those components (and water) must be absorbed into the body at the small intestine.

• Wastes proceed through the large intestine, where the feces form and more water is absorbed.

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Types of Digestion

• Physical Digestion

• Chemical Digestion

• Both

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Physical Digestion

• Mechanical Digestion• Macromolecule is PHYSICALLY broken

down into SMALLER pieces in order to increase SURFACE area to maximize ENZYME action.

• Examples:– Chewing– Churning

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Chemical Digestion

• Digestive enzymes are involved by CHEMICALLY breaking the bonds on the macromolecules until MONOMERS are formed.

• Examples:– Salivary amylase breaks down starch

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Route of Digestion

• Mouth

• Pharynx

• Esophagus

• Stomach

• Small intestine

• Large intestine

• Anus

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As food directly passes through the gastrointestinal tract or alimentary canal specific secretions that aid in digestion are released along the way.

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Accessory Organs

• Aids in digestion• BUT…• Food does NOT pass into these organs.• Instead these organs SECRETE fluids that will

enter the alimentary canal through DUCTS.• Examples:

– Liver– Gallbladder

– Pancreas– Salivary Glands

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Accessory Organs

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Digestive Secretions

• Helps with breaking down of foods

• All are hydrolysis reactions

• Some are enzymatic reactions

• Others are NOT.

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Salivary amylase


• MADE – Salivary glands

• PURPOSE – Polysaccharide Disaccharide– Example

• Starch Maltose

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• FUNCTION– Stomach

• MADE– Gastric Glands

• PURPOSE– Protein Polypeptides

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Pancreatic amylase

• FUNCTION– Small intestine

• MADE– Pancreas

• PURPOSE– Polysaccharide Disaccharide

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Pancreatic lipase

• FUNCTION– Small Intestine

• MADE– Pancreas

• PURPOSE– Lipids 3 Fatty Acids + Glycerol

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• FUNCTION– Small intestine

• MADE– Pancreas

• PURPOSE– Polypeptides Peptides

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Intestinal lipase

• FUNCTION– Small Intestine

• MADE– Intestinal glands

• PURPOSE– Lipids 3 Fatty Acids + Glycerol

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Intestinal peptidase

• FUNCTION– Small Intestine

• MADE– Intestinal glands

• PURPOSE– Peptides Amino Acids

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• FUNCTION– Small Intestine

• MADE– Intestinal glands

• PURPOSE– Disaccharides Monosaccharides

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Additional Secretions for Digestion

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• MADE– Salivary Glands

• PURPOSE– Begins digestion of food

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• MADE– Salivary glands

• PURPOSE– Lubricates food

• FUNCTION– Stomach

• MADE– Gastric pits

• PURPOSE– Protects lining from


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• FUNCTION– Stomach

• MADE– Gastric pits

• PURPOSE– Hormone that stimulates HCl production

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Gastric fluid/HCl acid

• FUNCTION– Stomach

• MADE– Gastric pits

• PURPOSE– Converts pepsinogen pepsin– Kills bacteria

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• FUNCTION– Small intestine

• MADE– Intestinal glands

• PURPOSE– Hormone that stimulates the liver and

pancreas to secrete fluid

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• FUNCTION– Small Intestine

• MADE– Liver

• PURPOSE– Emulsifies fats/lipids

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Sodium bicarbonate

• FUNCTION– Small intestine

• MADE– Pancreas

• PURPOSE– Neutralizes stomach acid


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Organ Before Enzyme After

Starch Disaccharides

Small intestine





Mouth Salivary amylase

Pancreatic amylase Disaccharides





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Digestion of Carbohydrates

Click on the link above and view the animation associated with Digestion of Carbohydrates

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Organ Before Enzyme After


Small intestine


Stomach Protein Pepsin

TrypsinChymotrypsin Peptides

Peptides Peptidase Amino acids

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Digestion of Proteins

Click on the link above and view the animation associated with

Digestion of Proteins

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Organ Before Enzyme After

3 Fatty acids + Glycerol


Emulsified Lipids

Pancreatic lipaseIntestinal lipase

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Digestion of Lipids

Click on the link above and view the animation associated with

Digestion of Lipids

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Review the Structures

of the Digestive System

Click on this phrase for Review Information and Quiz