ETHICS : DO’S & dON’t GUIDE The Ethical Guide Test Your Know ledge

Do's and don't ethics by sannah siddique

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1. The Ethical Guide Test Your Knowledge 2. DO GET INFORMED CONSENT Before any research begins ,the researcher must briefly go over the outline of the study. Then the researcher must obtain permission to take part However, its not always possible to get informed consent. Its acceptable as long as the outcomes of the study benefits the cons or negatives of the study.Purpose and procedures of the research Inform participants of any risks involved. These include not only physical injury but also possible psychological. Benefits of the research to society and possibly to the individual human subject. Length of time the subject is expected to participate. Person to contact for answers to questions or in the event of injury or emergency. 3. DO NOT CAUSE HARM During the research , you should not cause any physical or psychological harm to the participant. I.E. you cannot expose participants to embarrassing , physically harmful and stressful situations etc. Some studies may allow some degree of harm. However , the amount of harm has to be justified by the benefits outweighing the negative of the study. 4. DO GIVE THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW Before the research begins , participants must be well aware that they have the right to withdraw at any point in or after the study. Participants should not be made to feel any pressure to continue the study if they dont want to. If participants do want to withdraw researchers should not penalize the participants from any other after help i.e psychological help after a study. 5. DO NOT USE DECEPTION Deception involves the researcher misleading or wrongly informing the participants Deception is hard to avoid in most studies as it prevents demand characteristics/social desirability. However deception should be used as little as possible. If deception is used participants should be told at the debriefing stage the true nature , aims and purpose of the study. Deception should be used carefully. The study should have more positive aspects over the negative aspects. 6. DO DEBRIEF PARTICIPANTS Researchers must ensure that all participants are thoroughly debriefed. Researchers must ensure that inform the participants of what was being investigated ? ,what the participants role was? and what they expected to find? This includes telling participants the true aims and purposes after deception and telling participants reasons for the use of deception.Debrief is also important to make sure none of your participants have any negative effects i.e psychological one professional help must be at hand as well as contact. 7. DO NOT BE DISRESPECTFUL TO PARTICIPANTS Be respectful to your participants as they have taken time out of their day to help with YOUR RESEARCH. Its important that you treat all participants with equality regardless of age , gender ,disabilities to social economic status etc. Respect should not just be shown in the attitude towards participants but also surrounding privacy, confidentiality as well as any harm. 8. DO KEEP DATA CONFIDENTUAL Any data collected about a participant must remain confidential. Participants have the right to know that their information even if published will be confidential and not identifiable as theirs. If a circumstance occurs where the research will not remain confidential the participant must be warned in advance prior to giving their consent for taking part in the research. 9. DO NOT BE UNPROFESSIONAL Make sure you act professionally when you conduct your research. Act professionally according to the BPS code of ethics and conduct (2009).i.E Do not turn up late to your own research. Participants wont take you seriously, if you dont take it seriously. i.E Seek assistance if your judgment's become impaired by personal problems etc. For example, your research could turn horrible if you are feeling really angry. 10. REFERENCES AND EXTRA READING http://www.bps.org.uk/what-we-do/ethicsstandards/ethics-standards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TqJF p4y4zo