Drupal CI/development workflow by ProPeople born in Ukraine... ...or how to make developers hate you

Drupal Continuous Integration Workflow

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Drupal CI/development workflow by ProPeople

born in Ukraine...

...or how to make developers hate you

Plan:- technologies overview- development rules- team roles- development phases- full workflow- demo- bottlenecks

Technologies, techniks (DevOps)● github, every developer has it’s own fork of master repo● jenkins (github Pull Request builder plugin)● code sniffers stack (PHP CodeSniffer, JSHint, SCSS-lint, twig-

lint)● every PR has it’s own unique drupal site built from scratch● drupal profile/update_path driven development (drush si

profile_name ... for every PR/stage build)● manual code review, functional review before merging

to master branch● vagrant box and drupal codebase in one repo.● reinstall.sh, runsniffers.sh, pull_stage.sh scripts in drupal

subdirectory in repo, executed at CI server every build. Can be used locally.

● github cibox repo for ansible scripts for ability to install whole infrastructure in ~15 minutes.

Team rules

Rule #1master branch is stable

● No code in master branch without tests/sniffers/review

● Master branch is more stable than stage/production

Rule #2PR creator denied from merging own code

● Code has to be reviewed by other team member before merging

● merge without review means breaking builds

Rule #3 (optional)bugs should be fixed by reviewer

● Review means responsibility● Team has >=2 members that know

how it works

Rule #4There should be 2 siblings at every project for every role● 2 architects/devops (architech + team

lead)● 2 frontend developers (senior +

middle/junior)● 2 devs (senior + junior, middle +

middle)● 1 pm

Team roles

Roles, Architect● discuss technical solutions with client, gathering

specs● create project architecture (how things should

be implemented)● create tickets, split to subtickets (help from PM)● estimate tickets● code review, code quality assurance● not much coding at all, some research, more

management position than coding

Roles, PM● demos to client, gather specs, bug

reports● make sure all tasks are defined as

tickets● review functionality implementation

from clients perspective● control priorities of execution of

tickets● resources and budget planning

Roles, Developer● implement tickets according to

specifications● code review of other developer’s work

Development phases1 - Reinstall from scratch every build reinstall script2 - Update path, content can be edited at staging pull_stage script3 - SLA(production) update path testing on staging

Full workflow


CI workflow bottlenecks

New developers/freelancers should learn the rules

DevOps must be team member

Code review get hurt

CI workflow bottlenecksCI server down - commits stuck.Builds become slow on large projects.Decent desktops for dev team(SSD, lot of RAM)Overall process looks/feels slowNon responsible team member can brake a lotTeam should consist from siblingsMinimal task ~ 1 hour

Thank YouQuestions?

Andriy Podanenko, http://dgo.to/@podarokSoftware Architect, DevOpsDruler / ProPeople