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  • 1. . Integral system of management of munic Complusoft

2. eCIVITA Project History Complusoft develops and markets the product Civita Plus, heir to the IRIS project over 30 years in the market. Civita Plus is a proprietary application, Complusoft in 2010 decided to turn it into a releasable product under license GNU / GPL This requires a change in approach.by the user is the centerDepartment Improving internal processes.EducatinHealthFinanceIs being developed as extensions to the most important Open Source CMS on the market. (Joomla, Drupal,etc ...) 3. eCIVITA Map of Modules 4. eCIVITA Front end structure 5. eCIVITA. Pay Taxesmation and perform administrative steps in a fast, easy, secure and personalized way.d general activity of the city. Although some of them have links with the administration, are not purely administrative-erviceske their individual contributions in decisions affecting the city-focused forums, online polls, surveys, suggestions, etc . procedures, by using electronic means, requiring payments to the Bank. 6. Historia del proyecto eCIVITAJoomRecordsManagements - Arquitectura y Conjunto de Soluciones 7. eCIVITA.JoomRecordsManagement management expedients/registration documents 8. eCIVITAJoomRecordsManagement management expedients/registration documents Follow-up records indicating the actual process responsible Parameterization of documents Parameterization of records management templates. 9. Historia del proyecto eCIVITAJoomRecordsManagement management expedients/registration documentsAutomatic notification after the management of a processEstimate at the time of case management. 10. Historia del proyecto eCIVITAJoomRecordsManagement Electronic ID loginAccess through electronic signature and electronic ID 11. Historia del proyecto eCIVITAJoomRecordsManagement electronic ID loginSignature of documents in different formats 12. Historia del proyecto eCIVITAJoomRecordsManagement Gestin de Expedientes Registro de DocumentosCustodia de documentos en Alfresco 13. Historia del proyecto eCIVITAJoomRecordsManagement Gestin de Expedientes Registro de DocumentosCustodia de documentos en Alfresco 14. Historia del proyecto eCIVITAJoomRecordsManagement Introduction to Platform Certification GNU / GPL. VIAFIRMA 15. Thank youComplusoft