Enterprise Bookmarking

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What is it?

It’s a (fictional) Enterprise Bookmarking


A what?

An Enterprise Bookmarking tool!

Basically it’s the same as your internet explorer favourites but it allows you to tag,

annotate and share your bookmarks.

What’s the point of that then?

For very little effort you get to share some knowledge!

I don’t get it…!?!?

Go and add a bookmark, see how easy it is to use and then we’ll have

another chat.

That was easy…but I still don’t get it.

*a few minutes later

OK, now you’ve made the effort to add a bookmark you want to get something back out of it right?

Something worthwhile!

Too right I do!

So now you can store your bookmarks online.

Does that mean I can access them from any PC?


…and when my PC dies I won’t lose them?


That’s pretty good.

That’s not the best bit!


Now that your bookmarks are online you can share them!

Think about it.

If you have a group of people who you mentor or lead in some way… …they can immediately see what you are reading and read it themselves.


Put yourself in their position.

What would you rather do? Find your information on Google or take a

recommendation from someone you trust?

Good point.

It doesn’t stop there.

I assume you tagged your bookmark?


Well so will everyone else.


There won’t just be you tagging bookmarks.

Let’s say 10 people use the tag “Enterprise2.0”.

By clicking on that tag you get articles and information that is personally

recommended by 10 people.

That’s pretty good.

It is isn’t it?

It just means that a whole team can learn together and from each other.

Now you’re getting it.It doesn’t stop there either!

Set up your RSS…

…and you can sit back and watch all those recommendations role in

without you even needing to go to the website.


Have fun!


