Evaluation question 06

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Evaluation Question 6

I have learnt a lot about various technology over this process. The main equipment we have used includes a camera, tripod and to edit our footage, used Adobe Premiere Pro.

I had limited experience of using a camera, with the Preliminary task I didn’t really use it too much, but I found this time round in one of our shoots I was doing almost all of the filming. This meant I learnt how the camera worked and developed skills at doing things such as zooming in and out, filming in HD and watching back our shots.

I also developed my skills of using a tripod. We had used the tripod for our preliminary task, we did so again. The benefits of a tripod are that it can hold the camera steady, as well as be used to pan or track someone or something or a particular setting, this can help to draw significance to certain things. We used a tripod at all times as this allowed us a larger variance of shots. Something else that was crucial to the success of this piece was to create stable shots. By creating stable shots, it allowed the framing to be simple & in the long run, ease editing.

When editing our shots, we used Adobe Premiere Pro. This software is designed to be able to edit shots. While one member of the group was editing the footage, I also used the software to help create the ident for our production company, Jardom. The other member of our group used the software to design the film credits. Before whenever I have used Premiere Pro, it has been to edit footage, but this time it was to create the ident. This meant that I had to use parts of Premiere Pro that I hadn’t used before, this was easier than I was expecting, I found that I could easily use it to create the ident.

I have also developed my skills using Wordpress. Before starting this AS Level, I had no experience with a blog, however now I understand how blog’s work. I can now add all kinds of media, give updates on my progress and post the end products on there. I feel now in the future I can keep blogs in a high standard after what I’ve learnt here.

Slideshare is another piece of software I’ve come across. Slideshare can help to embed presentations in a Wordpress document without having to download it, like you do with Powerpoints. However the software has not worked too well, causing me to revert back to the old way of embedding a link to a powerpoint.

Prezi is another form of presentation software that I have used. Prezi’s are a form of presentations that I have used to help illustrate my points. Prezi is similar to Slideshare only that it is more difficult to embed a Prezi into a post, hindering any chance of me embedding one in the blog. I have learnt a lot about making Prezi’s, these have helped me to develop presentation skills.

Embedding Prezi’s and Slideshare documents is another thing that I have done, as well as uploading videos on Vimeo. Before this task, I hadn’t used any three of these websites before, however now I have developed embedding skills which I can use in the future.

One thing we didn’t use this time that we did in the preliminary task is a microphone. This is because we had difficulties with the microphone last time, along with how there is no speaking in our piece, this meant we decided to go without a microphone. We also had no speaking, which meant there wasn’t really a need anyway for the microphone in our main task, this saved time during the filming as before we had to check our footage back frequently to ensure sound had been picked up. This time if meant we didn’t have to check our footage too much.