Evaluation-Question 3 ( What hav e you learned from your audience feedback?)

Evaluation question 3 ( what have you learned from

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Evaluation-Question 3 ( What have you learned from your audience feedback?)

Page 2: Evaluation question 3 ( what have you learned from

I wanted to gain some feedback from our target audience (aged 15-23 years), on my poster and magazine cover for our group trailer ‘Obsession’.

I felt that the easiest way to get the relevant audience’s reaction to my work was through social networking. I posted my images on Facebook asking for feedback, and quickly received comments stating what my target audience liked about the pieces, and things that they would change. I felt this was very beneficial to my work, as it allowed me to cater the poster and magazine directly toward the audience I wanted to attract most.

Page 3: Evaluation question 3 ( what have you learned from

My group also created a twitter account (@ObsessionA2Media) where we updated followers on the progress of the trailer and the promotional pieces, and posted the final images to gain further feedback from a different audience to give us a variation of opinions.

Gaining feedback through social networking websites also allowed us to talk with other media groups (@TheLastLaugh), and we could comment on their work and I could therefore highlight how to make my poster and magazine more unique, professional and relevant.

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When we showed our trailer to a range of different people from within our target audience, we gained their immediate opinion of our trailer. Overall the response was very positive, a lot of people commented on our use of discontinuous editing in the second half of the trailer, during the period of disequilibrium, and how the pace of the trailer increasing had a real impact on the tone of the trailer and made it very exciting and engaging.

The majority of people agreed that the film being shot mostly in the dark was the correct decision, as they believed if it was shot during the day it would appear less realistic.

Page 5: Evaluation question 3 ( what have you learned from

We used our market research to make sure our products were catered towards our target audience. The research revealed that our target audience voted fear of the unknown as the thing which scares them most, with this in mind we created a killer who was mysterious, with no identity and convey them as a constant threat. We also found out that they are most interested in films which they can relate to and portray a sense of realism, this is why we opted to set to make the killer go after a girls which are of a similar age to the audience.