Automated Functional Testing

Functional testing the_good_the_bad_and_the_ugly

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Automated Functional Testing

John Ferguson Smart


Technical Agile Practices

Test Driven Development

Continuous Integration/Delivery


Acceptance Criteria





“Without  these  technical  prac1ces,  your  agile  adop1on  is  hollow”-­‐  Ma6  Wynne

Technical Agile Practices

Test Driven Development

Continuous Integration/Delivery

Automated Acceptance Criteria





“Without  these  technical  prac1ces,  your  agile  adop1on  is  hollow”-­‐  Ma6  Wynne

A  good  func<onal  test  tells  a  story


QA loses its potential if only done at the end of the project

The Three Amigos

Living Documentation - test results that serve everyone

So show me the tools!

The Record-Replay Scam

in theory

in practice

The Record-Replay Scam

What do ogres and good functional tests have in common?

(This test is not like an ogre)

Remember...good automated acceptance tests have layers

Start off with the business objectives

Business-­‐level  requirements

Describe the business flow

High-­‐level  steps  (business  flow)

Describe the page interactions

Page-­‐level  interac<ons

Page implementation details

HTML  details  go  here

Business  Rules

Business  Flow

Page/Component  interac<ons

Page/Component  details

Good automated acceptance tests have layers

Come on - can we see the tools now?

Unit  tes<ng  BDD  tools  (39%)

Given/When/Then  (40%)

Tabular  (13%)

WebDriver / Selenium 2

Mature  browser  automa<on

Wide  adop<on

Cross-­‐browser  support

Cross-­‐browser  support

...or  use  Selenium  Hub


Uses  the  WebDriver  API

Can  run  on  SauceLabs  (with  some  limita<ons)

WatirWeb Application Testing in Ruby

browser.goto 'http://bit.ly/watir-example'browser.text_field(:name => 'entry.0.single').set 'Watir'browser.checkbox(:value => 'Ruby').set

Ruby  DSL  for  web  tes<ng


Fluent  and  readable

No  na<ve  support  for  Page  Objects?

GebGroovy Browser Automation

Browser.drive  {        go  "http://myapp.com/login"                  assert  $("h1").text()  ==  "Please  Login"                  $("form.login").with  {                username  =  "admin"                password  =  "password"                login().click()        }                  assert  $("h1").text()  ==  "Admin  Section"}

Groovy  DSL  for  web  tes<ng


Fluent  and  readable

Supports  Page  Objects


High level BDD

Many  tools  are  available


Narrative:In order to increase sales of advertised articlesAs a sellerI want buyers to be able to easily find ads for articles they want to buy

Scenario: Searching by keyword and location

Given Sally wants to buy a puppy for her son When she looks for 'puppy' in the 'Pets and Animals' category Then she should obtain a list of ads for puppies for sale.


Business-­‐friendly  specifica<ons

An  example  in  JBehave


Scenario: Searching by keyword and location

Given Sally wants to buy a puppy for her son When she looks for 'puppy' in the 'Pets and Animals' category Then she should obtain a list of ads for puppies for sale.


Scenario: Searching by keyword and location

Given Sally wants to buy a <present> for her son When she looks for '<present>' in the '<category>' category Then she should obtain a list of ads for <expected> for sale.

Examples:|present |category |expected||puppy |Pets & Animals | puppies||kitten |Pets & Animals | kittens||seiko |Jewellery & Watches| watch |

Tabular  examples


Scenario: Searching by keyword and location

Given Sally wants to buy a puppy for her son When she looks for 'puppy' in the 'Pets and Animals' category Then she should obtain a list of puppy ads


public class SearchAdsSteps {    @Steps    BuyerSteps buyer;

    @Given("Sally wants to buy a $present for her son")    public void buyingAPresent(String present) {        buyer.opens_home_page();    }

    @When("she looks for $keyword in the $category category")    public void adSearchByCategoryAndKeyword(String category, String keyword) {        buyer.chooses_category_and_keywords(category, keyword);        buyer.performs_search();    }

    @Then("she should obtain a list of $keyword ads")    public void shouldOnlySeeAdsContainingKeyword(String keyword) {        buyer.should_only_see_results_with_titles_containing(keyword);    }}

Step  implementa<ons  in  your  favorite  language


From web tests to living documentation


(Think “Two-CDs”)


2 Automate your acceptance criteria

1 Discover your acceptance criteria

4 Execute your acceptance tests

3 Implement your acceptance criteria


1 Discover your acceptance criteria

Feature: Browse CatalogIn order to find items that I would like to buyAs a customerI want to be able to browse through the catalog

Story: Browse by categoryIn order to find items more easilyAs a customerI want to be able to browse through the product categories

Acceptance CriteriaSee all the top-level categoriesBrowse through the category hierarchyShould display the correct products for each categoryEach category should have the correct sub-categories

Define  acceptance  criteria  for  each  story


1 Discover your acceptance criteria

Acceptance CriteriaSee all the top-level categoriesBrowse through the category hierarchyShould display the correct products for each categoryEach category should have the correct sub-categories

Scenario: See all top-level categoriesGiven I want to browse the catalogWhen I am on the home pageThen I should see the following product categories: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes

Clarify  the  acceptance  criteria  with  examples


2 Automate your acceptance criteria

Story: Browse by categoryIn order to find items more easilyAs a customerI want to be able to browse through the product categories

Acceptance CriteriaSee all the top-level categoriesBrowse through the category hierarchyShould display the correct products for each categoryEach category should have the correct sub-categories

Scenario: See all top-level categoriesGiven I want to browse the catalogWhen I am on the home pageThen I should see the following product categories: Clothing, Accessories, ShoesNarrative:

In order to find items more easilyAs a customerI want to be able to see what product categories exist

Scenario: See all top-level categoriesGiven I want to browse the catalogWhen I am on the home pageThen I should see the following product categories: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes

We  now  have  executable  specifica<ons


2 Automate your acceptance criteria

...but  they  are  reported  as  ‘pending’


3 Implement your acceptance criteria

Narrative:In order to find items more easilyAs a customerI want to be able to see what product categories exist

Scenario: See all top-level categoriesGiven I want to browse the catalogWhen I am on the home pageThen I should see the following product categories: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes


4 Execute your acceptance tests

What  tests  have  been  run


What  requirements  have  been  tested?

4 Execute your acceptance tests


4 Execute your acceptance tests

How  did  we  show  that  a  par<cular  requirement  



4 Execute your acceptance tests

How  did  we  show  that  a  par<cular  requirement  


Demo time!



Want  to  learn  more?

John  Ferguson  Smart

Thank you