WORLD GEOGRAPHY Unit 1, Chapter 1: Looking at the Earth

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Unit 1, Chapter 1: Looking at the Earth

Main Ideas: Geographers view world in terms of the use of space and they study the world by looking at location, place, region, movement, and human-environment interaction.

Section 1: The Five Themes of Geography

Section 1: The Five Themes of Geography Maps very important Geography = greek word What is geography? The study of… Geographers use a variety of tools Geography = 5 themes of study

5 themes of geography

Location Where is it? Absolute versus relative location Key terms: equator, hemisphere, prime

meridian, latitude, longitude Place What is it like? Region How are places similar or different?

5 themes of geography

Formal regions versus functional regions versus perceptual regions

Themes How do people relate to physical world? Humans and environment Movement How do people, goods, and ideas move

from one location to another? China-man in West Africa? Linear distance and time distance Psychological distance

Section 2: The Geographer’s Tools Oldest map on clay tablet Three main tools: globes, maps, data Globes 3 dimensional representation Maps 2 dimensional graphic representation How are maps made? What are the steps Who are cartographers?

Data Landsat GOES GIS GPS

Geography Skills

9 main elements of maps Title Compass rose Labels Legend Lines of latitude Lines of longitude Scale Symbols Colors

Scales: Ratio scale: 1:30,000,000 Bar scale: (refer to page 16)

Projections – way of showing curved surface on earth on a flat map Planar Conical compromise

Types of Maps

Physical Maps Political Maps Thematic Maps

Qualitative maps Cartograms Flow-line maps

Students you will have a quiz on Monday August 31. This will be your first quiz. Study the notes and information pertaining to Chapter 1, section 1 and 2 and geography skills.

End of Chapter 1!!!!!!