Geofences & iBeacons Alejandro Rupérez Programmer Analyst (Research & Development) [email protected]

Gigigo Keynote - Geofences & iBeacons

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Geofences & iBeacons Keynote at Gigigo by Alejandro Rupérez - Programmer Analyst - Research & Development

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Geofences & iBeacons

Alejandro RupérezProgrammer Analyst

(Research & Development)[email protected]

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• A geofence is a virtual perimeter or barrier for real-world geographic areas.

• A geofence could be dynamically generated as in a radius around a point location.

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• When the location-aware device of a location-based service (LBS) user enters or exits a geofence, the device receives a generated notification.

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• "A new class of low-powered, low-cost transmitters that can notify nearby iOS 7 devices of their presence." - Apple Inc.

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• Works on Low Energy Bluetooth (BLE), also known as Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth Smart.

• iBeacons has endless possibilities like indoor positioning systems or social media check-ins.

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• When the user enters in the shopping center’s geofence, the application is set to hear the iBeacons with their ProximityUUID (Universally unique identifier).

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• We can detect and triangulate the user's position within the shopping center placing several iBeacons with the same identifier ProximityUUID and a major identifier for each store.

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• We can also detect and triangulate the user's position within the store placing several iBeacons with the same identifier ProximityUUID, the store’s major identifier and minor identifiers for each section.

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• We can detect when the user approaches or moves away from a section for advertising or offers.

• We can generate a payment area where you can pay with the phone without having to put the phone close to a NFC device.

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How to implement this on iOS devices?

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iOS Implementation

• Add the CoreLocation.framework

• Implement the protocol CLLocationManagerDelegate.

• Create a CLLocationManager instance and set the delegate.

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iOS Implementation

• CLRegion *region = [[CLRegion alloc] initCircularRegionWithCenter:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(40.44699, -3.58719) radius:150 identifier:@"Shopping Center Geofence"];

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iOS Implementation

• [locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:region];

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iOS Implementation

• - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didEnterRegion:(CLRegion *)region

• - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didExitRegion:(CLRegion *)region

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iOS Implementation

• CLBeaconRegion *beaconRegion = [[CLBeaconRegion alloc] initWithProximityUUID:[[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:@"01234567-89AB-CDEF-FEDC-BA9876543210"] identifier:@"Shopping Center iBeacons"];

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iOS Implementation

• [locationManager startRangingBeaconsInRegion: beaconRegion];

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iOS Implementation

• - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didRangeBeacons:(NSArray *)beacons inRegion:(CLBeaconRegion *)region

• The beacons NSArray contains detected iBeacons in CLBeacon objects.

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iOS Implementation• CLBeacon Class Reference:

• proximityUUID

• major

• minor

• proximity (The relative distance to the beacon: Immediate, Near, Far or Unknown.)

• accuracy (The accuracy of the proximity value, measured in meters from the beacon.)

• rssi (The received signal strength of the beacon, measured in decibels.)

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