Environmental Challenges

Global Warming, Acid Rain, and Ozone Depletion

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Page 1: Global Warming, Acid Rain, and Ozone Depletion

Environmental Challenges

Page 2: Global Warming, Acid Rain, and Ozone Depletion

Population and Resources

Nearly 80 million person population increase each year, mostly in developing world

= strained resources and systems

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Developed World

Nearly 85% of earth’s resources are consumed by 20% of the world’s population

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Global Warming

Compliments of Mr. Marshall

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Global Warming

Global warming= increase in global temperatures

abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide concentrated in the atmosphere

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The recent temperature trend is accompanied by a similar, highly-correlated upward trend in atmospheric concentrations of carbon

dioxide. Is it due to human activity?

The "Keeling Curve" of CO2 concentrations as measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.Source: http://www.research.noaa.gov/spotlite/archive/images/jimomedal_graph.gif

Compliments of Mr. Marshall

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Normal CO2 LevelsShort Wave and Long Wave Radiation

1) Sun emits rays called short-wave radiation (light rays)

2) Short wave radiation is either absorbed into the earth’s surface or reflected back into space

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High CO2 Levels

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Compliments of Mr. Marshall

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• Canada’s Arctic regions’ sea ice is shrinking• Warmer weather= forest fires & Prairie

droughts• British Columbia- salmon survival decreased

by 1/3 since early 1990s • Polar bear depletion

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Kyoto Protocol

December 1997- 180 countries- agreement among industrialized nations to reduce emission of six greenhouse gases

Canada- agreed to cut emissions 5.2% (1990 levels) by 2012

US- withdrew in 2001 (US was responsible for 25% worldwide emissions)= big setback for Kyoto Protocol

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Ozone Depletion

Ozone layer=naturally occurring protective shield in the stratosphere, 25 km+ into space

Job= absorb harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun

protects humans, plants, and animals

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Ozone Gaps and Holes

Gaps and holes= harmful rays

How? Scientists think it’s due to human activity

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Chlorofluorocarbons= danger gas that chemically bonds to the ozone layer and eat away at the o.l.

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Where do you find CFCs?

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• Skin cancer• Altered ocean ecosystems fishing tourism,

logging• Harmful to flora and fauna of Canada’s north

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Montreal Protocol

1987- Montreal Protocol- industrial nations agreed to cut use of CFCs

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Acid Rain

SO2 and NOx carried long distances by strong winds deposited in acidic rain, snow, fog, dust

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Deposition EffectsCompliments of Mr. Marshall

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Cda vs USA?• 2/3 of CDA’s caused by INDUSTRY • 2/3 of USA’s from ELECTRICAL UTILITIES

Compliments of Mr. Marshall

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• Eastern Canada, the Alps, the Appalachians, the US, and Japan

• Animals and plants• Ecosystems• Corrodes steel• Lung capacity

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Acid Rain Regime

• Lower emissions fossil fuels• 1990- Clean Air Act- tradeable permits• 1991- Air Quality Accord-US and Canada• 1993-emissions reduced by 30%

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Environmental Awareness

1962- Rachel Carson- Silent Spring1987- UN Commission on the State of the

Environment asked people of the developed world to reduce resource consumption & develop a sustainability lifestyle

1992- Earth Summit- Agenda 21 (encourage development of a sustainable world economy)

1992- World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity- earth stewardship

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There has been little progress by governments and corporation
