SpaceMETA Sergio Cabral Cavalcanti こんにちは

GLXP XPrize Tokyo - SpaceMETA - Sergio Cabral Cavalcanti - 2015 - Brasil Lunar Mission

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SpaceMETASergio Cabra l Cavalcant i


Page 2: GLXP XPrize Tokyo - SpaceMETA - Sergio Cabral Cavalcanti - 2015 - Brasil Lunar Mission

SpaceMETA by

IdeaVal ley & IdeaLabs

- Team Leader :

Serg io Cabra l

Cavalcant i

- Tota l Members: 50

- Dedicated to

SpaceMETA: 10%

- Major Sponsors:

CRJ , IdeaGroup ,

In te l , Fami ly and

Fr iends, SM Fami ly.

CropCirc les ,

- Phase 1 -Key

People: Serg io ,

Rafae l , Marcos

Tu l io , AntMaper,

Jul iana , Ch ico ,

Domin ique

- Operat ions:

Rio de Janei ro ,

Sao Paulo , Bras i l ia

, Alcantara .

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A Brief History …

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SpaceMETA Goals

- Mission Prof i le :

Launch the 3 Bal ls

us ing Bal loon+Ethanol

Engine or Cyclone 4 .

( Agreement S igned )

- Focus on Innovat ion (

Robot ics , Ideas,

Specia l Par tnersh ip

w i th market p layers

and 5 Years on

Sof tWare development


- Landing Zone: Mare

Nectar is ( T.B.C )

- Pr ize Goals: 500 Mts ,

Surviver , Water

- Not So lved Yeat : Sof t

Landing , P la te

Payload Del ivery ,

Transmiss ion .

- Orbi t Deta i ls …

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SOLITAIRE Multipurpose Rover with Long Motion

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Mission Orbit Profile

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- Margin o f

Success: It accepts a

considerable variation in speed, altitude and position. Within the limits checked in the model.

- I - Identification of the range of the landing site window.

- II - Ballistic Routing Module of the landing site.

- III - Descent Control.

(A) First StageAceleração: 4.5G/s [0, 116](s)

Massa: 198.033KgPropellant consumption: 445Kg/sVelocity: [0,1,223.837]Km/sAltitude em 132(s): ~=43,346Km:

(B) Second StageAceleração: 6.8G/s [129, 282](s)

Mass: 68,614.7KgPropellant consumption: 45Kg/sVelocity: [1,223.837, 4,372.468]Km/sAltitude em 300(s): ~=135Km

(C) Third StageAceleração: 3.4G/s

Time: [292, 1,080](s)Massa: 14,110.3KgPropellant consumption: 7.76Kg/sVelocity limit: 7,78Km/sAltitude em 1,568(s): ~= 2,188.686Km

(D) Launch Ballistic

I - Calculation of lunar trajectory.II - Vector Pointing to the target.III - Speed gain calculation The margin of sucess accepts a considerable variation in speed, altitude and position. Within the limits checked in the model.

(G) Landing Module

I - Identification of the range of the landing site window.

II - Ballistic Routing module of the landing site.

III - Descent control.

(E) Lunar ApproachDistance from the lunar center: <10,000kmSpeed of arrival, ~ = 12K / s.Deceleration rate:Sprint speed:End distance from CL:

(F) Adaptive Entering OrbitThe solution is obtained through a congruence of the states of displacement vectors and other magnitudes.

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Earth Atmosphere MoonLaunch Data

March 2016 Full Monn 00:40PM

*(Meio-Dia)Diameter X,Y,Z: = (12.742 , 12.713 , 12.742)

Inclinação perpendicular a

eclíptica: 23 ° 26’ 21’’Velocidade de Rotação:~= 500 m/s.

Mass: 5,972 × 1024


Visibility: Still 36Km Alt

Temperatura, Pressão e Densidade

• International Standard Atmosphere


Dist: 356.720

Diameter 3,474.810Km

Velocidade: ~= 1,080K/s

Massa:7.3431 × 1022

lInclinação em relação a ecliptica: 5°9’

Landing Zone: Mar do Néctar

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Earth Atmosphere MoonLaunch Data

March 2016 Full Monn 00:40PM

*(Meio-Dia)Diameter X,Y,Z: = (12.742 , 12.713 , 12.742)

Inclinação perpendicular a

eclíptica: 23 ° 26’ 21’’Velocidade de Rotação:~= 500 m/s.

Mass: 5,972 × 1024


Visibility: Still 36Km Alt

Temperatura, Pressão e Densidade

• International Standard Atmosphere


Dist: 356.720

Diameter 3,474.810Km

Velocidade: ~= 1,080K/s

Massa:7.3431 × 1022

lInclinação em relação a ecliptica: 5°9’

Landing Zone: Mar do Néctar

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SpaceMETA MileStones Step Level Knowladge Economical Report

• Launch Agreement –done – pre-concluded

• Moon/Mars Rovers –pre-conclude and in POC programmed in SPICES Hawaii

• Mission Orbit SW and Methodology -Concluded

• Giant Inflatable Anthenas – POC in North of Brasil Desert

• Political Sector Issues• MTA Compliance• Soft Landing/Payload• Kick Motors• Communications• Heat Transfer• Be Green• Outerspace Fuels

• Intel Sponsorship• IdeaLabs Seed Capital• 1 USD Risk Capital• 10 USD Private / ROI• F&F• Big Industry players

intent to participate


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How to Increment Teams Support

• At Least one physical event in the Teams Coutry

• Focus Should be on the entrepreneurs , not in the Sponsors

• Entrepreneurs in this high risk venture should be placed in the

history , at least by the courage for the try

• Accelerate the Space EcoSystems conecting people and

bringing venture capital to the pure innovative idea

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• We are here to do the Impossible things today ,,, the possible ones the nature will do alone

tomorrow. – Sergio / SpaceMETA

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SpaceMETASergio Cabra l

Cavalcant i

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SpaceMETASergio Cabra l Cavalcant i

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Thank You

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Serg io

Cabra l

Cavalcant i .

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ASerg io Cabra l

Cavalcant i .

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