Members: Ronald Pereira

Google chrome os

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Page 1: Google chrome os


Ronald Pereira

Page 2: Google chrome os
Page 3: Google chrome os



1. The website and aplications load quickly.

2. The google Chrome os can edit pdf, files and images.

3. Google Chrome Os will be free and based on Linux.

4. The Google Chrome has faster os.

5. Google Chrome is a open source.

6. The software architecture is simple.

7. Google Chrome OS is a new Project, separate from Android.

8. Google work exclusively with web applications.

9. Google Chrome os is a Linux based operating system.

10.Google plans to create a service called Google Cloud Print.

Page 4: Google chrome os


11. Her user interface take a minimalist approach, resembling that of

the chrome web browser.

12. Secondary tasks would be handled with panels.

13. The user interface is minimal to stay out of your way, and most

of the user experience takes place on the web.

14. Google chrome running within a new windowing system on top of

a Linux Kernel.

15. The operating system that initially be targeted at netbooks.

16. we`re designing the os to be fast and lightweight, to star up and

get you onto the web in a few seconds.

17. All web based applications will automatically work and new appli-

-cations can be written using your favorite web technologies.

Page 5: Google chrome os


18. The Windows manager handles user interaction with multiple

client windows much like other x windows managers.

19. Google will integrate a media player into both Chrome OS and the

Chrome browser, enabling users to play back MP3s, view JPEGs, and

handle other multimedia files while offline.

20. Since Google Chrome OS is aimed at users who spend most of

their computer time on the Internet, the only application on the

device will be a browser incorporating a media player.