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Tuesday, October 15, 13

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PanelistsChair:Dr. N'Dri Assie-Lumumba, Professor Africana Studies and Research Center, Cornell University

Speakers:Dr. Radhika Gajjala, ProfessorSchool of Media and Communication at Bowling Green State [email protected]

Dr. Nishant Shah, co-founder and Research Director Centre for Internet and [email protected]

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PanelistsDr. Yeon Ju Oh, Research Associate Multi-plAtform Game innovation Centre (MAGIC) at Nanyang Technical University, [email protected]

Kara Andrade, Journalist and [email protected]

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Care and Globalizing (Chair)Care, Affect and Nationalism (Nishant Shah)Labor & Care (Yeonju Oh)Care, Spirit & Memory (Kara Andrade)Care & the Globalizing of “Subaltern” Labor (Radhika Gajjala)

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Dr. Nishant Shah is the co-founder and Research Director at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India. He is an International Tandem Partner at the Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University, Germany and a Knowledge Partner with the Hivos Knowledge Programme, The Netherlands. He was the principle researcher for a research programme that produced the four-volume anthology ‘Digital AlterNatives With a Cause?’, examining the ways in which young people’s relationship with digital technologies produces changes in their immediate environments.

Dr. Nishant Shah

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Taking Care of ThingsHabits, Technologies, Affect and Governance

Nishant Shah@latelyontimeCentre for Internet & Society, Bangalore

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Human Technology Relationships

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Technology as Infrastructure

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Positive Images of Growth

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Anti-Technology Stances

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Technology As Discrete, Human As Sacred

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Affect of Technology

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Affect of Technology

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Affect & Affectation

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The CharkhaTechnology of reconstructing the moral and the material

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I do regard the spinning-wheel as a gateway to my spiritual salvation, but I recommend it to others only as a powerful weapon for the attainment of

swaraj and the amelioration of the economic condition of the country.

– M.K. Gandhi

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Tagore: Demonic Machine

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The discussion, so far, has proceeded on the assumption that the large-scale production of homespun thread and cloth will result in the alleviation of the country's poverty. My complaint is that by the

promulgation of this confusion between swaraj and charkha, the mind of the country is being distracted from swaraj.

– Rabindranath Tagore

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Value in the Usage

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Affect of Technology is Care

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Individuals use technologies to care.

The State Cares for Technology

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Intimate Technologies

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Hamara Bajaj

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Technologies we care for.

Sumeet Mixer Grinder

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Technology – Human – Care

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Yeon Ju Oh Bio Yeonju Oh is research associate at Multi-plAtform Game Innovation Centre at Nanyang Technological University. She is currently working on development of video games to promote civic engagement, an interdisciplinary research project funded by Media Development Authority, Singapore. She co-edited Cyberfeminism 2.0 and has been researching women in technology, the relationship between gender and new media technologies, and feminist knowledge production.

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My Nanny is a RobotYeon Ju OhMulti-plAtform Game Innovation Centre (MAGIC)Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

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Gender Social Status




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1998 AIBO 2007 Kittybat In Development Family Nanny

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• Deceived Relationship• Emotional/Psychological Damage. Sharkey & Sharkey (2010)• Social/ethical issues as a integral part of new technologies• Voluntary efforts to minimize risks• Robot nanny as augmentation of care

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The cared-for The one caring

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Ethics of Care

The cared-for The one caring

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What Does a Robot Nanny Mean To Women?

• Robotic care vs. Minimal care• Segmentation & quantification of care• Expansion of the scope of care work

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Who Decides the Criteria?

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“South Korea has had remarkably high incidence and prevalence rates of physical violence against children, yet the problem has received only

limited public and professional attention until very recently.”

- Sharkey and Sharkey

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Care work by middle-class

Migration of women from developing

Women with lower economic status in developing

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Global Chain of Care Work

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Family Planning

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Family Planning

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What we do as academics

Who we are & what we think

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Kara AndradeKara Andrade is an Ashoka fellow working in Central America. She is co-founder of HablaCentro LLC and Not For Profit which develops curriculum to help people in Latin America become more digitally literate and civically engaged; conducts trainings in the use of digital tools to create more informed citizens; and connects collaborators to opportunities so they can sustain themselves economically through informed global citizenship and storytelling.

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Healthy Living

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TrendsIndividual Spiritual Needs => Networked spiritualityTo practice online (sometimes practices you do individually)To share a spiritual experience online

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Faith in Second life (2007)

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January 20, 2013Interfaith Panel on “Religion as a Source of Social Change”Place: UUtopia Library of World Religions, Second Life.The panel had 5 or 6 reps of different religious and interfaith groups in Second Life, chosen in an effort to achieve balance and diversity of viewpoints.

World Religion Day

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Livestreaming of Mecca Pilgrimmage

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San Francisco Zen Center

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Christian Bloggers

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Radhika GajjalaRadhika Gajjala (PhD, University of Pittsburgh, 1998) is Professor of Media and Communication at Bowling Green State University. She has published books on Cyberculture and the Subaltern (2012), has co-edited collections on Cyberfeminism 2.0 (2012), Global Media Culture and Identity (2011), South Asian Technospaces (2008) and Webbing Cyberfeminist Practice (2008). Currently, she is working on research on microfinance online, digital financialization to P2P lending and borrowing based in social media and neoliberal entreprenuership with a focus on “women’s work”, value and tacit practices/contributions in transitioning economic times through an (auto)ethnographic focus on craft communities (book in-progress as of 2012 Fall). She is also a member of the Fembot Collective and FemTechnet and is co-editor of “ADA: Journal of Gender, New Media and Technology.” For more information: www.cyberdiva.org

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Care and Globalizing (Radhika)“Subaltern” Labor through politics of micro and the production and the circulation of affect.

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Care and Globalizing (Radhika)Richard Sennet (2006) talks about the fragmenting of people’s lives in response to the fragment of big institutions.

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Care and Globalizing (Radhika)Resulting Care concerns:“How to manage short-term relationships, and oneself, while migrating from task to task, job to job, place to place.”

Prof. Richard Sennett. The Culture of the New Capitalism (Kindle Locations 34-35). Kindle Edition.

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Care and Globalizing (Radhika)Resulting Care concerns:“how to develop new skills, how to mine potential abilities, as reality's demands shift.”

“How to let go of the past….past service in particular earns no employee a guaranteed place.”

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Sennet (2006)“This trait of personality resembles more the consumer ever avid for new things, discarding old if perfectly serviceable goods, rather than the owner who jealousy guards what he or she already possesses.”

Prof. Richard Sennett. The Culture of the New Capitalism (Kindle Locations 42-44). Kindle Edition.

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Pinch and Swedberg (2008) “Exchange is entered into not only because of a desire to consume, but also to make a profit.”

“Exchange is also a form of distribution that tends to mobilize both parties to a transaction.”

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Care as Transaction: Care Exchange• Coding affect into market exchange and reciprocity• What does this mean for Care work?• Care systems need efficient, replicable machinic care providers (Gajjala, in-

press, Introduction to Special issue of Television and New Media)

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Machinic Subjectivity - Kalindi Vora“Technologies of virtual surveillance and the constant threat [of mobility and abandonment] ..not only create a stressful work environment but also produce a “machinic subjectivity” where workers must reorganize themselves as subjects to protect their personalities …”

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Machinic Subjectivity – Caring

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Yunus and MLK will save the worldOnline Microfinance rescues developed world youth from fears and anxieties about “the poor.”www.kiva.org

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Yunus and MLK will save the world

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Yunus and MLK will save the worldSamasourcewww.samasource.org/company/the-blog/microwork/

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Take Home PointsWe each need to include one take home point:1. Care, Affect and Indian Nationalism (Nishant Shah)2. Labor, Care and Robots (Yeonju Oh)3. Care, Spirit and Memory (Kara Andrade)4. Care and the Globalizing of “Subaltern” Labor through the politics of Micro

and the production and circulation of affect (Radhika Gajjala)

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Interactive Session (30 minutes)Roundtable and Q&A or Q&A and separate groups by theme

Use Twitter hashtags for questions: #wssf2013care

Kara will transcribe audience questions

Tuesday, October 15, 13