Hurricane Katrina By Harry Royall

Hurricane Katrina

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Page 1: Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina

By Harry Royall

Page 2: Hurricane Katrina

What is a hurricane?

• Very windy

• destructive

• bad weather

• a spinning vortex

• dangerous

• killer

Page 3: Hurricane Katrina

Imagine a holiday, hot sea , breeze blowing in two directions but be

WARNED this often makes the air humid and with this and the breeze blowing in two ways it pushes the hot air upwards

which will cause a hurricane

How are hurricanes formed?

Page 4: Hurricane Katrina

HURRICANE KATRINA Hurricane Katrina was an extremely violent

hurricane that happened in 2005. It all started at sea near Florida. After it started it got worse and worse! It started of as a tropical storm. [As all hurricanes do.] Then it turned into a category

1 and 12 hours later when it hit the Gulf of Mexico it turned from a mild category 1 into a major category 5. (see next page for category


Page 5: Hurricane Katrina

• A Tropical storm can have winds from 39 mph - 73 mph

• A Category 1 Storm can have winds from 73 mph - 95 mph. Not much damage is coursed to buildings unless they are mobile homes, but flooding is caused.

• A category 2 hurricane can have 96 - 110 mph winds. There is some damage caused to roofs, doors and windows. Flooding damages piers and sucks trees up put of the ground.

• A category 3 hurricane can have winds from 111 mph - 130 mph. This can suck up big trees and a lot of damage is done to smaller and badly built houses.

• A category 4 hurricane can have winds from 131 - 155 mph. It blows away large parts of beaches and puts it further away. Roofs on big buildings get damaged and streets anywhere can get flooded, now no one is safe!

• A category 5 hurricane can have winds from 156 mph and anything more than that. All types of roofs can be blown away. Whole buildings without good foundations get destroyed. All houses near beaches get flooded and people then resort to evacuation.

Page 6: Hurricane Katrina


The destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina was massive. Streets were flooded, houses were ripped to shreds, trees got pulled out of the

ground. But worse of all lives were lost. Over 1002 lives were lost. It was tragic and to make it even worse when they were rebuilding Mexico in 2007 AD a tornado hit and wrecked

their hard work!

Page 7: Hurricane Katrina

The end