I am a switcher I am a switcher From Windows to MacOS

I Am A Switcher

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My presentation at Barcamp Gent 2008 - second edition.

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Page 1: I Am A Switcher

I am a switcherI am a switcherFrom Windows to MacOS

Page 2: I Am A Switcher


Tom Adriaenssen

@inferis on twitter


Freelance developer/architect

Page 3: I Am A Switcher

Some historySome history

ZX SpectrumAged 12, “Sommen”

Atari STInstalled DOS card“Indy3!”

386, Windows 3.1Pentium

My first own PC

Several laptops (medion, thinkpads, dell)

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My Dell Latitude D800My Dell Latitude D800

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My first MacMy first Mac

Macbook Pro 17”First generation

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My first MacMy first MacFirst thing I did?

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My first MacMy first MacFirst thing I did: install windows on it.

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Windows, on a mac?Windows, on a mac?Why? Because I could.

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Windows, on a mac?Windows, on a mac?Plan: use both OSX and Windows.

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Windows, on a mac?Windows, on a mac?Result: I only used Windows.

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Windows, on a mac?Windows, on a mac?Or: A Windows box, with an Apple skin…

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Switched?Switched?Nope, I just got another type of machine.

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The real switchThe real switch30 june 2008

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The real switchThe real switch30 june 2008: more than 2 years after purchase.

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The real switchThe real switchCause: Vista SP1 beta was about to timebomb

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The real switchThe real switchBought Leopard, removed Windows altogether.

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The real switchThe real switchBrought Windows back in a VM. Parallels rules.

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The real switchThe real switchBought “a lot” of Mac software…

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The real switchThe real switchTextmate, Transmit, but also an NTFS driver.

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The real switchThe real switchPHP development on a Mac is SchweetTM.

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The real switchThe real switchA developer’s essential on a Mac: QWERTY.

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Mac+Mac+What I like about a Mac?

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Mac+Mac+It has internet.

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Mac+Mac+It has internet. And email.

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Mac+Mac+It has internet. And email. And Facebook.

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Mac+Mac+And you can use it to watch porn.

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(comes with the internet)

And you can use it to watch porn.

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Mac+Mac+And you can use it to watch porn. Or make porn.

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Mac+Mac+Isn’t that what iMovie is for? And iDVD?

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Mac+Mac+On a more serious note…

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Mac+Mac+She’s got the look.

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Mac+Mac+She’s got the look. (Macporn, anyone?)

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Mac+Mac+Her software looks good, too.

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Mac+Mac+Love the usability aspects.

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Mac+Mac+Love the usability aspects (it just works).

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Mac+Mac+For example: drag’n’drop app install.

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Mac+Mac+It’s stable.

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Mac+Mac+It’s stable (kernel panics FTW).

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Mac+Mac+“Hey, this is a UNIX system. I know this!”

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Mac+Mac+I love the font aliasing.

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Mac-Mac-What I don’t like about a Mac?

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Mac-Mac-It’s too fucking expensive.

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Mac-Mac-The Finder sucks.

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Mac-Mac-The Finder sucks (most of the time).

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Mac-Mac-Spaces is nice, but a mess.

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Mac-Mac-Hidden dialogs are teh suXX0rs.

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Mac-Mac-I sometimes miss real maximized apps.

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Mac-Mac-Haven’t found a good place for the Dock.

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Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.Explorer sucks. It also hangs, sometimes.

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Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.Annoying Windows Updates wanting reboots.

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Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.IE6.

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Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.IE6, IE7.

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Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.IE6, IE7. Perhaps IE8. But it looks cool.

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Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.Did I mention IE6?

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Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.The “need” for virusscanners and anti-malware.

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Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.Per app keyboard settings? Really?

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A Mac is greatA Mac is greatBut the hardware sucks.

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Hardware woesHardware woesMight be bad luck, but…

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Hardware woesHardware woesThe DVD drive is FUBAR.

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Hardware woesHardware woesWifi performance has be sub-par from the start.

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Hardware woesHardware woes

I’ve had one battery replaced, and now need another one.

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Hardware woesHardware woes

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Hardware woesHardware woes

Why do you think I’m presenting this from a Windows Tablet, eh?

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Hardware woesHardware woesNo more 1st gen Apple hardware for me.

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It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceI can run what I want.

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It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceI can run cool Mac apps in OSX.

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It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceI can do .Net development in a Windows VM.

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It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceI can play PC games in a bootcamp setup.

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It’s about choiceIt’s about choice

I can combine Windows and Mac apps. Coherence FTW.

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It’s about choiceIt’s about choice

I can combine Windows and Mac apps. VM and Bootcamp integration FTW.

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It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceIt’s also why I don’t want an iPhone.

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Ideally?Ideally?I’d like to run OSX on “commodity hardware”.

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Ideally?Ideally?About of the box, without hacks.

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I don’t care much about the external aesthetics, to be fair.

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Ideally?Ideally?But the software is great.

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The future?The future?I’m getting myself a new Macbook Pro.

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The future?The future?Hoping there’s going to be a new 17” model.

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The future?The future?I need my screen real estate.

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The future?The future?Might break my 1st gen hardware rule. We’ll see.

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Thanks.Thanks.Time left for questions? Probably not.

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And oh: ban IE6. Please.And oh: ban IE6. Please.This presentation was presented at #barcampgent2.