Intestinal Permeability/leaky gut

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Intestinal Permeability/leaky gut

Disruption of cells lining the intestine leads to intestinal hyperpermeability which has been proposed by some researchers to involve a relationship with acute and chronic diseases such as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, allergies, asthma, autism.

Can manifest in a variety of ways

Observations/ the evolution approach

• Cavemen (pre-agriculturalists) and modern hunter gatherers did not suffer from the diseases of modern civilization.

• The diets of hunter gather’s we free of grains, legumes and dairy.

• Are genes are virtually identical to cavemen ( yeah but they are also virtually identical to chimps)

• Grains , legumes and dairy are neolithic (new) foods.

Invalid inference: We should eat devoid of grains, legumes and dairy.

Just an observation. But a good one.

Yes more questions need to be asked

For example: we can find new food sources of food and adapt to it

Research/the anti-nutrient approach

• Have we adapted to the consumption of grains

• Are these evolutionary novel foods a problem with our biochemistry?

• Well Plants have anti-nutrients as a defense mechanism. But it all depends on the digestive process.

Saponins are antinutrients

We need to consider this!

Other antinutrients

They are everywhere!

Food is out to kill us!

No not really.

• Heat deactivates most of these antinutrients.

• Also have to consider what happens when you consume these things as part of real foods.

Depends. If you don’t cook them well. yeah


Storage proteins. The above is gluten. Really tough to digest. We see this when we try to ferment it.