Specification by example building the right thing

Intro to Specification By Example

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Intro to Specification By Example

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Page 1: Intro to Specification By Example

Specification by example

building the right thing

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❖ software developer @BuyerDeck.com

❖ partner @craftsmans.lv

Who am I?

Andrey [email protected]


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❖ software developer @BuyerDeck.com

❖ partner @craftsmans.lv

Who am I?

Andrey [email protected]



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Why I’m here?

I am fan of:❖ building valuable software❖ methods that help build valuable software❖ and particularly Specification by example

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❖ What it is?❖ Why it is needed?❖ When to apply?❖ How to use?❖ Anti-patterns❖ Use cases❖ Q&A


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Specification by example ATTD?Behaviour Driven Development

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What it is?

Essentially, a light-weight specification of the system based on example behaviour.

#BDD in a tweet: Using examples at multiple levels to create a shared understanding and surface uncertainty to deliver software that matter.

Dan North (@tastapod)

William Knight

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What it is?

Essentially, a light-weight specification of the system based on example behaviour.

#BDD in a tweet: Using examples at multiple levels to create a shared understanding and surface uncertainty to deliver software that matter.

Dan North (@tastapod)

William Knight

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What it is?“Specification by Example is a set of process patterns that facilitate change in software products to ensure that the right product is delivered efficiently.” Gojko Adzic

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What it is?“Specification by Example is a set of process patterns that facilitate change in software products to ensure that the right product is delivered efficiently.” Gojko Adzic

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What challenges it tries to solve?

❖ knowing what to build❖ lack of shared understanding ❖ long feedback loops❖ multiple sources of truth

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❖ to build the right thing❖ approach zero defects ❖ find bugs early❖ shared understanding❖ automated acceptance criteria❖ single source of truth


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Why examples?

❖ easier to understand❖ harder to misinterpret❖ we already use them

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❖ Either complex business or complex organisation

❖ Doesn’t work well for purely technical problems❖ Doesn’t work well for UI focused software

products❖ Can be applied to legacy systems as well

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“Specification By Example only works in the context of a working relationship where both

sides are collaborating and not fighting.” Martin Fowler

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❖ investment banking❖ financial trading❖ insurance❖ airline ticket reservation❖ online gaming❖ micro-lending

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How? Process patterns

❖ Collaborative specification❖ Illustrating specifications using examples❖ Refining the specification❖ Automating examples❖ Validating frequently❖ Living documentation

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Specifying collaboratively

❖ Get together❖ Different perspectives❖ Collaboration patterns (specification workshop,

3 amigos)

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Specification workshop

❖ Look for differences and conflicts❖ Seek for shared model using a ubiquitous

language❖ Don’t jump to implementation details at this


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Example: HR vacations.

❖ Upon registering vacation for employee, vacation order need to be registered

❖ Vacation reserve report for employees show how many days left for given employee

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Specification workshop result

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Illustrating specifications using examples

❖ Given-When-Then scheme❖ Outputs first ❖ Inputs❖ Context❖ Why are these examples important?

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Refining the specification

❖ Be precise ❖ Avoid “scripts” and “flows” ❖ Focus on business perspective❖ Avoid UI or technical details❖ Avoid covering every possible combination

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Automating examples

The key point is that the automation layer needs to be kept very simple – just wiring of the

specification to the system under test (SUT).

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Testing automation❖ Have a concise description❖ Have a clear model❖ Use business language❖ Show a clear connection between inputs and

outputs.❖ Specification, not script!❖ Easy to understand❖ Precise and testable

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Tool overview


Robot Framework

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Tool overview



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Validating frequently

❖ Include example validation in Your development pipeline

❖ Execute them frequently❖ Examples can help track progress❖ Can show what got broken ❖ Consider an sprint “test pack”

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Living documentation

❖ Keep specifications as simple and short as possible

❖ Organize specifications❖ Evolve specifications ❖ Make documentation accessible

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Anti-patterns❖ No collaboration❖ Focusing on how not what❖ Too detailed or too UI centric examples❖ Underestimating effort required

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No collaboration❖ Business analysts or developers writing

examples themselves.❖ Testers trying to handle all the acceptance

testing.❖ Business dictating tests.❖ Team members missing from spec workshops.

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No collaboration❖ Business analysts or developers writing

examples themselves.❖ Testers trying to handle all the acceptance

testing.❖ Business dictating tests.❖ Team members missing from spec workshops.

Many assumptions

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No collaboration❖ Business analysts or developers writing

examples themselves.❖ Testers trying to handle all the acceptance

testing.❖ Business dictating tests.❖ Team members missing from spec workshops.

Many assumptions Building wrong thing

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No collaboration❖ Business analysts or developers writing

examples themselves.❖ Testers trying to handle all the acceptance

testing.❖ Business dictating tests.❖ Team members missing from spec workshops.

Many assumptions Building wrong thing

Testing wrong thing

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No collaboration❖ Business analysts or developers writing

examples themselves.❖ Testers trying to handle all the acceptance

testing.❖ Business dictating tests.❖ Team members missing from spec workshops.

Many assumptions Building wrong thing

Testing wrong thing Unaware when code is finished

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Solution: Collaborate❖ Business people, developers and testers give

input from their own perspectives.❖ Automated examples prove the team has built

the correct thing.❖ The collaboration process is more valuable than

the tests themselves.

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Focusing on how, not what

❖ Duplication in tests❖ Very technical examples❖ Hard to understand examples❖ Slow tests❖ Large number of similar cases❖ Using examples as the ONLY tests

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Focusing on how, not what

❖ Duplication in tests❖ Very technical examples❖ Hard to understand examples❖ Slow tests❖ Large number of similar cases❖ Using examples as the ONLY tests

Hard to maintain


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Focusing on how, not what

❖ Duplication in tests❖ Very technical examples❖ Hard to understand examples❖ Slow tests❖ Large number of similar cases❖ Using examples as the ONLY tests

Hard to maintain


Hard to understand spec

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Focusing on how, not what

❖ Duplication in tests❖ Very technical examples❖ Hard to understand examples❖ Slow tests❖ Large number of similar cases❖ Using examples as the ONLY tests

Hard to maintain


Loss of interest from business representatives

Hard to understand spec

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Solution: Focusing on what

❖ Don’t try to cover all possible cases ❖ Don’t forget to use different kind of tests❖ Keep examples as simple as possible❖ Examples should be easy understandable by

users of the system❖ Tools shouldn’t play an important part in


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Scenarios are too UI or detail focused

❖ Scenarios contain JQuery selectors❖ Scenarios contain technical stuff (XML’s for


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Scenarios are too UI or detail focused

❖ Scenarios contain JQuery selectors❖ Scenarios contain technical stuff (XML’s for

example)Hard to maintain


Loss of interest from business representatives

Hard to understand spec

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Solution: Focus on business

❖ Keep specification at business intent❖ Include business in creating and reviewing

specs❖ Hide all the details in the automation layer

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Underestimating effort required

❖ Disillusionment and complaints❖ Blaming tools and process❖ Unnecessary stress❖ Resisting to change

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Underestimating effort required

❖ Disillusionment and complaints❖ Blaming tools and process❖ Unnecessary stress❖ Resisting to change

Teams think they have

failed and get

disappointed early.

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Solution: Be prepared

❖ Benefits are not immediately apparent, even while team practices are being (dramatically) changed

❖ Introducing SbE is challenging❖ Requires time and investments ❖ Automated testing doesn’t come for free

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Use case #1. Payment charging.❖ Integration with bank through files❖ Payments can be canceled within 5 business

days❖ Applied write & review❖ Struggling with tools (where to put

specifications Wiki, or right as cucumber features)

❖ testing through UI

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Use case #1. Lessons learned.

❖ SpE is not easy as it seemed❖ Learn tooling❖ It’s hard to write specs on existing system

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Use case #2. Loan application handler

❖ new project❖ co-located team❖ freedom❖ real specification workshop❖ automated tests worked quite well

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Use case #2. Lessons learned.

❖ Collaboration workshop is awesome!❖ It’s a lot easier to work when You have

acceptance tests in front of You❖ SpE works even without Cucumber

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❖ get together❖ specify using examples❖ clean up and improve examples❖ automate examples❖ write code which satisfies examples❖ deploy❖ live happily ever after

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❖ get together❖ specify using examples❖ clean up and improve examples❖ automate examples❖ write code which satisfies examples❖ deploy❖ live happily ever after

Repeat for next user story

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Know the benefits

❖ increased quality❖ reduced waste❖ reduced risk of production defects❖ focused effort❖ changes can be made more safely❖ improved business involvement

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Know the benefits

❖ increased quality❖ reduced waste❖ reduced risk of production defects❖ focused effort❖ changes can be made more safely❖ improved business involvement

But remember that it will not be easy.

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“Having a conversation is more important than

recording the conversationis more important than

automating the conversation”

Liz Keogh

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