Introduction to Swagger Tony Tam @fehguy

Introducing Swagger

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Swagger is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.

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Page 1: Introducing Swagger

Introduction to Swagger

Tony Tam@fehguy

Page 2: Introducing Swagger

Why Swagger?

•Integration with REST APIs is troublesome and inconsistent

• Different vendors have different REST semantics

• Client libraries vary wildly by vendor, language

• Documentation for developers is an afterthought

• Input parameters, allowable values, models, responses are found via trial & error

•Internally a PITA

•YOUR API is too hard to develop against!

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How Does it Work?

•Your server produces a Resource List

• All available APIshttp://petstore.swagger.wordnik.com/api/resources.json

“It’s like a sitemap for your


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How Does it Work?

•Each API declares itself

• Available operations

• Parameters

• Type (path, query, body)

• Allowable values/data types

• Input/output models

• Error responses with descriptions

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API Response


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API Response

•Knowing input/output models is helpful!

Based on JSON

Schema (Draft)


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But what’s the benefit?

•A Sandbox!

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Client Library Generation

•Code generation based on Resource Spec

• Template-based Framework

• Consume REST Methods, Models, Parameters

• Produce client libraries

•“Know before you go HTTP”

• Required values, fields are known by the client

•Only expose what’s allowed!

• Swagger filtering removes methods/models you don’t have access to

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Client Library GenerationOrdinary dev access

Super user


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Test Framework

•JSON-driven tests for your Client + API

Expected dataTest Suites

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Test Framework

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Easy to add

•For Java/Scala via JAX-RS…

• Add swagger-core.jar

• Annotate your models per your @Provider class

• Annotate your resources

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Easy to add

•For node.js via express

• Require swagger.js

• Declare your swagger specs, models

• Could use AST/DSL to do automatically

• Add your operations, configure and start

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Easy DIY

•The Swagger spec is Language Agnostic!

• ANY swagger-compliant server can…

• Use the Swagger client lib generator

• Use the test framework

• Use the sandbox UI

•More server support from Wordnik

• Play, Rails

•.net, others community developed

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Where to go Next

•Try Swaggerswagger.wordnik.com

•See it in actiondeveloper.wordnik.com/docs

•Download the source/samplesswagger.wordnik.com/downloads

•Discuss itgroups.google.com/group/wordnik-api

#swagger_doc on freenode

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