いまどきの iOS プログラミング with Xcode 5 伊勢 シン 2013/10/12 (Sat) プログラミング放送勉強会 第26回@阪

いまどきのiOSプログラミング with Xcode5

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  • 1. iOS with Xcode 5 2013/10/12 (Sat) 26

2. / @iseebi / id:iseebi iPhone / Android @ Xamarin.Android Lite Haskell in H15 3. iOS Java / PHP / Perl Objective-C 4. iOS alloc / init / release / autorelease @synthesize iPhone 5 5. iOS ARC 4 @synthesize OK OK GUI CocoaPods 6. iOS 7 iOS 5/6 iPhone 5s 64bit int long 6ARC,Storyboard,Autolayout 7 (6) (7) 7. iOS / iOS Xcode OK Objective-C Storyboard Autolayout 6/7 CocoaPods () 8. Objective-C Objective-C 9. @interface @implementation 1 @interface 2 @interface ClassName(Hoge) @implementation 10. 1: 11. 1 @synthesize 12. Xcode Assistant Editor Counterparts : command, option (alt), : esc 13. Objective-C @property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger step; + (id) valueWithData:(NSData *)data; - (void) introduceToUserWithTitle:(NSString *)title; 14. Objective-C 3 Objective-C NS UI Objective-C Objective-C * (C) int long enum 64bit NSInteger Blocks void (^completionBlock)(BOOL isSuccess); 15. 2: @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *title; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *values; @property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger step; Objective-C strong Mutable (NSString ) copy () weak enum assign Blocks copy 16. Blocks Blocks self () self Blocks __weak __typeof(self) __weak __typeof(self) bself = self; [UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{ bself.view.alpha = 0.5; }]; 17. 4 ARC ARC = Automatic Reference Counter iOS 5 Blocks weak self weak delegate 18. Xcode 5 + Storyboard Demo 19. Objective-C ARC Storyobard UI 6/7 Autolayout 5