THE IPPTS REPORT ON HOME SOLAR ENERGY Why Home Solar Energy is a MUST HAVE Money saver STEVE SYMES Principal IPPTS Associates [email protected] http://solar-outdoor.co.uk/

IPPTS Report on Home Solar Energy

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Outdoor solar energy sources abound, and are becoming more popular. Find out about solar and how to use solar roof panels etc to reduce your energy bills, permanently.

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SOLAR ENERGYWhy Home Solar Energy is a MUST HAVE Money saver



IPPTS Associates

[email protected]


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The IPPTS Report

on Home Solar Energy

How You Can Benefit From Green

Solar Energy

If you have been thinking of

investing in solar panels for your

home, either to save you money on

electricity, to make you secure in the

knowledge that you energy costs are

pegged no matter how much

electricity prices go up. Or, simply

because you wish not to pollute and

emit carbon dioxide and other

pollutants more than necessary in

your own life, you can benefit from

modern solar power collectors.

Now I have found that the idea of going

green in the home may make many

people scratch their heads. It can be

rather confusing and maybe a bit

intimidating; if you are unsure about

what steps can be taken to improve the

way energy is used in your home, read

on to get some information that will

assist you in going green.


You will benefit from reading this, by

learning about the following


#1. What is the Solar Power

Opportunity Available to All

Homeowners? In this article we explain

the most common uses of solar power,

so that you will appreciate the very

wide scope that exists these days to use

solar electricity to your advantage.

#2. A Deeper Look at Solar Power

and How It Can Help the Average

Homeowner: Before diving further into

the vast number of uses for solar


Page 3: IPPTS Report on Home Solar Energy

energy, it is important to have a solid

understanding of solar energy itself.

Solar energy is electricity generated by

the Sun's radiation that is absorbed

through square material known as

"solar cells", but that is only the start.

So, read this article for yet more

essential solar information.

#3. How Solar Power Can be a Real

Benefit for Ordinary Homes: Learn

how electricity from the standard grid

suppliers comes from fossil fuels which

are being burned. How to address this

issue is by using solar power for your

home, and how federal and state

governments are now encouraging

many homeowners to utilize solar

power by offering grants and loans. We

make the case for solar power now

being a "must" for most homes. Also,

find out about low cost DIY solar power


#4. What You Should Know About

Roof-Mounted Solar Cells Before

Buying: Learn how to harness rooftop

solar energy, reduce your electric bill

and limit the amount of carbon dioxide

you add to the atmosphere each day.

Become aware how, depending on

where you live, your roof's orientation,

and the load your roof can bear,

mounting photovoltaic cells (PVs) on

your roof may or may not be a valuable

investment for you, in increasing your

household's energy independence.

#5. Is Solar Power Really as Green as

You Think It Is? It seems as though

with every good thing there is also bad

side. Solar energy is not perfect. We

want you to know about the pitfalls

and the ways in which the sustainability

of solar panels could be jeopardized by

the choice of the wrong manufacturers,

so read this to avoid the environmental


Now you know what we have for you in

this book. Read on and enjoy your new


Page 4: IPPTS Report on Home Solar Energy


DISCLAIMER: This information is provided

"as is". The author, publishers and

marketers of this information disclaim

any loss or liability, either directly or

indirectly as a consequence of applying

the information presented herein, or in

regard to the use and application of said

information. No guarantee is given, either

expressed or implied, in regard to the

merchantability, accuracy, or

acceptability of the information.

© 2012 by IPPTS Associates .

#1. What is the Solar Power Opportunity

Available to All Homeowners?

In this article we expla IPPTS

Associatesin the most common uses of

solar power, so that you will apperciate

the very wide scope that exists these

days to use solar electricity to your


If your home has a pool or hot tub, look

into a solar water heating system.

Installing a solar water heating system

costs about the same as a conventional

system, but operating costs for the

system will be much lower. Repair costs

for solar heating systems are often

lower as well.

Remember that solar panels, whether

you install them on your roof or

anywhere else on your property, must

be angled toward the sun to receive

maximum exposure. In the Northern

Hemisphere, this means facing them

south with an angle of latitude plus

fifteen degrees. Otherwise, your

investment will not return as much


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energy as you hope.

If you are in the process of, or planning

to, design your own home, you can

build some green energy sources right

into your home from the beginning.

Start by looking for land that has a

water source such as a creek or room

for wind turbines. Another good idea is

to choose a roof with solar panels built

in. You can even position them to get

the most out of sunlight.

Use portable solar panels. Small solar

panels are now available for the home,

and some of them are very affordable.

By putting the power of the sun to

work in your home, you will not use as

much electricity to power your devices,

which can save you a good deal of


Consider opting for a solar hot water

heating system. If you must use hot

water to run your dishwasher or do

your laundry, a solar hot water system

can benefit you. If you live in an area

where freezing is not a concern, a direct

circulation system will be perfect for


To reduce your energy consumption

and live a greener lifestyle, consider

purchasing a home which already has

green amenities. For example, an

increasing number of real estate

properties offer windmills, solar panels

or other energy saving or green options

for the socially conscious individual.

Get a jump start on greening your

home by purchasing one which is

already green!


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Green technology is a growing trend

amongst a lot of people in first world

countries. A lot of people are realizing

at just how much we as humans are

effecting the environment, yet they are

also realizing at just how much we can

contribute and help. There are many

ways you can aid the environment from

doing things like buying an electric car,

changing the light bulbs in your house,

or investing in solar panels for your


You should now be more aware of what

it takes to make your home a green

one. Use the provided information to

reduce the amount of resources that it

takes to run your home. You are sure to

appreciate the changes that you have

made for your lifetime and your


#2. A Deeper Look at Solar Power and

How It Can Help the Average


Before diving into the vast number of

uses for solar energy, it is important to

have a solid understanding of solar

energy itself. Solar energy is electricity

generated by the Sun's radiation that is

absorbed through square material

known as "solar cells".

To put it simply: the Sun's rays heat up

solar cells, and the heat's energy is

converted into electricity to power

anything from small devices such as

laptop bags to entire buildings.

Four Classes of Solar Energy

There are four major styles of solar

energy: direct, indirect, active and


Direct solar energy systems convert the

thermal energy once, while indirect

systems convert the energy multiple

times. Active solar means there are

mechanical and electrical parts. Passive


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systems do not use any mechanical

parts to convert the energy to


"So how does solar energy actually


There are many methods for capturing

the power of the Sun's energy, but the

most common devices are

"Photovoltaic cells". These are

commonly known as solar cell

semiconductors that produce electricity

whenever the external material is

exposed to heat. The cells also naturally

store thermal (heat) energy so the

device the cells are powering can work

when it is dark as well.

Heat from the Sun is absorbed by the

silicon cells and the energy is stored

and converted for use by the

semiconductor inside the cells.

"How can solar energy help me?"

When solar energy cells were first

introduced in 1941 by Russell Ohl,

people hardly realized how this simple

invention could change the World. The

biggest problem with the energy

technique has been the initial cost.

However, while silicon is expensive,

people have been recently turning to

powering their entire house with solar


Yes, there is a large initial investment,

but by eliminating your electric bill for

the rest of your life, there is a good

chance you'll recoup the loss. Many

people use solar energy to heat their

water (tap, showers, swimming pools,

etc.) without powering their entire

home. This is much cheaper, but it can

still have a positive impact on utility

bills and the environment.

There have been many other smaller

uses, too. In 2006, a small electronics

company invented a solar cell laptop


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bag that could not only carry your

laptop, but constantly charge it on the


There practically an infinite number of

possibilities for small devices being

charged with solar energy and

eliminating the need for charging every

night for hours just to get a few hours

of use.

As solar cell production costs decrease,

more companies will be able to

produce solar-powered devices and

accessories the public can afford. Either

way, solar energy is a reliable, natural

source of energy that can be used to

power practically anything, and it won't

run out until the Sun does!

#3. How Solar Power Can be a Real

Benefit for Ordinary Homes

‘Going green’ is the trend these days

since the world is facing a lot of

environmental problems specifically

global warming. Electricity comes from

fossil fuels which are being burned. The

emissions contribute a lot to global

warming and one way to address this

issue is by using solar power for homes.

Even the federal and state

governments are now encouraging

many homeowners to utilize solar

power by offering grants and loans.

Solar power is a must for homes and it

is not just for the rich people.

Are you familiar with DIY solar power

kits? The DIY kits are widely available in

online stores and perhaps in local

stores. All you need to do is shop

around and find a suitable system that

can work for your home.

Why is the solar power system a must

for homes?

As mentioned earlier, the government

is also supporting green energy

through grants and loans. Aside from

that, there are also incentives. For

instance, if you spend around $20,000

on system installation, the state

government will give you a 30% credit.

This means that your next tax bill will

decrease by 30% of $20,000 which is

$6,000. The credit can also be extended

to the following year as long as the

amount is covered fully.


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Once you install the system, it requires

minimum maintenance. Make sure that

you also clean and clear it properly. You

can consult a professional who knows a

great deal about solar power systems

and have yours checked annually. Most

homeowners do little work on their

systems and this is a great advantage.

Sunlight is available for all and since

fossil fuels are depleting, it is an

excellent option. If you install a system

for your home, you will simply need to

invest once and after that, you can now

benefit as long as the system is working

properly. Your electricity bills will surely

be reduced and so you will have

smaller bills every month. You can use

the solar power system for your

outdoor lights, garden lights and

features, and even for indoor use as

long as the inverter is big enough.

Solar panels are one of the most

popular solar power systems used

today. If blackouts are quite common in

your area, it would really help a lot if

you install solar power. That way, even

if other homes don’t have electricity,

your home can still have electricity.

Solar panels are reliable as well as the

other systems available today. Most

manufacturers also provide warranty

and so you can expect the solar panels

to be durable. You won’t hear any noise

since the panels are working quietly

while producing the needed energy.

Electrocution cases are rare since the

photovoltaic cells have low amperage

and are very safe. Power is produced

without emissions or fuel combustions.

Most of all, with solar power systems,


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you can help in saving the

environment. You can help in

decreasing pollution and the

degradation of the environment. The

power systems can last for decades

with proper maintenance and care. If

you’re interested to go green, don’t

hesitate to install a solar power system

for your home. This is the best time to

make a choice – a choice that can have

a significant impact to the world. After

installation of the system, you can now

enjoy a continuous supply of green


#4. What You Should Know About

Roof-Mounted Solar Cells Before Buying

Whenever the sun is out, your home's

roof is exposed to solar energy. Why

not harness that energy, reduce your

electric bill and limit the amount of

carbon dioxide you add to the

atmosphere each day? Depending on

where you live, your roof's orientation,

and the load your roof can bear,

mounting photovoltaic cells (PVs) on

your roof could be a valuable

investment in increasing your

household's energy independence.

What are PVs and how do they work?

Certain materials like gallium arsenide,

crystalline and amorphous silicon, and

copper indium diselenide produce

electricity when they absorb light. This

is called the photoelectric effect. Solar

cells are typically made of a thin layer of

such photosensitive material. Light

hitting the solar cell raises the energy

level of the electrons within. At an

elevated energy state, the electrons are

able to escape from their molecules

and create an electric current.

How can you tell if your roof is a

good candidate for solar cell


Solar cells work best when exposed to

direct sunlight. Ideally, you could put a

panel of cells on a motorized mount

that follows the sun's path through the

sky, but that's usually not practical for a

roof. The next best thing is a roof

mounting where the pitch has an

unobstructed southern exposure.

Depending on your latitude and the

angle of your roof's pitch, your PV

system installer may suggest


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optimizing the angle of your PV

modules with an elevated mounting

rack so that they can catch more light.

You also need to be cognizant of how

much weight your roof can bear. If your

roof already has two layers of shingles,

you probably shouldn't add solar

panels to the load.

An alternative to solar panels is a

relatively new product, "solar shingles".

These are shingles into which PV cells

have been incorporated. If your roof

needs to be replaced anyhow, solar

shingles offer the opportunity to kill

two birds with one stone.

Finally, PV cells lose efficiency as the

temperature rises. In warm climates,

you may be better off exploring

alternatives like wind-power. In places

like Florida and California, public

utilities are bringing solar thermal

electric power plants online. Such

systems, though primarily feasible only

for installations much larger than the

single-family home, actually turn out to

be more efficient and cheaper than PV

systems when it's hot.

What components make up a

roof-mounted PV system?

PV cells output direct current, and can

be connected in series to increase the

output voltage. Though there are

specialized appliances available that

run on DC, most PV systems have the

cells send electricity through an

inverter. This converts the solar cells'

DC to standard household alternating

current. The output from the inverter is

then integrated into the house's

electric system. Smaller systems mostly

just supplement power from the

electric company, reducing your overall


If you install a larger system and make

your home very energy efficient, you

may have often had a surplus of


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electricity. You can either store this for

later in on-site batteries, or feed it back

to the electric grid. If you feed your

surplus back to the grid, the electric

company may actually pay you. This is

called "net metering", and is the law in

more than thirty-five states. It's a good

deal for you, and it's a good deal for the

electric company because your PV

system is most likely to produce surplus

electricity exactly when peak demand

occurs. Your surplus-producing PV

system could actually help avert power


How much does a PV system cost?

The initial cost of a roof-mounted solar

array can range from $6,000 for a small

supplementary system to $30,000 or

more for a large "off-the-grid" system.

The capital cost of such a home-based

PV system is rather abstract, though. It

would be better to compare what you

are currently paying per kilowatt-hour

to an amortized per kilowatt-hour cost

for a PV system. According to the U. S.

Department of Energy, that cost is

about $0.25 per kilowatt-hour. In most

places, this is more than what the

utilities charge.

That's the bad news.

The good news is that there are many

state-sponsored incentive programs for

solar energy. Take advantage of them,

and you could break even. For

information about these programs, you

should consult the National Database

of State Incentives for Renewable

Energy (DSIRE), prepared by the North

Carolina Solar Center. The database

covers incentive programs meant to

promote the development of

renewable energy.

In addition, the cost of the electricity

your PV system produces is insulated

from deregulation, rate-hikes, and

inflation, that amortized twenty-five


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cents per kilowatt-hour cost will still be

twenty-five cents thirty years from now.

Who knows what your local electric rate

will be?

And there's more good news. By going

solar, you are reducing the amount of

coal and natural gas burned at power

plants, you are reducing the amount of

carbon dioxide we pump into the

atmosphere, and you are asserting your

energy independence.

Putting solar cells on your roof is an

idea whose time has come.

Home-produced solar electricity is

feasible, makes sense, and is within the

reach of most homeowners.

#5. Is Solar Power Really as Green as

You Think It Is?

It seems as though with every good

thing there is a bad side. Such is the the

case with solar energy. Solar energy is

destined to be the next super star in the

quest for renewable energy. On the

surface solar energy appears to be the

solution to our world's energy crisis, but

what is not obvious is the dark side to

solar energy. The manufacturing

process of solar panels uses a large

amount of fossil fuels and the cells in

solar panels contain toxic materials

which are not readily recycled.

Environmentalists are concerned that

this new technology will pour

hazardous wastes into or landfills when

these panels start to wear out.

Standards need to be set today that

deal with the end of life of these solar

panels. We certainly do not want a

whole new industry that continues to

pollute our planet.

It is critical that this new technology,

which has so much promise for the

future, be completely green from start

to finish. We cannot afford to make the

same mistakes that we made with the

electronics industry. e-Waste is a major

problem around the world. Improper

disposal of cell phones, computers,

printers and other electronic waste is

filling the landfills with hazardous and

toxic materials in a big way. Solar

energy technology should not take that

same route.


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The solar industry is only in its infancy

and accounts for only a minute amount

of the power needed to run this planet.

This is set to change. The newly elected

President of the United States,

promises to get the country on the

right track to ends its dependency, on

not only foreign oil, but oil all together.

The problem with pushing this

technology is that countries such as

China are using horrific manufacturing

practices to supply components for

solar power products. Story after story

is being reported about the

contamination of the soil, water and air

in China, all from the improper

dumping of toxic chemicals.

Low paid workers, many of whom are

children, are dying, developing cancers

and suffering from all sorts of diseases

due to the manufacturing practices

used today.

It is critical that as technology

progresses, materials must be used that

do not harm the environment. It is

important to have a disposal plan in

place when these units wear out or are

replaced with new technology.

Many manufacturing companies want

to "do the right thing", and are working

together to develop ideas on how to

recycle solar panels before they

become an environmental hazard.

These companies do not want to deal

with rules and regulations that may be

passed in the future, and are willing to

take responsibility for the entire life and

death of their products.

Some companies have gone so far as to

set up private trust funds to cover the

cost of the collection efforts. This will

ensure that the panels will be recycled

even if the company goes out of


So make sure that you only buy your


Page 15: IPPTS Report on Home Solar Energy

solar panels from companies that

provide solutions to the energy

problem and not create environmental

hazards. Providing we all ask those

questions in our quest for genuinely

sustainable renewable energy, we will

not go far wrong.

Summing Up... Let's round this report

off, and remember what we have


You now know:

What the Solar Power Opportunity

Available to All Homeowners is

You have taken a Deeper Look at Solar

Power and How It Can Help the

Average Homeowner

You have read how Solar Power Can be

a Real Benefit for Ordinary Homes

You now know What You Should Know

About Roof-Mounted Solar Cells Before


And, you've become knowledgeable

about to what extent Solar Power

Really as Green as You Think It Is, and

you know about the pitfalls. You

understand the ways in which the

sustainability of solar panels could be

jeopardized by the choice of the wrong

manufacturers, and this knowledge will

enable you to avoid the possible

environmental mistakes which others

will possibly make.

We hope that you really did find that

useful, but it is really only scratching

the surface of the detailed steps for

energy savings which you could be

tapping into. We suggest that you

read-on if you want to benefit yet more

from energy saving cash...

This report was sponsored by .


Is It Possible To Stop Paying For

Electricity By Using Solar And Wind

Power That Is Available For FREE?,

Without Anyone Else Tricking You Into

Thinking That A Home Energy

Generator Is Expensive... The fact is that

you Could Go "Off Grid", Or Even Have

The Electric Company Pay YOU...?


Page 16: IPPTS Report on Home Solar Energy

According to David Knight, a

self-employed home energy expert

for the last 8 years, who has made a

large number of renewable systems

for clients that wanted to get energy

for free and save a lot of money, and

owner of the popular :

DIYPowerSystem website the answer

is yes!

"When I started people said that a

Home Energy Generator was too

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it David Knight, and I continue to do

it for very many clients, he tells us.

Why most people struggle with paying

for energy..

According to David Knight, there's a

reason why so many people struggle

with saving on their energy bills

despite so much help being offered

to them today...

"There are so many interested in

keeping the energy industry as it is

today, that they will never give out the

help you need on a plate. I am a fanatic

reader of all sorts of magazines that

show people the tech details behind

renewable energy systems. Using tons

of books, magazines and instructions I

was able to build my own systems and

even my home."

"Then, and for the last 8 years, I have

been making tons of renewable

systems for clients that wanted to get

energy for free and save a lot of money.

And this was very successful. Clients

were very happy that they kept sending

more clients. Eventually, I got to a point

that people were flooding my doors in

order to build systems for them. But, I


Page 17: IPPTS Report on Home Solar Energy

realized that if I wanted to help more

people I would need to write down the

instructions on how I do it. That was

how this product was born"

How David Knight conquered his

energy bill problem with a unique

approach, and says he can solve your


"Discover How To Build Your Own Wind

Or Solar Energy Generator For As Little

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Beginning...", David Knight tells us.

David Knight focuses on the unique

approach he has developed through

years od study, trial and error, to solve

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energy cost savings.

We asked ourselves was it worth it? We

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Page 18: IPPTS Report on Home Solar Energy

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