<web/F> CSS architecture CSS is as important as JavaScript

IV - CSS architecture

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CSS architecture CSS is as important as JavaScript

<web/F> <web/F>

Why CSS architecture? It is not as trivial as you think

<web/F> <web/F>

CSS tragedy

The great tragedy of CSS is that it doesn’t stop your application

if CSS is broken.

And that is why CSS always takes a backseat to JavaScript.

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If CSS break

• Breaking of JavaScript may disable use of certain feature.

• But if CSS is broken, then your presentation layer break. This is big

compromise on User experience.

• Bad UX is definitely a game loser.

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Why do we need CSS architecture?

• Just one word - maintainability

• Enterprise application development is a world of

• RRC – Rapid requirement change

• Scale – Huge scale

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Idea of architecture

• Set of patterns

• Promoting good practices

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Tenets of good architecture

• DRY – Do not repeat Yourself

• Reusable

• Predictable

• Maintainable

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Problem with plain CSS

• Repetition cannot be easily avoid

• Reuse is hard

• Future friendly CSS is hard

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Days of writing plain CSS are almost over…

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CSS tool chain

• CSS pre-processors

• SASS, LESS, Stylus, etc.

• CSS post-processor

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• Which one should you chose?

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CSS frameworks

• Foundation

• Bootstrap

• Others

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Common CSS problems Techniques to write better CSS

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Problem 1

CSS code structure

How to map it properly with Angular folder structure

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<web/F> <web/F>

Problem 2

Variable naming

Choosing appropriate variable names

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Max width example

$max-width: 1440px;

.about-panel {

max-width: $max-width;


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Max width example

$max-width-1200: 1200px;

$max-width-1440: 1440px;

$max-width-1920: 1920px;

.about-panel {

max-width: $max-width-1440;


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$max-width-1200: 1200px;

$max-width-1440: 1440px;

$max-width-1920: 1920px;

$max-width-primary: $max-width-1440;

.about-panel {

max-width: $max-width-primary;


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Problem 3

Color palette design

Standardizing most powerful elements of web

<web/F> <web/F>

/* Blue color */

$fresh_blue: #2C95DD;

$blue: #2185D0;

$retro_blue: #81A4C6;

/* Black color */

$black: #000000;

$tone_dark_1: #333333;

$tone_dark_2: #606060;

$tone_dark_3: #666666;

/* White color */

$white: #FFFFFF;

$tone_white_0: #F8F8F8;

$tone_white_1: #F0F0F0;

$tone_white_2: #E1E1E1;

$tone_white_3: #CDCDCD;

$tone_white_4: #BABCBE;

$tone_white_1_trans: rgba(225, 225,

225, 0.5);

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// Color palette

$color-alabaster: #F8F8F8;

$color-concrete: #F2F2F2;

$color-gray: #888888;

$color-kelp: #464637;

$color-niagara: #0AAB8A;

$color-pelorous: #3DB0B4;

$color-red-berry: #8C0000;

$color-white: #FFFFFF;

// Site wide colors

$link-color: $color-niagara;

$color-primary: $color-niagara;

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Problem 4

Responsive CSS layout

Writing better readable code

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Responsive layout approach

Mobile first

.contact-info-section {

margin-top: 2rem;

@media all and (min-width: 768px) {

margin-top: 4rem;



Desktop first

.contact-info-section {

margin-top: 4rem;

@media all and (max-width: 768px) {

margin-top: 2rem;



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Is it a good media query

.contact-info-section {

margin-top: 2rem;

@media all and (min-width: 768px) {

margin-top: 4rem;



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Ideal media queries

.contact-info-section {

margin-top: 2rem;

@media #{$medium-up} {

margin-top: 4rem;



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CSS now has feature detection

@supports (display: flex) {

div { display: flex; }


@supports not (display: flex) {

div { float: left; } /* alternative styles */


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Problem 5

Future friendly CSS

Developers should not worry

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How cross browser CSS is written

.about-section {

display: -webkit-box; /* OLD - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6 */

display: -moz-box; /* OLD - Firefox 19- (buggy but mostly works)


display: -ms-flexbox; /* TWEENER - IE 10 */

display: -webkit-flex; /* NEW - Chrome */

display: flex;


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Let’s write mixin for that

@mixin display-flex() {

display: -webkit-box;

display: -moz-box;

display: -ms-flexbox;

display: -webkit-flex;

display: flex;


.about-section { @include display-flex; }

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Idea is to use CSS post-processor



CSS preprocessors


Post CSS (autoprefixer)



CSS uglify (minify, concat)

Bundled CSS

Build script (Grunt, Gulp, NPM, etc.)

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Problem 6

Being nicer to reusability

Carefully choosing selectors

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Being specific

/* Grenade */

#main-nav ul li ul { }

/* Sniper Rifle */

.subnav { }

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Better namespacing

/* High risk of style cross-contamination */

.widget { }

.widget .title { }

/* Low risk of style cross-contamination */

.widget { }

.widget-title { }

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Component extension

/* Bad */

.widget { }

#sidebar .widget { }

/* Good */

.widget { }

.widget-sidebar { }

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CSS architecture Writing a CSS with same concern as JS is a key to better and efficient

design. Don’t ignore it.

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Harshal Patil
