JFC And Swing Guided By: Submitted By: Mahendra Singh Tomar Komal Gandhi

Java Swing

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Page 1: Java Swing

JFC And Swing

Guided By: Submitted By: Mahendra Singh Tomar Komal Gandhi

Page 2: Java Swing

CONTENTS1. What is Java Swing…?

2. Features of Swing..

3. Java Swing Components…

4. Java Layout Management...

5. Java Events Handling…

6. Conclusion…

Page 3: Java Swing

What is Java Swing ?

•Part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC)

•Provides a rich set of GUI components.

•Used to create a Java program with a graphical user interface (GUI)

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Features Of Swing

1) Java Look and Feel

2) Data Transfer

3) Internationalization and Localization

4) Accessibility

5) System Tray Icon Support

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Java Swing Components…

• Top Level Containers• General Purpose Containers• Special Purpose Containers• Basic Controls• Uneditable Information Displays• Interactive Displays of Highly Formatted


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Top Level Containers

•Window -Dialog -Frame

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General Purpose Containers

• Panel :-


•Scroll Pane:-

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Special Purpose Containers

• Internal Frame

• Layered Pane

• Root Pane

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Basic Controls

• Buttons

• Combo Box

• List

• Menu

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Uneditable Information Displays


•Progress Bar

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Interactive Displays of Highly Formatted Information

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Java Layout Management...

1) BorderLayout

2) FlowLayout

3) GridBagLayout

4) GridLayout

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Java Events Handling…

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Types of Event Listeners

1) ActionListener

2) WindowListener

3) MouseListener

4) MouseMotionListener

5) ComponentListener

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Implementing an Event Handler

•Implement the methods in the listener interface to handle the event.

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•You can use any helpful tools out there that are for Java development like eclipse IDE, NetBeans IDE.

•Lacks live graphical and interactive help while developing.

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