All You Can Leet A heaping helping of performance, selector engines, & sandbox natives By John-David Dalton @jdalton [email protected] http://allyoucanleet.com

JSConf: All You Can Leet

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Page 1: JSConf: All You Can Leet

All You Can LeetA heaping helping of performance,

selector engines, & sandbox natives

By John-David Dalton

@jdalton ▪ [email protected] ▪ http://allyoucanleet.com

Page 2: JSConf: All You Can Leet

function times(iterator, context) { $R(0, this, true).each(iterator, context); return this;}


Reduce Abstraction

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function times(iterator, context) { var i = -1, length = this; while (++i < length) iterator.call(context, i, i); return length;}

Reduce Abstraction

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function contains(element, descendant) { if (element.compareDocumentPosition) { return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; } if (element.contains) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(element); } while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) { if (descendant == element) return true; } return false;}

Fork like Rabbits

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function isHostObject(object, property) { var type = typeof object[property]; return type === 'object' ? !!object[property] : !/^(boolean|number|string|undefined)$/.test(type);}var contains = function(element, descendant) { while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) if (descendant === element) return true; } return false;};

if (isHostObject(docEl, 'compareDocumentPosition')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { /* DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 */ return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; };}else if (isHostObject(docEl, 'contains')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(descendant); }


Fork like Rabbits

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var type = typeof object[property]; return type === 'object' ? !!object[property] : !/^(boolean|number|string|undefined)$/.test(type);}

var contains = function(element, descendant) { while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) { if (descendant === element) return true; } return false;};if (isHostObject(docEl, 'compareDocumentPosition')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { /* DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 */ return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; };}else if (isHostObject(docEl, 'contains')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(descendant); };}


Fork like Robots

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var contains = function(element, descendant) { while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) { if (descendant === element) return true; } return false;};

if (isHostObject(docEl, 'compareDocumentPosition')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { /* DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 */ return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; };}else if (isHostObject(docEl, 'contains')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(descendant); };}


Fork like Hobbits

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var contains = function(element, descendant) { while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) { if (descendant === element) return true; } return false;};

if (isHostObject(docEl, 'compareDocumentPosition')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { /* DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 */ return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; };}

else if (isHostObject(docEl, 'contains')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(descendant); };}

But don't fork Marsellus Wallace !


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var cache = { }, reHyphenated = /-([a-z])/gi, uid = +new Date;

function toUpperCase(match, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase();}

function camelCase(string) { var key = uid + string; return cache[key] || (cache[key] = string.replace(reHyphenated, toUpperCase));}



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Choose Your Engine










•Acme (Dojo)

•DomQuery (ExtJS)

•NWMatcher (FuseJS, Prototype)

•Sizzle (jQuery, MochiKit, Prototype)

•Slick (MooTools)

Selector Engines

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•Acme (Dojo)

•DomQuery (ExtJS)

•NWMatcher (FuseJS, Prototype)

•Sizzle (jQuery, MochiKit, Prototype)

•Slick (MooTools)

Dare to Compare

Selector Engines

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NWMatcher Chrome 1+ Firefox 1.5+ IE 6+ Opera 9.0+ Safari 2.0+

Legacy Chrome 1+ Firefox 1.5+ IE 6+ Opera 9.25+ Safari 2.0.4+

Sizzle Chrome 1+ Firefox 2.0+ IE 6+ Opera 9.0+ Safari 3.0+

Prototype 1.6.1+

* supports Safari 2.0+

Compatible Source ▪ Compatible ▪ Possible Compatibility ▪ Failed Compatibility

Browser Support

Selector Engines

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E E#fooId E.fooClass E F E > F E + F F ~ F F[foo] F[foo="bar"] E[foo^="bar"] E[foo$="bar"] E[foo*="bar"] E[foo~="bar"] E[foo|="en"] E:root E:empty E:nth-child(n) E:nth-of-type(n) E:nth-last-child(n)

NWMatcherSizzle Prototype 1.6.1+

E:nth-last-of-type(n) E:first-child E:last-child E:only-child E:first-of-type E:last-of-type E:only-of-type E:not(s) E:active E:focus E:enabled E:disabled E:checked E:link E:visited E:target E:lang(t)

E:nth-last-of-type(n) E:first-child E:last-child E:only-child E:first-of-type E:last-of-type E:only-of-type E:not(s) E:active E:focus E:enabled E:disabled E:checked E:link E:visited E:target E:lang(t)

E:nth-last-of-type(n) E:first-child E:last-child E:only-child E:first-of-type E:last-of-type E:only-of-type E:not(s) E:active E:focus E:enabled E:disabled E:checked E:link E:visited E:target E:lang(t)

Not Supported ▪ Supported ▪ Not Supported + Failed Compatibility

E E#fooId E.fooClass E F E > F E + F F ~ F F[foo] F[foo="bar"] E[foo^="bar"] E[foo$="bar"] E[foo*="bar"] E[foo~="bar"] E[foo|="en"] E:root E:empty E:nth-child(n) E:nth-of-type(n) E:nth-last-child(n)

E E#fooId E.fooClass E F E > F E + F F ~ F F[foo] F[foo="bar"] E[foo^="bar"] E[foo$="bar"] E[foo*="bar"] E[foo~="bar"] E[foo|="en"] E:root E:empty E:nth-child(n) E:nth-of-type(n) E:nth-last-child(n)


Selector Engines

Selector Support

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QuerySelectorAll Bug Fixes

Prototype 1.6.1+

1. Quirks className case-sensitivity

2. Quirks mixed case className

3. :disabled :enabled on inputtype="hidden”

4. :link matching non-hyperlinks

5. :target support

6. Matching ^="" or $=""

7. Source attribute values

1. Quirks uppercase className

1. Quirks className case-insensitivity


Selector Engines

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CSS 3 Selector Tests: LegacySelector Engines

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CSS 3 Selector Tests: SizzleSelector Engines

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CSS 3 Selector Tests: NWMatcherSelector Engines

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Match Maker[ event delegation; higher score is better ]

Selector Engines

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Performance[ higher score is better ]

Selector Engines

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Performance[ higher score is better ]

Selector Engines

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Make the Switch

rake dist SELECTOR_ENGINE = nwmatcher

Selector Engines

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The Problem

Array.prototype.size = function() { return this.length;};

var arr = [1, 2, 3];arr.size(); // 3

// Excluding the use of newer ES5 methods like// Object.defineProperty() when defining new properties// the internal [[DefineOwnProperty]] method is called with// a property descriptor containing [[Enumerable]] true.for (var i in arr) { // i is 0, 1, 2, `size`}

Sandbox Natives

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The Problem

// framework X defines a methodFunction.prototype.defer = function() { var fn = this, args = arguments; return window.setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(fn, args); }, 10);};

// framework Y paves previous method with their ownFunction.prototype.defer = function(millis, thisArg, args) { var fn = this; return window.setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(thisArg, args); }, millis);};

Sandbox Natives

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// framework X defines a methodArray.prototype.reduce = function() { return this.length > 1 ? this : this[0];};

// Later, a different implementation is added to ECMAScript// Array#reduce ( callbackfn [ , initialValue ] )

// returns [1, 2, 3] instead of 6[1, 2, 3].reduce(function(prevValue, value) { return prevValue + value;});

The Problem

Sandbox Natives

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// Sandbox natives to the rescuefuse.Array.prototype.size = function() { return fuse.Number(this.length);};

var arr = fuse.Array(1, 2, 3);arr.size(); // 3

// won't extend the global Array constructortypeof window.Array.prototype.size; // undefined

The Solution

Sandbox Natives

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Browsers Tested

•IE 5.5+

•Firefox 1.5+

•Chrome 1+

•Konqueror 4.2.2+

•Opera 9.0+

•Safari 2.0+

Various JavaScript Engines•SpiderMonkey

•SquirrelFish (& Extreme)










Sandbox Natives

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Supported Natives









Sandbox Natives

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var str = fuse.String('bacon');

// sandbox natives cannot be primitivestypeof str; // object

// kinda like calling the global String constructortypeof new String('bacon'); // object

// internal [[Class]] is still [object String]({ }).toString.call(str);

// chaining works toostr.split('').join('').capitalize(); // Bacon

Sandbox Natives

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What's Cool

// multiple sandboxed nativesfuse.Array;

fuse.dom.NodeList = (new fuse.Fusebox).Array;

// jQuery syntax with real arraysfuse.query('.tabs').addClassName('.active').show();

Sandbox Natives

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Fuse JavaScript Framework

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Browsers Tested

•IE 6+

•Firefox 1.5+

•Chrome 1+

•Konqueror 4.2.2

•Opera 9.25+

•Safari 2.0+

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•Sandbox Native[ better 3rd party & browser support ]

•Performance[ Reduced abstraction & fork methods by browser features ]

•Zero Browser Sniffs[ feature detection, feature testing, object inference ]

•Framework Emulation[ PrototypeJS at beta, others later ]

•Debug Friendly[ console.log(fuse.Number(3).times); // times(callback, thisArg) ]


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•Modular[ less abstraction, custom builds ]

•Selector Engines[ Acme, DomQuery, NWMatcher, Peppy, Sizzle, Slick, Sly ]

•Quirks mode support[ dimensions, positioning ]

•DOM + Event decorators[ better 3rd party & browser support ]

•Cross iframe compatible[ fuse(iframeDoc).query('.widget') ]


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•Enforce FIFO Event Observer Order[ cross-browser and fixes edge cases ]

•Back-Forward Cache[ better performance between page navigation ]

•No Expandos Added in IE[ avoids unnecessary redraws ]

•Method Generics[ fuse.Array.slice(arr, 0) ]

•Separation of DOM Properties & Attributes[ fuse.dom.Element.plugin.getAttribute ]


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Performance[ lower score is better ]

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Performance[ lower score is better ]

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Performance[ IE8 - lower score is better ]

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Performance[ lower score is better ]

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Twitter: @jdalton @fusejs

Email: [email protected]