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Language rhythm

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Examples of beautiful and inspiring prose

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Page 1: Language rhythm

As the corpse went past, the flies left the restaurant table in a cloud and rushed after it, but they came back a few minutes later.

George Orwell, “Marrakesh”

Page 2: Language rhythm

Where all was burnt to ash before them no fires were to be had and the nights were long and dark and cold beyond anything they’d yet encountered. Cold to crack the stones. To take your life. He held the boy shivering against him and counted each frail breath in the blackness.

Cormac McArthy, The Road

Page 3: Language rhythm

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

King James Bible

Page 4: Language rhythm

And I have learned how to live with it, learned when to expect it, how to outwit it, even how to regard it when it does come as more friend than lodger. We have reached a certain understanding, my migraine and I.

Joan Didion, “Migraines”

Page 5: Language rhythm

It is a face seen once and lost forever in a crowd, an eye that looked, a face that smiled and vanished on a passing train, it is the prescience of snow upon a certain night, the laughter of a woman in a summer street long years ago, it is the memory of a single moon seen at the pines’ dark edge in old October – and all our lives are written in the twisting of a leaf upon a bough, a door that opened, and a stone.

Thomas Wolfe, Of Time and the River

Page 6: Language rhythm

Then I shall come back through the trembling lanes under the arches of the nut leaves. I shall pass an old woman wheeling a perambulator full of sticks; and the shepherd. But we shall not speak. I shall come back through the kitchen garden, and see the curved leaves of the cabbages pebbled with dew, and the house in the garden, blind with curtained windows. I shall go upstairs to my room, and turn over my own things, locked carefully in the wardrobe: my shells; my eggs; my curious grasses. I shall feed my doves and my squirrel. I shall go to the kennel and comb my spaniel. So gradually I shall turn over the hard thing that has grown here in my side. But here bells ring; feet shuffle perpetually.

Virginia Woolf, The Waves

Page 7: Language rhythm

Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever.Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never.

Elie Wiesel