Building Java (micro)services for the Cloud The DHARMA principles Daniel Bryant Principal Consultant, Open Credo [email protected] @danielbryantuk && Chuck Norris Doesn’t Need DevOps… but Java Developers might benefit

LJC Mashup "Building Java Microservices for the Cloud && Chuck Norris Doesn't Need DevOps"

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Page 1: LJC Mashup "Building Java Microservices for the Cloud && Chuck Norris Doesn't Need DevOps"

Building Java (micro)services for the CloudThe DHARMA principles

Daniel BryantPrincipal Consultant, Open Credo

[email protected]@danielbryantuk


Chuck Norris Doesn’t Need DevOps…but Java Developers might benefit

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Who Am I?

• LJC Associate

• Adopt OpenJDK and JSR

10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk

• Principal Consultant at OpenCredo

Agile transformations

DevOps, Cloud and Microservices

Big Data

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The Current Industry Wish List…

• Service-Oriented Architecture

• Cloud-based deployments

• DevOps Culture


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The Current Industry Wish List…

• Service-Oriented Architecture– muCon 2014 (coming soon via skillsmatter.com)

• Cloud-based deployments– JavaOne 2014 (coming soon via parleys.com)

• DevOps Culture– Devoxx UK talk (bit.ly/1BylnZb)

– Previous LJC Event (bit.ly/1elVPJz)


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So, what’s all this I hear about small services?…

10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk

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• “SOA done right”

• “SRP” services– “Java, The Unix Way” (bit.ly/1cX8VsS)

• “Small” codebase services – 1000 LOC… 100… 10…?

• “12 Factor apps” (12factor.net)

• My personal opinion…

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“Can I fit the service in my head?”

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Moving to the Cloud – common problems…

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Not respecting the underlying environment

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Lack of application/platform monitoring…

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Bizarre failure modes…

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Difficulty in understandingthe new architecture

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Not testing in the Cloud…(hint: here be dragons!)

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We’ve created the “Cloud DHARMA Principles” to act as a checklist when building Cloud apps

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Documented (just enough)

Highly cohesive/loosely coupled (all the way down)

Automated from commit to Cloud

Resource aware

Monitored thoroughly


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Documented (just enough)

Highly cohesive/loosely coupled (all the way down)

Automated from commit to Cloud

Resource aware

Monitored thoroughly


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API Docs with Swagger

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Create a PACT

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Documented (just enough)

Highly cohesive/loosely coupled (all the way down)

Automated from commit to Cloud

Resource aware

Monitored thoroughly


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High Cohesion / Loose Coupling(all the way down…)

• Code

• Architecture– Components

– Services

• Public API– PayPal (bit.ly/1hnZNly)

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Microservices: Architectural Silver Bullet?

• Enforce service boundaries– Bounded contexts

– Domain-Driven Design

• Separation of Concerns– Encapsulate what varies

– Easier to scale/tune independently

• Is this a free-lunch? (bit.ly/1gSw4L7)

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No!! It’s all too easy to…

1) Create a distributed monolith

2) Push complexity into orchestration

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Sneak-peak: Smashing the Monolith…

• Business functionality -“Cart Service”– Noun, verb, SRP (slidesha.re/1owdJhh)

• Technology chunk - “Email Service”

• Vertical Slice - “Service per page” – Groupon (vimeo.com/105880150)

• Horizontal Slice - “User Repo” – An anti-pattern?

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DZone’s Enterprise Integration Guide

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Documented (just enough)

Highly cohesive/loosely coupled (all the way down)

Automated from commit to Cloud

Resource aware

Monitored thoroughly


10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk

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Thou Shalt Know thy Cloud…

“Everything fails all the time [in the cloud]”

Werner Vogels, CTO, Amazon.com

• Everything is ephemeral

• Volatility

• Noisy (virtual) neighbours– bit.ly/1w1HQy7

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Documented (just enough)

Highly cohesive/loosely coupled (all the way down)

Automated from commit to Cloud

Resource aware

Monitored thoroughly


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• The opposite of fragile?

– Robust…

– Antifragile…

• Netflix are best-in-class

– bit.ly/1gs5n3q

• System must be robust first!

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Design for Failure

• Distributed Computing Principles

– ‘For young bloods’ (bit.ly/1pKVepz)

– Eight Fallacies… (bit.ly/1zCBet7)

• Design patterns

– Timeouts / retries

– Bulkheads / circuit-breakers

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Antifragile Patterns: Elastic Scaling

Stateless components

Distributed data stores / caches

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Documented (just enough)

Highly cohesive/loosely coupled (all the way down)

Automated from commit to Cloud

Resource aware

Monitored thoroughly


10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk

Microservices in the Cloud…

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and now to DevOps…

…or as the recruiters like to say

“DeeVoips”, “DevAnOps” and “Dev-Oops”

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What’s in a Name?

• “Development / Operations”

• Increasing cohesion between:– Business

– Development

– Quality Assurance

– Operations


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So, What’s Chuck Norris Doing Here?

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Chuck Norris doesn’t need DevOps…

…as a one-man army he codes with one hand, tests with the other and deploys with his beard

10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk

The rest of us…

…work in teams to develop software

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Software Development Teams

• Developers

• Quality Assurance

• Operations


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Software Development Teams

• Developers

• Quality Assurance

• Operations


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Software Development Teams

• Developers

• Quality Assurance

• Operations


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Software Development Teams

• Developers

• Quality Assurance

• Operations


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This silo mentality has to stop

10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk

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Culture is Vital

• Culture drives behaviour, drives culture…

– “Communication, simplicity, feedback, courage”

– Everyone is responsible for delivery

– Continuous experimentation and learning

• Not easy to change culture

– The hardest part of DevOps…

– …but you will learn new things

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Changing Culture

• Create an effective team…

• “Habits of highly effective technical teams”

– Martijn Verburg (bit.ly/1aF9SnK)

• “Patterns of Effective Teams”

– Dan North (vimeo.com/68226771)

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Chuck Norris doesn’t do QA…

…Chuck Norris can test an entire application with a single assert

(and get 110% code coverage)

10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk

The rest of us…

…need high-quality automated QA

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Automating QA

• Intra-component integration testing

– Utilise embedded datastore/middleware

– Cucumber (via ports/adapters/API?)

• Fault-tolerance

– Chris Batey’s Skillscast (bit.ly/1tU6wZj)

– WireMock + Saboteur (wiremock.org)

– “Scassandra” (github.com/scassandra)

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Automating QA

• Inter-component integration testing

– The hardest part of SOA…

– Consider ‘synthetic txns’ (active monitoring)

• Service virtualisation

– Mountebank (www.mbtest.org)

– Mock external services (e.g. Spring profiles)

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All arrays Chuck Norris creates are of infinite size…

…as Chuck Norris knows no bounds

10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk

The rest of us…

…should manage our resources and cultivate ‘mechanical sympathy’

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Cultivating “Mechanical Sympathy”

• Virtualisation– Tech Target (bit.ly/1kDVqyG)

• Networking– ‘Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook’

– AWS docs aws.amazon.com/documentation

• Thinking/Acting Operationally– You write it, you run it… (“dev on call”)

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When Chuck Norris throws Exceptions…

…everybody knows about it because they land outside of the data center

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The rest of us…

…should log all errors (and other vital information for diagnostic purposes)

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Monitor All The Things!

• Infrastructure monitoring– Nagios / Zabbix

– Codahale, Actuator

• Distributed Tracing – twitter.github.io/zipkin

• Centralised Logging– logstash.net

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The ‘ELK’ Stack

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“…but what should I graph?”

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Phrase borrowed from Etsy!

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Thanks For Listening

• Massive thanks

– OpenCredo (@OpenCredo)

– notonthehighstreet.com

– RecWorks & The LJC

• Questions / comments?

[email protected]

– @danielbryantuk

10/11/2014 @danielbryantuk