(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012 Long Face, Long Tail What we learned about mobile games from My Horse

Long Face, Long Tail - Struan Robertson, F2P Summit 2012

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(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Long Face, Long Tail

What we learned about mobile games from My Horse

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

State of Play

Design and Monetization


(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

NaturalMotion Games

Polish and retentionAddictive PlayConsole quality

Premium Games

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Oct  2009Backbreaker

Dec  2010Backbreaker  2

Dec  2010Jenga  

April  2011Icebreaker  

Sep  2011NFL  Rivals  

Top  10  Hit Top  10  HitTop  10  HitTop  10  HitTop  10  Hit

Over  20  million  downloads

Biggest new sports IP on iOS

US  App  Store US  App  Store US  App  Store US  App  Store US  App  Store

2011 saw opportunities with freemium...

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

My Horse - iOS

• F2P - launched September 2011

• Realistic visuals - important!

• Nurture + games


• 500k DAU

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Think differentlyPoint 1

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

brave new world

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Mobile Market

new players


current market

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

time to be unique!

Overall presentation Stand out visuals

Novel gameplay (!)Clarity of purpose

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Believable Horse

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

= Magic Moment

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Being unique helped us...

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

but beware!

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Being featured = LOTS of users

There are a lot of other apps out there...

That was kind of neat. I might go back and play aga...OOOH LOOK


(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

make sure yours is sticky

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Product DesignPoint 2

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Product Design

simplicity quality balance

designing for your audience

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

different usage

different design

obvious but often forgotten...

Don’t build a console game on a mobile!

console Mobile

You know this but you keep doing it!

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

different play styles and times

undirected play tending

focussed play call backs and timers

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Core Loop

Do A Thing

Get A Thing

Expand Your Things

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Expand Your Things

Get A Thing

Do A Thing


Measure out progress with

difficulty + entry requirements

Collecting feels great!

Oh I need more money!

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Play Sessions and Cadence

play session

put down with call back

possible monetization point

Do A Thing

Get A Thing

Expand Your


Do A Thing

Get A Thing

Expand Your


maybe several of these, depends on your game

Do A Thing

Get A Thing

Expand Your


(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

core loop determines engagement

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

engaged users matter a lot

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Man, I am so well engaged in this game.

Yes. I am also well engaged.

grinders socialites payers

some engaged users

DAU viral $

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

look after your core loop, look after engagement

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Expand Your Things

Get A Thing

Do A Thing

My Horse Example

Enter a competition

Win some CoinsBuy a new saddle

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Start Simple and Expand




Enter Competitions




(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Layered Gameplay/Discoverability

layered depth discoverability

different competition types hidden animations and play mode

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Roaring the Gospel

team immersion key words

cohesive narrative

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Design product solutions within the narrative

How do we get people to visit other people’s horses?

Must be rewarding

Must be real

Lending help - matches the main narrative

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

MonetizationPoint 3

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

What are you going to monetize?Energy/Consumables

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

What are you going to monetize?Customisation/Visual

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

What are you going to monetize?

Power Ups/Boosts

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

What are you going to monetize?


Lots more...

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

You must understand your game

What are your carrots?

•What do users want?

•One step removed?


core loop critical

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Understand your customers, understand sales

Present your shop well

The most important button in the gameI REALLY WANT TO


(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Lovely Wrapping

RewardsMessaging Images

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

First Purchase

Crucial to encourage spending!

New users (funnel) Non Spenders (sales)

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Post Game AnalysisPoint 4

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Product Manager


Art/Design Stakeholders

New features

New content



Continued Development

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Basic Dashboard of stats

ARPU – Average Revenue Per User

ARPPU – Average Revenue Per Paying User

% of Paying Users

ARPDAU – Average Revenue Per Daily Active User

Retention (7-Day & 30-Day)

delve into this data to drive questions

Jan Feb March Apr May June

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012


Product Manager Analytics

Hey Number Dude, what happens to ARPDAU if we halve the cost of the energy biscuits?

Your mother.

Sounds great! Run the tests then!


Example: data says we don’t sell many energy biscuits...

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

A/B Tests

“Bucket C”Everyone else

New user comes in

Bucket BNormal Price


Bucket A1/2 Price Biscuits

Fill in parallel!

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Simplifying Tutorial

38.5% 44% 1-Day Retention

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

Shop Layout Testing

14% increase in purchases

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

A/B Test Pitfalls

Which needle?

Time and country - makes a difference

Test other options

Ignoring creativity

Push data

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

In conclusion...

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012

time to be unique!make sure yours is sticky

Don’t build a console game on a mobile!

know your core loop

look after your core loop, look after your engaged users

monetize your carrotsunderstand sales techniques

ask questions of your data

(C) NaturalMotion Games 2012


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