Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

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Page 1: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux



Page 2: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux


Page 3: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

Ego [email protected]





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Page 5: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux


Page 6: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

State Management

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Page 8: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

“ A JavaScript library for

building user interfaces

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Page 10: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

class HelloMessage extends React.Component {

render() {

return <div>Hello {this.props.name}!</div>;}


ReactDOM.render(<HelloMessage name="World" />, mountNode);

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So Basically...it's not a


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Page 15: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

class HelloMessage extends React.Component {

render() {

return React.createElement(



"Hello ",




ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(HelloMessage, { name: "World" }), mountNode);

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Virtual Dom

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class Timer extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {

super(props);this.state = {secondsElapsed: 0};


tick() {

this.setState((prevState) => ({

secondsElapsed: prevState.secondsElapsed + 1}));


componentDidMount() {

this.interval = setInterval(() => this.tick(), 1000);


componentWillUnmount() {



render() {

return (

<div>Seconds Elapsed: {this.state.secondsElapsed}</div>);



ReactDOM.render(<Timer />, mountNode);

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Page 21: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux
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Page 23: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

“ Application Architecture For

Building User Interfaces

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Why Not MVC?

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Page 26: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux
Page 27: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux
Page 28: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux
Page 29: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux
Page 30: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

Action: an event fired in the

system with the purpose to

change its state

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Dispatcher: an event bus to

send actions into the system

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Store: business logic objects.

Just like the M in MVC

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View: React Components

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Page 35: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

Why Flux?

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One Way of Thinking

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Constant complexity on big


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Page 39: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

“ Redux is a predictable state

container for JavaScript apps

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Why not Flux?

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One Way of Thinking (Really?)

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Page 43: Manage the Flux of your Web Application: Let's Redux

"Single source of truth"

The state of your whole application is stored in

an object tree inside a single store.

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"State is read-only"

The only way to mutate the state is to emit an

action, an object describing what happened.

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"Mutations are written

as pure functions"

To specify how the state tree is transformed by

actions, you write pure reducers.

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import Dispatcher from "src/Dispatcher";

var add = function(text) {


actionType: "addTodo",

text: text


var add = function(text) {

return {

actionType: "addTodo",

text: text


Flux Redux

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function addTodo(state,text){

var toReturn = Object.assign({},state,{




return toReturn;


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Store + Dispatcher

import { createStore } from 'redux';

import Reducers from 'src/Reducers';

let store = createStore(Reducers);

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Container Components

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Presentational Components

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Why Redux?

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One Way of Thinking (Really

this time)

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Serilizable State

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No side-effect

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No Technical Debt

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Async Actions

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onClick() {


this.api.list().then(response => {


}).catch(error => {



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“ A Saga is an independent

component that reacts to

domain events in a cross-

aggregate, eventually

consistent manner.

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“ redux-saga is a library that

aims to make side effects in

Redux applications easier and


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function* fetch() {

try {

const data = yield call(api.list);yield put(actions.requestDataSuccess(data));

} catch (e) {

yield put(actions.requestDataError(e));



function* mySaga() {

yield takeLatest("REQUEST_DATA", fetch);


export default mySaga;

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That's It!

[email protected]



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