1. Page 109 14.8 North 61.1 West 436 square miles in the Lesser Antilles (Eastern Caribbean Sea) it’s an overseas region of France 2. Mount Pelee 3. Prior to May 8, 1902 Saint Pierre was the capital 4. April 23, 1902 eruption began - Frighten animals fled for safety (50 humans and 200 animals killed from snake bites in the process) 5. Martinique experience one of the world’s deadliest volcano – May 8,1902 at 7:50am (29,000 to 30,000 inhabitants before the volcano) 6. Within minutes only one survivor 7. Two people managed to escape One person – prisoner in a dungeon was rescued 4 days later Shoemaker – he ran to the nest town The little girl – escaped in brother’s boat Convicted felon o Wounded friend with cutlass o Escaped, but turned in self in the next morning o Sentenced to solitary confinement for a week in prison’s dungeon o While waiting for breakfast on May 8 he was overcome by ash o Severally burned

Martinique st pierre

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Page 1: Martinique   st pierre

1. Page 109 14.8 North 61.1 West 436 square miles in the Lesser Antilles (Eastern Caribbean Sea) it’s an overseas region of France

2. Mount Pelee

3. Prior to May 8, 1902 Saint Pierre was the capital

4. April 23, 1902 eruption began - Frighten animals fled for safety (50 humans and 200 animals killed from snake bites in the process)

5. Martinique experience one of the world’s deadliest volcano – May 8,1902 at 7:50am (29,000 to 30,000 inhabitants before the volcano)

6. Within minutes only one survivor

7. Two people managed to escape One person – prisoner in a dungeon was rescued 4 days later

Shoemaker – he ran to the nest town The little girl – escaped in brother’s boat Convicted felon

o Wounded friend with cutlasso Escaped, but turned in self in the next morningo Sentenced to solitary confinement for a week in prison’s dungeono While waiting for breakfast on May 8 he was overcome by ash o Severally burnedo Rescued 4 days later by people exploring the ruin

8. Lone survivor

9. Convicted felon – Louis Auguste Cyparis AKA Samson

10. Joined Barnum and Bailey Circus – Toured as “Lone Survivor of St. Pierre”

11. St Pierre now After the volcano Fort-de-France became the capital (Volcano still active)