Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full


This is my Preliminary task

This is my final task.

I also carried out many drafts in the process before making a decision on what looked the most appropriate.

Contents page

Double Page spread.

What I have learnt from this process?

- Not to make the magazine too cluttered.- To use new and different colours that you haven't seen used before in a magazine to give it a fresh and contemporary look. - Keep all the selling lines straight-Add catchy phrases- Make sure the title fits the magazine and themes in the magazine- The content must vary.

I feel I have made a great deal of progress since my preliminary task compared to my final product. However I did keep some of the conventions as I felt they were effective in my school magazine.

- Kept the main image a head and shoulders shot as I feel that is conventional of any magazine and in my opinion a magazine that doesn’t do that looks unprofessional for the cover. - I also kept the catchy phrases as I feel it adds a sense of humour for example “Rita Ora is HOT right now”- this is taken from her latest song called “hot right now” so I have used her lyrics as a tag line to describe her and people who know the song will understand the sense of humour-For the tag lines I learnt how to soften them and make them more opaque as I learnt that the main focus should be the masthead as this is the most eye-catching aspect to attract the Target Audience. - I have also learnt to keep the themes the same throughout the three inserts as I have carried through the same colours and stories.

Overall.. Overall, I feel i have made a great deal of progress from my preliminary task and I have learnt a lot and I believe this has

allowed me to appeal to my target audience more. I feel that I have been influenced by magazines on the market and I have had the advantage of being able to pick and choose what parts

I like out of the magazines and then use it in mine. My market research was really helpful and I based most of my

decisions on that and research that I had carried out. I also believe that drafting is the key to success as they say

“practice makes perfect”, but this way i was able to make minor changes that really made a difference to the professionalism of

the magazine.