Methodology Design Thinking: the most popular methodology used by UX Designer Better understand Customer insights Stimulate the enterprise ability to innovate to develop a GOOD product for your Customer Try Design Thinking

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MethodologyDesign Thinking: the most popular methodology used by UX Designer

• Better understand Customer insights

• Stimulate the enterprise ability to innovate

to develop a GOOD product for your Customer

Try Design Thinking

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Why & How?

• most projects fails due to a Wrong product

• how develop a Good one?

9/10 products fail because we build the WRONG product (Ash Maurya, Running Lean)

Most learning happens when you make the Real Customer test your product

To know if your ideas are good, find ways to make your Customer test As much as possibleAs soon as possible

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Methodologywith Design Thinking, generate Vision ideas

We want to explore

• ‘Blind Spots’ on Client Experience

• and Disruptive Technologies

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Methodologythe Design Thinking “Double Diamond”

• Design Thinking is based on the Double Diamond

• Twice, make the group alternatively diverge in every direction then converge

• Thus, you will invite the group to explore wider areas

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Methodologywith Design Thinking, generate Vision ideas

From insights & blind spots,

• review your Business Value Proposition

• define your “North Star”

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MethodologyProposal of agenda & canvas. Accompany the group in its ideation for Value Proposition

More practically, you can articulate your agenda using

• 5 canvas

• And the simulation exercise: ‘What if Uber was managing your company?’

Key points: you can rollout this agenda through 1 day or 2. Depending on how many people are attending, the agenda might be tiring for

attendees but also for facilitators. So don’t hesitate to do it in 2 days. For details on each slot, see next slide.

Select the Good attendees is key: all key contributors from sponsors, Customer to operational are required even Start-Up …

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MethodologyBetter understand Customer insights & blind spot (diverge)

Better understand your client experience. List the potential ‘blind spots’ i.e. important customer events not known .

• Workshop rule: several teams of around 10 people, Team X = Board X

• Duration: 45mn

• Material: post-it

Key point: facilitate the workshop asking people to feed for each column, ‘expect’, ‘get’ then ‘react’. Agenda for facilitator: 10mn for people to

put ideas on the canvas, 15mn to ensure a common understanding of all the ideas, 15mn regroup by theme (name each theme, make the

group dot-vote for the most important themes & ideas).

1 2 3

4 6 8

5 7 9

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MethodologyReview your Vision & Business proposition (converge)

From your better client understanding, reinvent your Business Value Proposition (Objective)

• Workshop rule: don’t judge other ideas but rebound on them. Don’t start sentence with ‘Yes but’. Instead use ‘Yes and …’

• Duration: 30mn

• Material: post-it

Key point: facilitate the workshop asking people to feed post-it (1 idea per post-it). As a facilitator, then ensure everyone understand the

idea, rephrase if needed, gather same ideas around theme and synthetize. Friendly challenge ideas if they are not innovative enough.

People are here to explore new areas!

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MethodologyDetail your 3 Promises, defining your ‘North Star’ (diverge)










For each Promise, precise your ‘North Stars’. Then BACK-CAST your macro roadmap including MVPs

• Workshop rule: use previous canvas ‘Challenges’ to make the group choose its 3 Promises. Then complete the macro roadmap

• Duration: 1h15mn

• Material: post-it

Key point: the key point here is to BACK-CAST from your ‘North Star’ (ideal Solution) the potential macro roadmap. Back casting

instead of forecasting from where the group stands today, helps people to be more disruptive, more challenging.

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MethodologyYou are Uber Boss: challenge first group ideas! (diverge)

To help people to find challenging ideas, simulate you are now Uber Boss. What do you think of the previous ideas?

• Workshop rule: make each group switch of board to challenge others ideas. Don’t judge. Try to understand & go further.

• Duration: 30mn

• Material: post-it

Key point: to succeed, people have to understand a minimum how Uber, Tesla, Spotify or any other Start-Up/FinTech are thinking/working.

You can decide to introduce before this exercise a 1h slot to present how new actors are innovating. You can even invite a few Start-Up to

present their project or do it yourself. You can also ask those Start-Up to participate to the Challenge.

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MethodologyStep back & pitch the whole to your sponsor

Convince the jury with your pitch. Follow the rules: Compelling to catch, Descriptive to convince, What’s next?

• Workshop rule: Team Y explains to team X their new ideas (10mn). Team X review its original board (40mn) & draft, rehearse pitch (1h).

• Duration: 2h

• Material: paper board & room for rehearsal

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MethodologyDraft your TOP 10/15 experiments card (converge)

Now your Vision & Business Model is clearer, select & detail the TOP 10/15 experiments from your macro roadmap

• Workshop rule: Split the group. small group of 2 people detail the card for 2/3 experiments in parallel

• Duration: 2h

• Material: prints of empty experiment card canvas

Key point: sometimes your context make you are not facing external Customer but more internal. Adapt the canvas to your reality. For

instance, if required detail ‘Customer need’ and ‘internal User need’ etc. … This time, you are back to your reality. For instance you are asked

about the feasibility in your current context. If you are missing key people, you always can make them complete later but maybe you missed

key attendees to your workshop …

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Other tools/canvas you can use to better understand your client & frame your Value proposition

Key point: you can find many other canvas to facilitate your workshop. Use the one you are comfortable with. As a facilitator, the danger for

you is people points out you are not comfortable using them. It might be a new exercise for the workshop attendees, so they need to be

reinsured by your expertise as a facilitator …

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Other tools/canvas you can use to better understand your client & frame your Value proposition

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Other tools/canvas you can use to better understand your client & frame your Value proposition

Key point: don’t under estimate the power of Fun & Game. Kids’ capacity to invent is also related to the fact they are playing, they have Fun.

So, feel free to make it Fun and use tools like the one above to free people mind!