MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FPT UNIVERSITY Capstone Project Document Maritime Information Visualization 6Fingers Group Members Tran Hai Dang 00606 Ta Duc Tung 00544 Pham Quang Hung 00396 Ha Thi Tham 01188 Nguyen Hai Ha 00740 Duong Hue Linh 00596 Supervisor Mr. Huynh Anh Dung Ext Supervisor Mr. Nguyen Tat Trung Project code MIV - HaNoi, 04/2012 -

MIV final report

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Capstone Project Document

Maritime Information Visualization




Tran Hai Dang – 00606

Ta Duc Tung – 00544

Pham Quang Hung – 00396

Ha Thi Tham – 01188

Nguyen Hai Ha – 00740

Duong Hue Linh – 00596

Supervisor Mr. Huynh Anh Dung

Ext Supervisor Mr. Nguyen Tat Trung

Project code MIV

- HaNoi, 04/2012 -

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part from the efforts of all team members, the success of any project depends

largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. We take this

opportunity to express our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental

in the successful completion of this project.

We would like to show my greatest appreciation to mentor Huynh Anh Dung. We cannot

say thank you enough for his tremendous support and help. We feel motivated and

encouraged every time we attend his meeting. Without his encouragement and guidance

this project would not have materialized.

We are highly indebted to mentor Nguyen Tat Trung for his guidance and constant

supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for

his support in completing the project.

We would like to express my gratitude towards our parents for their continuously

encouragement which help us in completion of this project.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to our colleague in developing the project and people

who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.


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ietnam is a maritime country with more than 1 million square kilometers of

exclusive economic zone (EEZ) where there are many economics activities,

especially 20,000 far shore fishing vessels have been bringing benefits to both

fishermen and the government.

However, Vietnam is also suffered from many natural disasters, especially those from the

sea including seasonal typhoons which claim over hundred lives and many fishing vessels

lost every year, causes of poverty and suffering. Thus, applying advanced technology to

solve this problem, ensuring safety for fishermen is urgently needed.

The MIV project aims to develop an additional method of communicating text messages

on HF band that along with retaining existing method of communicating (voice

transmitting), using software-modem to modulate and demodulate messages. System will

transfer data from coastal station to vessels and vice-versa.

The proposed system consists of the coastal station, vessels, and has the following major


Compatible and complement existing communication equipment on fishing vessels

Using advanced digital modulation technique for communication

Visualization Information at both sides (coastal station, vessels)


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Brief Contents

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................... 2

Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

Brief Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 4

Definitions and Acronyms ........................................................................................................................ 8

1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 9

2 Project Management Plan .............................................................................................................. 12

3 Software Requirement Specification ............................................................................................... 18

4 Software Design ............................................................................................................................. 44

5 Software Testing .......................................................................................................................... 124

6 Installation Guide......................................................................................................................... 191

7 User Manual ................................................................................................................................ 197

8 Appendixes .................................................................................................................................. 209

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Contents Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................... 2

Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

Brief Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 4

Definitions and Acronyms ........................................................................................................................ 8

1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Literature review ................................................................................................ 9

1.1.1 Coastal Station System ................................................................................ 9

1.1.2 Viettel Coastal and Islands Base Transceiver Station (BTS) System .................. 9

1.1.3 Movimar System ......................................................................................... 9

1.2 Project Idea ..................................................................................................... 10

1.3 General view ................................................................................................... 11

1.4 Proposal and Project’s Benefits .......................................................................... 12

1.5 Critical Assumption and Constraints ................................................................... 12

1.6 Potential Risks ................................................................................................. 12

2 Project Management Plan .............................................................................................................. 12

2.1 Project Overview ............................................................................................. 12

2.1.1 Core Business Cases and Approach ............................................................. 12

2.1.2 Project Milestones and Deliverables ............................................................ 12

2.2 Boundaries of the System .................................................................................. 13

2.3 Development Environment ................................................................................ 13

2.3.1 Hardware requirements .............................................................................. 13

2.3.2 Software requirements ............................................................................... 13

2.4 Project Organization ......................................................................................... 14

2.4.1 Software Process Model ............................................................................ 14

2.4.2 Roles and Responsibilities.......................................................................... 14

2.5 Project Management Plan .................................................................................. 15

2.5.1 Tasks ....................................................................................................... 15

2.5.2 Task Sheet: Assignments and Timetable ...................................................... 15

2.6 Risk Management ............................................................................................ 16

2.7 Coding Conventions ......................................................................................... 17

2.7.1 Naming Conventions ................................................................................. 17

2.7.2 Coding Styles ........................................................................................... 17

2.7.3 Comments ................................................................................................ 17

3 Software Requirement Specification ............................................................................................... 18

3.1 High Level Requirements .................................................................................. 18

3.2 Domain Model ................................................................................................. 18

3.2.1 Diagram ................................................................................................... 18

3.2.2 Domain Object Description ........................................................................ 18

3.3 Business process flow ....................................................................................... 20

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3.3.1 Storm message broadcasting process ........................................................... 20

3.3.2 Normal message broadcasting process ......................................................... 21

3.3.3 Position message sending (from vessel) process ............................................ 22

3.3.4 SOS message sending (from vessel) process ................................................. 23

3.4 Use cases and Actors ........................................................................................ 24

3.4.1 On-sea Terminal System ............................................................................ 24

3.4.2 Coastal Station System .............................................................................. 26

3.4.3 Viewer System ......................................................................................... 28

3.5 Functional Requirements .................................................................................. 29

3.5.1 Use cases Description ................................................................................ 29

3.5.2 Screen Description .................................................................................... 35

3.6 Nonfunctional Requirements ............................................................................. 43

3.6.1 User access and security ............................................................................ 43

3.6.2 Capacity and performance .......................................................................... 43

3.6.3 Availability .............................................................................................. 43

3.6.4 Security ................................................................................................... 43

3.6.5 Systems management ................................................................................ 43

3.6.6 Scalability ................................................................................................ 43

3.6.7 Maintainability ......................................................................................... 43

3.6.8 Usability Requirement ............................................................................... 43

3.7 Other Requirements.......................................................................................... 44

3.8 Requirement Completeness Criteria ................................................................... 44

4 Software Design ............................................................................................................................. 44

4.1 Design Overview ............................................................................................. 44

4.1.1 System Context......................................................................................... 44

4.2 Architecture Overview ...................................................................................... 46

4.2.1 Diagram ................................................................................................... 46

4.3 Detailed Design Description .............................................................................. 50

4.3.1 On-land System ........................................................................................ 50

4.3.2 On-sea Terminal ..................................................................................... 101

4.4 Database Design ............................................................................................ 114

4.4.1 Database Diagram ................................................................................... 114

4.4.2 Table design description .......................................................................... 114

4.4.3 Broadcast Message Structure .................................................................... 116

4.5 Algorithm ..................................................................................................... 118

4.5.1 Error Detection & Correction Algorithm .................................................... 118

4.5.2 Software Modem – Sound Modem ............................................................ 123

5 Software Testing .......................................................................................................................... 124

5.1 Requirements for Test .................................................................................... 124

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5.1.1 Feature to be tested ................................................................................. 124

5.1.2 Feature not to be tested ............................................................................ 127

5.2 Test strategy .................................................................................................. 127

5.2.1 Test types ............................................................................................... 127

5.2.2 Test Environment .................................................................................... 128

5.2.3 Risk list ................................................................................................. 128

5.3 Deliverables .................................................................................................. 128

5.4 Checklist ....................................................................................................... 129

5.4.1 Checklist of Validation ............................................................................ 129

5.4.2 Submission checklist ............................................................................... 129

5.5 Test cases ...................................................................................................... 132

5.5.1 Onsea Terminal ...................................................................................... 132

5.5.2 Coastal Station system ............................................................................. 142

5.5.3 Viewer ................................................................................................... 155

5.6 Test Summary Report ..................................................................................... 190

5.6.1 Test Execution Summary ......................................................................... 190

5.6.2 Test Results ............................................................................................ 190

5.6.3 Summary of Incident Reports Raised During Project ................................... 190

5.6.4 Conclusion ............................................................................................. 191

6 Installation Guide......................................................................................................................... 191

6.1 Environment Requirement............................................................................... 191

6.2 Installation Package........................................................................................ 191

6.3 Installation Guide for On-sea Terminal ............................................................. 191

6.4 Installation Guide for Database server .............................................................. 193

6.5 Installation Guide for Coastal Station ............................................................... 194

6.6 Installation Guide for Viewer .......................................................................... 195

7 User Manual ................................................................................................................................ 197

7.1 Application Overview ..................................................................................... 197

7.1.1 Requirements ......................................................................................... 197

7.1.2 Available Features .................................................................................. 197

7.1.3 Roles ..................................................................................................... 198

7.2 User Manual for Functions .............................................................................. 199

7.2.1 Functions for Fishers ............................................................................... 199

7.2.2 Functions for Operators ........................................................................... 203

7.2.3 Functions for Central Operators ................................................................ 206

8 Appendixes .................................................................................................................................. 209

8.1 Messages ...................................................................................................... 209

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Definitions and Acronyms Acronym Definition

MIV Maritime Information Visualization

PM Project Manager

PTL Project Technical Leader

TL Team Leader

QA Quality Assurance Officer

DV Developer

URD User Requirement Document

SRS Software Requirement Specification

ADD Architecture Design Document

DDD Detail Design Document

TP Test Plan

TC Test Case

SC Source Code

CM Configuration Manager

UC Use case

UI User Interface

GUI Graphical User Interface

AT Acceptance Test

IT Integration Test

ST System Test

UT Unit Test

TR Test Report

UAT User Acceptance Test

CS Coastal Station

CO Central Operator

Table 0-1: Definitions and Acronyms

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1 Introduction

1.1 Literature review

1.1.1 Coastal Station System In Vietnam, weather forecast information, storm alerting, meteorological information and

other rescue information are transmitted to fishing vessels by Coastal Station System. In

order to update the information, fishing vessels need to continuously listen to messages

broadcasted from coastal stations. On the other hand, whenever there is any issue

concerning about safety, rescuing… vessels need to alert coastal stations.1

These station need to be online 24 hours per day, 7 days per week on the frequency of

7.903 KHz. In this case, station staff will transmit messages by talking and listen to

rescuing information from fishing vessels.2

Advantages Disadvantages

Easy to use Anti-interference

In many urgent cases, sailor cannot

hear the message clearly, which lead

to misunderstanding and damaging

1.1.2 Viettel Coastal and Islands Base Transceiver Station (BTS) System From the beginning of 08 – 2009, Viettel Corporation set up a system of BTSs along

Vietnam’s coast, on Vietnam’s islands for providing mobile phone signal on coastal area,

islands and other area on the sea. In the range of 30 nautical from BTS, Viettel mobile

phone signal is very good. However, out of this range, especially from 61 nautical away

from BTS, signal is very weak, cannot use.3

Advantages Disadvantages

Can use cell phone Narrow range

Cannot cover full range of South –

East Asia Sea

1.1.3 Movimar System Movimar System is a very high-end system which is set up by Vietnamese Government

and French Government with the investment of €13.9 million and implement period is 3

years, 2011 – 2013. System will be deployed in 28 provinces in Vietnam. In the target of

Movimar project, about 3000 vessels will be equipped satellite communicating device.

Moreover, about 150 navy vessels will be equipped with supporting device, prepared for

communicating and processing rescuing information.4

After finishing the project, fishing vessels will be able to automatically receive weather

information transmitted from coastal station. Along with this, coastal station can

1 Tailieu. “Các đài thông tin duyên hải Việt Nam”. Tailieu.vn. Jan 13, 2012 <http://tailieu.vn/xem-tai-

lieu/cac-dai-thong-tin-duyen-hai-viet-nam.496951.html> 2 Bộ giao thông vận tải, văn bản “Số: 4212/BGTVT-PCLB&TKCN.”

3 Viettelonline. “Đưa sóng di động ra biển”. Viettelonline.com. Jan 13, 2012

<http://viettelonline.com/tin-tuc-viettel/dua-song-di-dong-ra-bien.html> 4 Hà Minh. (Jul 18, 2011). “Kết nối thiết bị vệ tinh cho 2.850 tàu cá”. Ictnews.vn. Jan 13, 2012


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continuously monitor fishing vessels’ position and take action immediately when

emergency come.5

Advantages Disadvantages

High technology

Guarantees a high quality of

communicating and rescuing

High capital investment

Number of monitored vessel is only


Technology dependency (depend on


1.2 Project Idea Along with retaining existing method of communicating (voice transmitting), the main

purpose of this idea is to develop an additional method of communicating on HF band.

System will transfer data from coastal station to vessels and vice-versa.

The system consists of 2 main subsystems deployed in coastal stations and vessels.

Coastal station subsystem

Coastal station will broadcast weather forecast or storm notification to all vessels

on the sea.

On the other hand, vessels can send SOS message, coastal stations will receive and

take action.

Every vessel needs to register its identity and its basic information will be stored in

a centralized database at national level.

Vessels position and voyage path will be monitored and stored in database. This

information can also be processed and displayed on a visual map like Bing or

Google map.

Figure 1-1: Display on Coastal Station

5 Thành Công. (Mar 22, 2011). “Tàu cá hoạt động theo hình thức tổ, đội sẽ được nhà nước gắn

thiết bị kết nối vệ tinh miễn phí”. Agroviet.gov.vn. Jan 13, 2012 <http://www.agroviet.gov.vn/Pages/news_detail.aspx?NewsId=15943>

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Vessel subsystem

Display vessel’s current position on a map

Visualize messages broadcasted by coastal stations.

Store message history

Notify coastal stations about vessel’s position each 10 minutes (or any defined

period of time)

Broadcast SOS signal in emergency cases

Figure 1-2: Display message on Vessel

1.3 General view





Text Data

Text Data

Text Data

Text Data



HFText Data





Coastal Station

Coastal Station







Figure 1-3: General view

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1.4 Proposal and Project’s Benefits Implementing this system will improve communication efficiency between coastal station

and fishing vessels.

Better accuracy in message transmitting

Near real-time monitor vessels, support to rescuing effectively

Information is managed in a centralized database

On vessel side, message can be queried and displayed on a visual screen which

leads to better understanding from sailors.

1.5 Critical Assumption and Constraints

The system will be deployed on both Coastal Station and Fishing Vessels. MIV system

will work only when Coastal Station is equipped with necessary hardware and an Internet

line. Device equipment is also applied to fishing vessels except that no Internet line is

needed in vessels side.

1.6 Potential Risks Domain

Lack of knowledge about Vietnam maritime system and safety


Lack of experience about communication protocol which using HF band.

Lack of experience about using and programming with digital map.

Lack of experience about GPS.

Need some time for studying and training

Human Resource

3 members will go to Japan for 10 days in the end of January


Too much time spending on finding idea

2 Project Management Plan

2.1 Project Overview

2.1.1 Core Business Cases and Approach

The main system will be a software system. There will be applications on coastal station,

specific device for fishers and a centralized database system in national class.

The system will provide the following main features:

Coastal station can monitor the vessels position and voyages, receive SOS message

in urgent case. Besides it can broadcast the weather forecast to fishers

Information will be stored and managed in centralized database system

Vessels can receive weather forecast, send SOS message when have an accident

2.1.2 Project Milestones and Deliverables

No Stage Committed Actual Deviation

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1 Project Management Plan 02 – Feb – 12 02 – Feb – 12 0 day

2 SRS v1.0 07 – Feb – 12 09 – Feb – 12 2 days

3 Detailed design v1.0 09 – Mar – 12 15 – Mar – 12 6 days

4 Final package 20 – Mar – 12 30 – Mar – 12 10 days

5 Test report v1.0 22 – Mar – 12 03 – April – 12 12 days

6 User Manual v1.0 30 – Mar – 12 04 – April – 12 5 days

Table 2-1: Project milestones and deliverables

2.2 Boundaries of the System

The system under development of this Capstone Project will include:

The software installer

User manual


Design documents

Test documents

Source code

2.3 Development Environment

Below is the list of hardware and software requirements needed for development


2.3.1 Hardware requirements

Visualizing device for fishing vessel

A computer on coastal station with the minimum configuration: 4 Gb of RAM,

100Gb of hard disk, Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz

Marine transceivers, GPS device

2.3.2 Software requirements

Operating system: Windows 7, Android 2.1

Framework: .NET Framework 4.0

IDE: Visual Studio 2010, Eclipse 3.7.1, Android SDK 2.1

DBMS: SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

Source Control: Tortoise SVN 1.7

Oxygen XML Editor

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2.4 Project Organization

2.4.1 Software Process Model

The process model used for developing this project is iterative and incremental

development model.6

Figure 2-1: Iterative and incremental model

We have only approximately 3 months for doing everything of this project and not every

member has experience for the similar systems before. Besides, the beginning the problem

definition is not totally clear and we need to clarify it in iterative model. The iterative way

lead us to reduce the misunderstand requirements and make sure project runs in the right

way. So we should choose this iteration rather than water fall model. Furthermore,

incremental model can help us to break down many phases into small steps and do some

steps in parallel. Working in parallel some steps can help us to reduce effort and project

can be delivered on only 3 months.

2.4.2 Roles and Responsibilities

Project Instructor

Mr. Huynh Anh Dung

Mr. Nguyen Tat Trung

Project team member


(CM, DV)











Figure 2-2: Project Team Organization

6 Wikipedia. (Jan 28, 2012). “Iterative and incremental development”. Wikipedia.org. Feb 3, 2012


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2.5 Project Management Plan

2.5.1 Tasks Create Software Requirements Specification

Description: create SRS

Output: SRS document

Deliverables: deliver SRS document before Feb 7, 2012

Resources needed: 6 people in 2 days for brainstorming, 2 people in 5 days for doing SRS

Risks: because there is no actual user, and the requirements come from all the team

members, misunderstandings may happen regularly Create Software Design Description

Description: create design for overall systems

Output: SDD

Deliverables: deliver with SDD before Mar 9, 2012

Resources needed: 6 people in 2 days for brainstorming, 2 people in 26 days for doing


Dependencies and Constraints: depends on the completion of SRS

Risks: SRS may not be detailed enough to capture the business rules, causing the detailed

design to be inappropriate or will be changed much in the future Coding

Description: implement the system to reflect the requirements

Output: source code of the project, unit test reports

Deliverables: executable programs and source code before Feb 23, 2012

Resources needed: all developers in 30 days

Dependencies and Constraints: depends on the completion of SRS, SDD


Unit test may not be performed thoroughly causing spending many efforts in system

test phase

May lack of time to implement all the requirements

Team members may not easily get used to new technologies and new knowledge such

as algorithm or communication protocol System Test

Description: perform system test for the system

Output: system test report

Deliverables: Software Test Documentation before Apr 2, 2012

Resources needed: 2 people in 39 days

Dependencies and Constraints: Coding is finished

Risks: 39 days may be too short to check whole system works well or not

2.5.2 Task Sheet: Assignments and Timetable Refer to the Master Plan document.

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2.6 Risk Management

ID Risk Description Probability Effect Status Action Contingency

1 User


It's quite difficult

to communicate

and get

involvement from


Very high Tolerabl

e Occurred



from other

sources like

news or


2 Testing:

Unable to test in a



Very high Serious Occurred




3 Hardware


Lack of devices

such as text-to-

speech modem,

GPS device

Very high Serious Occurred

Borrow FPT





4 New Technology:

Android, Map

API, Encoding-



Very high Serious Potential


knowledge for



by materials

and internet


support from

friends or

someone that

is expert of

that new


5 Resource


Team member

lack of software









OJT can help

us to get more

experience in



We have may


colleagues in


engineering to

ask and get


6 Project



Project Manager

lacks of project

management skill

Moderate Serious Potential





from text book

in library

Ask many




when getting


Table 2-2: Risk Management

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2.7 Coding Conventions The following rules follow the standard rules for developing applications using .NET and


2.7.1 Naming Conventions Refer to .NET Naming Guidelines.


2.7.2 Coding Styles Refer to FxCop rules and Code Analysis for Managed Code Warnings.



Comments should be written in order to make code understandable and maintainable.

Only write comments when necessary, do not write comments for every line of code

and every variable declared.

Use // or /// for comments. Avoid using /* … */

Do not write comments if the code is easily understandable without comment. The

drawback of having lot of comments is that if you change the code and forget to change

the comment, it will lead to more confusion.

Fewer lines of comments will make the code more elegant. But if the code is not

clean/readable and there are less comments, that is worse.

Writes clean, readable code such a way that it doesn't need any comments or very little

to understand.

Perform spelling check on comments and also make sure proper grammar and

punctuation is used.

7 MSDN. NET Naming Guidelines. Jan, 16, 2012. <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229002.aspx>

8 MSDN. FxCop rules and Code Analysis for Managed Code Warnings. Jan, 16, 2012.


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3 Software Requirement Specification

3.1 High Level Requirements

3.2 Domain Model

3.2.1 Diagram





Operator Fisher




Viewer DatabaseServer OnSeaTerminal

servicePush toNormal







Query from

servicePush toStorm

MessageNotify to

Broadcast to

Broadcast toStorm




Send toSOS

Messageservice Push to


MessageNotify to



MessageSend to


Messageservice Push to


MessageQuery fromview






Diagram 3-1: Domain Model Diagram

3.2.2 Domain Object Description

Object Description

Vessel The vessel has an unique ID that registered with MIV system

Message The structured information to transfer between device on vessel and

station. There are 2 types of messages:

Message from Coastal Station to Vessel

Message from Vessel to Coastal Station

Messages might contain information of weather, storm notification,

SOS notification, vessel position

Viewer The central system which is responsible for creating broadcasting

messages and visualize information received from vessels

Database System The software system which responsible for storing vessel information

and messages from Viewer and On-seaTerminal. The system also

handles and notifies if there is any urgent message (Storm message,

SOS message, etc).

Coastal Station The coastal station responsible for automatically broadcasting messages

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Object Description

to vessels and receiving messages from vessels

On-sea Terminal The software system on vessels for visualizing information received

from coastal station and sending messages back to coastal station

Central Operator Person who uses Viewer software to broadcast message or monitor

vessels on map

Fisher Person who is the owner of a vessel and also the user of on-sea terminal


Operator Person who uses Coastal Station software to observe broadcasted &

received messages at each coastal station

Table 3-1: Domain Object Description

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3.3 Business process flow

3.3.1 Storm message broadcasting process

Storm Message Broadcasting






























FisherCoastal Station

SystemDatabase System On-seaTerminalCentral Operator

Create storm


Save storm

Message into


Notify Coastal










View storm




Diagram 3-2: Storm message broadcasting process

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3.3.2 Normal message broadcasting process

Normal Message BroadcastingM





























FisherOn-seaTerminalCoastal Station

SystemCentral Operator Database System









Message into










Get message



Diagram 3-3: Normal message broadcasting process

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3.3.3 Position message sending (from vessel) process

Position Message Sending (From Vessel)M





g &



























Central OperatorViewerCoastal Station

SystemDatabase SystemOn-seaTerminal



Message into




View map






Loop: update

position from



Send position


Diagram 3-4 Position message sending (from vessel) process

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3.3.4 SOS message sending (from vessel) process

SOS Message Sending (From Vessel)M


































Fisher Central OperatorViewerDatabase SystemCoastal Station




Message into





View map





Press “SOS”


Create SOS


Send SOS


Encode SOS


Notify Viewer

Diagram 3-5 SOS message sending (from vessel) process

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3.4 Use cases and Actors

3.4.1 On-sea Terminal System Diagram

Diagram 3-6: On-sea Terminal UCs Description of Actors

Actor Name Description

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Actor Name Description

Fisher A end user of the On-sea terminal (generally vessel pilot or fisher),

who will use the terminal to view map, weather, vessel information

… or send SOS notification if necessary

Table 3-2: On-sea Terminal Actors description Description of Use cases

Use case Name Description

View map This use case allows fisher to view the maritime map where he’s on

View storm notification This use case allows fisher to view storm notifications broadcasted

by coastal stations. The notifications will be visualized and

displayed in images

View weather information This use case allows fisher to view other weather information like

wind power, temperature…The information will be display in text

View vessel position The fisher can trace his position by using the terminal. His position

will be displayed inside the map

View forbidden area warning This use case allows fisher to be warned when vessel is going to

enter a forbidden area

Send SOS notification This use case allows fisher to send SOS notification in case he got

a bad situation.

Auto send position message to

Coastal Station

This use case allows position of vessel to be sent back to Coastal

Station for tracking automatically

Receive messages from

Coastal Station

This use case allows messages broadcasted from Coastal Station to

be received and be informed to fisher

Table 3-3: On-sea Terminal Use cases description

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3.4.2 Coastal Station System Diagram

Diagram 3-7 Coastal Station UCs

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Usecase Name Description

Operator A user who has responsibilities for observing coastal station system

and message forwarding between Viewer system and vessels.

Table 3-4: Coastal Station System Actors description Description of Use cases

Use case Name Description

View message history This use case allows Operator to view history of messages which

are broadcasted and received by this coastal station

View broadcasted message This use case allows Operator to view or be alerted whenever the

coastal station broadcasts a message to vessels

View received message This use case allows Operator to view or be alerted whenever the

coastal station receives a message (except position message) from


Broadcast message to


This use case allows Operator to send message to Transceiver

device, then it will be broadcasted to vessels via HF band

Receive messages from


This use case allows message sent from vessels to be received by

Transceiver device, then to be push into PC’s COM ports to


Commit message into


This use case allows message received from vessels to be inserted

and stored into Maritime database in Database Server

Table 3-5: Coastal Station System Use case description

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3.4.3 Viewer System Diagram

Diagram 3-8: Viewer System UCs Description of Actors

Actor Name Description

Central Operator A user who has responsibilities for vessel management,

observation and salvage

Table 3-6: Station System Actors description

Page 29: MIV final report

________________________________________________________________________ Final Report, Maritime Information Visualization, Version 1.0 Page | 29 Prepared by 6Fingers Description of Use cases

Use case Name Description

Create broadcast messages This use case allows central operator to send messages to all


View all vessels’ positions

on map

This use case allows central operator to observe vessel position on

map at a specific time

View a vessel’s voyage This use case allows central operator to observe a vessel’s voyage

through an interval of time

View a vessel’s information This use case allows central operator to view information of vessel

Auto update vessels’


This use case allows all vessels position to be updated after a

specified interval of time

Table 3-7: Station System Use cases description

3.5 Functional Requirements

3.5.1 Use cases Description On-sea Terminal Use case Description UC1: View map

Name View map

Description This use case allows fisher to view the maritime map at his position. The

map contains Asian maritime map, name of the famous places. The map

will be full-screen

Actor Fisher UC2: View storm notification

Name View storm notification

Description This use case allows fisher to view the storm notification broadcasted by

coastal station. The notification will be displayed in image. In contains

the eyes of the storm, the strongly influenced area and the lightly

influenced area

Actor Fisher UC3: View weather information

Name View weather information

Description This use case allows fisher to view the weather information broadcasted

by coastal station. The information contains temperature, moisture ... and

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will be displayed in text form. The frame of weather information will be

located at right-bottom of the map

Actor Fisher UC4: View vessel position

Name View vessel position

Description This use case allows fisher to view the position of his vessel. The

position will be displayed inside the map, with a vessel icon. The

position will be updated continuously

Actor Fisher UC5: View message history

Name View message history

Description This use case allows fisher to view 5 latest messages broadcasted from

coastal station

Actor Fisher UC6: Send SOS notification

Name Send SOS notification

Description This use case allows fisher to send SOS notification in bad situation. He

can push a button inside the On-sea terminal device, and the notification

will be sent to the rescue team.

Actor Fisher

Trigger User press [SOS] button

Post condition A SOS message is generated and continuously sent to the coastal station

until user presses [SOS] button or device is no longer available to use

(because of the accident, for example) UC7: Auto send position message to Coastal Station

Name Auto send position message to Coastal Station

Description This use case allows fisher to send the current position of vessel to

Coastal Station automatically. The position is generated according to

GPS device

Actor Fisher

Pre condition Computer must connect to GPS device and transceiver device

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Name Receive messages from Coastal Station.

Description This use case allows fisher to receive message from Coastal Station.

Messages are received in many divided packages, so the application

must assemble, correct (if errors) and process it.

The application should define a mechanism in case of losing packages.

Actor Fisher

Pre condition Computer must connect to transceiver device

Post condition Inform user about message (in text form or visualized form) UC9: View forbidden area warning

Name View forbidden area warning

Description This use case allows fisher to be warned when vessel enters into a

defined forbidden area. Warning mean may be by text and/or sound

Actor Fisher

Pre condition Computer must connect to GPS device Coastal Station System UC10: View message history

Name View message history

Description This use case allows Operator to view history of messages which are

broadcasted and received by this coastal station

Refer to SC6 – [Message history screen]

Actor Operator



Post-condition UC11: View broadcasted message

Name View broadcasted message

Description This use case allows Operator to view or be alerted whenever the

coastal station broadcasts a message to vessels

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Actor Operator

Trigger A message has just been broadcasted to vessels

Pre-condition Computer must connect to transceiver device UC12: View received message

Name View received message

Description This use case allows Operator to view or be alerted whenever the

coastal station received a message from vessels (except for position


Actor Operator

Trigger A message has just been received by the coastal station

Pre-condition Computer must connect to transceiver device

Post-condition The message will be commit to save into database server UC13: Broadcast messages to vessels

Name Broadcast messages to vessels

Description This use case allows Operator to broadcast the latest message to

vessels through audio port

Actor Operator

Trigger User click button [Phát bản tin]

Pre-condition Computer must connect to transceiver device

Post-condition The message will be commit to save into database server UC14: Update messages from database

Name Update messages from database

Description This use case allows Operator to update the latest broadcast

messages from database server

Actor Operator

Trigger User click button [Cập nhật bản tin]

Pre-condition Computer must connect to database server

Post-condition The latest message will be displayed into GUI

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Name Update messages from database

Description This use case allows Operator to receive messages from database

server. Message is divided into multiple packages, so that

application should process to assemble these packages.

Actor Operator

Pre-condition Computer must connect to transceiver device through audio port

(mic port)

Post-condition The content of received message will be displayed into GUI Viewer Use cases Description UC16: Create broadcast messages

Name Create broadcast messages

Description This use case allow user to broadcast messages to all vessels. There

are 3 types of messages:

Weather messages: contains information of weather forecast

on the sea. This type of message is sent frequently every day.

Storm messages: contains information of the current storm

status on the sea. This type of message is sent whenever the

storm can be seen.

Urgent messages: contains information of other urgent cases.

Message content, broadcasting time and frequency depends

on Central Operator.

Actor Central Operator

Trigger User open [Tạo bản tin] tab and fill appropriate information into a

designated form, then click [Đồng ý] button.

Pre-condition Application must connect to database server

Post-condition The message will be saved into database server UC17: View all vessels’ positions on map

Name View all vessels’ positions on map

Description This use case allows Central Operator observe all registered vessels

on background map at the current time. This view is main screen of

Tracker application.

Actor Central Operator

Pre-condition Internet connection is available for map downloading

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Business Rules




BR1 Background map’s dimension and limitation

The background map should contain some regions as Vietnam land, Vietnam

sea, Philippine sea and China sea.

BR2 Automatically update the positions onto the map

The vessels might be moving on the sea, so that their positions change

continuously. The position messages are sent to station frequently. The view

should acknowledge all these changes.

BR3 Acceptable delayed time rule

The system should assure the delayed time at most 5 seconds at the normal


BR4 No vessel case

In case of no vessels, the view displays only background map. UC18: View a vessel’s voyage

Name View a vessel’s voyage

Description This use case allows central operator to observe a vessel’s voyage on

a time interval.

Actor Central Operator

Trigger User click to a vessel’s position on the map of main screen.

Pre-condition There is at least a vessel displayed on the map

Business Rules




BR5 Voyage figure selection

The view should choose display the vessel’s voyage as a line from start position

to ending position. UC19: View a vessel’s information

Name View a vessel’s information

Description This use case allows central operator view the information of a

registered vessel, including an unique ID, current position, weight,


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Actor Central Operator

Trigger User points mouse to the vessel position on the map and click

Pre-condition There is at least one vessel displayed on the map

Post-condition Information of vessel is displayed in a pop up context UC20: Auto update vessel position

Name Auto update vessel position

Description This use case allows Central Operator not need to update vessel

position manually. The application will update those information

automatically each period of time.

Actor Central Operator

Trigger User points mouse to the vessel position on the map and click

Pre-condition There is at least one vessel displayed on the map

Post-condition Information of vessel is displayed in a pop up context

3.5.2 Screen Description Viewer screen SC1 – Map view screen XO-

Quản lý















Maritime Information VisualizationMaritime Information Visualization

Tạo bản tin Lịch sử đi tàu

Figure 3-1: Map view screen

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Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Window title Label No Yes Default value is “Maritime

Information Visualization”

[Quản lý] tab Tab No Yes This is the default tab when start

MIV Viewer program.

Map view area Image No Yes This is the map view which shows

background map and all vessel


Zoom control Control Yes Yes This control allow user to zoom in

/ out the background map and

vessel distance.

Table 3-8: Map view screen description SC2 – SOS notification screen XO-


Maritime Information VisualizationMaritime Information Visualization














Quản lý Tạo bản tin Lịch sử đi tàu

Figure 3-2: SOS notification screen

Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

SOS icon Icon No No This icon is displayed when

Viewer system receives a SOS

message from vessel.

The color should be easy to get

attention (red is recommended).

Table 3-9: SOS notification screen description

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Maritime Information VisualizationMaritime Information Visualization

Biển kiểm soát: 103QN

Kinh độ: 123.456

Vĩ độ: 14.362

Các thông tin khácCác thông tin khác

Quản lý Tạo bản tin














Lịch sử đi tàu

Figure 3-3: Vessel information view screen

Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description



Context No Context shows vessel information

when user click to vessel symbol

in map view area

Table 3-10: Vessel information view screen description SC4 – Vessel voyage view screen XO-


Maritime Information VisualizationMaritime Information Visualization

Lịch sử đi tàu














Quản lý Tạo bản tin

Figure 3-4: Vessel voyage view screen

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Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Vessel voyage UI


No The line draws a vessel voyage

from a start point to an ending


Table 3-11: Vessel voyage view Screen description SC5 – Storm message creating screen XO-

Quản lý X

Maritime Information VisualizationMaritime Information Visualization

Tạo bản tin

Bản tin báo bãoBản tin báo bão

Vị trí tâm bão 1:

Vĩ độ: 22.123 Kinh độ: 123.456 Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1: 90 Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2: 150

Bản tin thời tiết biển

Bản tin cảnh báo

Bản tin khẩn

Các bản tin khác

11/02/2012 06:00

Vị trí tâm bão 2: 11/02/2012 10:00

Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3: 320

Đồng ý

Vĩ độ: 22.123 Kinh độ: 123.456 Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1: 90 Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2: 150

Vị trí tâm bão 3: 11/02/2012 10:00

Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3: 320Vĩ độ: 22.123 Kinh độ: 123.456 Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1: 90 Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2: 150

Vị trí tâm bão 4: 11/02/2012 10:00

Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3: 320Vĩ độ: 22.123 Kinh độ: 123.456 Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1: 90 Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2: 150



Figure 3-5: Storm message creating screen

Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Tab title Text No Yes Text: “Tạo bản tin”

Message type Drop-down


Yes Yes List of message type

Message content Grid-view Yes Yes A form with blank items to fill

[Đồng ý] button Button No Yes Text: “Đồng ý”

Click this button when

completing message

Table 3-12: Storm message creating screen description

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________________________________________________________________________ Final Report, Maritime Information Visualization, Version 1.0 Page | 39 Prepared by 6Fingers Coastal Station System Screen SC6 – Message history screen

XO-Lịch sử bản tinLịch sử bản tin

Số các bản tin được lưu trữ: 1

Thời gian nhậnSTT Loại Thời gian phát Ghi chú

14:00:00 10/02/20121Bản tin thời tiết

biển16:00:00 10/02/2012

Figure 3-6: Message history screen

Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Title Text No Yes Text: “Lịch sử bản tin”

Amount of

messages Text

Text No Yes Color: red

Length: 255

Message history Table No Yes Table of message records

Table 3-13: Message history view screen description

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XO-Coastal Station Coastal Station

Nhận được 4 thông báo khẩn (SOS) mới. Bấm vào đây để xem

Bản tin này sẽ được tự động phát vào lúc 12:00:00 12/02/2012

Loại: Bản tin thời tiết biển.

Nội dung:

Bắc Vịnh Bắc bộ: Có mưa nhỏ.Tầm nhìn xa : từ 4 – 10km.Gió đông bắc cấp 5, có lúc cấp 6, giật

trên cấp 6. Biển động.

Nam Vịnh Bắc Bộ: Có mưa nhỏ.Tầm nhìn xa : từ 4 – 10km.Gió đông bắc cấp 5, có lúc cấp 6,

giật trên cấp 6. Biển động.

Quảng Trị đến Quảng Ngãi: Có mưa vài nơi.Tầm nhìn xa : trên 10km.Gió đông bắc cấp 5.

Bình Định đến Ninh Thuận: Có mưa vài nơi.Tầm nhìn xa : trên 10km.Gió đông bắc cấp 5.

Bình Thuận đến Cà Mau: Có mưa rào vài nơi.Tầm nhìn xa : trên 10km.Gió đông bắc cấp 5.

Cà Mau đến Kiên Giang: Không mưa.Tầm nhìn xa : trên 10km.Gió nhẹ.

Bắc Biển Đông:Có mưa vài nơi.Tầm nhìn xa : trên 10km.Gió đông bắc cấp 6, giật trên cấp 6.

Biển động.

Vùng Giữa Biển Đông: Có mưa vài nơi.Tầm nhìn xa : trên 10km. Gió đông bắc cấp 5, có lúc cấp

6, giật trên cấp 6. Biển động.

Vùng Nam Biển Đông: Có mưa rào rải rác và có nơi có dông.Tầm nhìn xa : trên 10km, giảm

xuống 4 – 10km trong mưa.Gió đông bắc cấp 4 - 5.

Vịnh Thái Lan: Có mưa vài nơi.Tầm nhìn xa : trên 10km.Gió nhẹ.

Cài đặt Lịch sử các bản tin

Phát bản tinCập nhật bản tin

Phát bản tin

Figure 3-7: Message view screen

Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Message Content Text No Yes The text of message content

Length of text: 500

[Cài đặt] button Button No Yes Text: “Cài đặt”

[Cập nhật bản tin]


text No Yes Text: “Cập nhật bản tin”

The system will connect to

database to update new messages

[Phát bản tin]


Button No Yes Text: “Phát bản tin”

Functionality: Broadcast the

message to vessels manually

[Lịch sử bản tin]


Button No Yes Text: “Lịch sử bản tin”

Functionality: show the SC6 –

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Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Message history screen

Table 3-14: Message view screen description On-sea Terminal screen SC8 – Map view screen

Figure 3-8: Map view screen

Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Background map Image No Yes The image of map contains

Vietnamese land, Vietnamese sea.

The system should use map API

support from existing systems to

get background image.

Vessel position


Image No Yes A symbol at the point as real

vessel position

Vessel position


text No Yes The text as real vessel position

putted near Vessel position


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Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Weather textbox Textbox No Yes The textbox containing

information of weather, putted at

the below right corner

SOS button Button No Yes Text: “SOS”

User will use this button in case of


Table 3-15: Map view Screen SC9 – Storm (on map) view screen

Figure 3-9: Storm view screen

Field name Control


Editable Mandatory Description

Storm image Image No Yes This image is for visualizing storm

information in current and

forecasted status.

Use a red line to present the main

storm orbit

Use different colors to differ

degrees of storm damage.

Table 3-16: Storm view Screen description

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3.6 Nonfunctional Requirements

3.6.1 User access and security

3.6.2 Capacity and performance

The system should run with the existing system, including maximum 100 coastal


The size of each message is up to 5KB

The data speed on HF channel is up to 300b/s

3.6.3 Availability

The complete system will be available during normal business hours (GMT+7).

The database servers will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The database servers will have a 99.5% availability to ensure a meaningful error

message is provided to the users if the portal application is unavailable.

3.6.4 Security

Data must be encrypted when transferring via HF communication or Internet.

Authentication is required when accessing into or querying from database system.

3.6.5 Systems management

Database backup: There is a weekly backup process in place on Saturday night which

requires the application servers to be brought down. The downtime will be between

2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

3.6.6 Scalability

The system will be able to scale to support additional vessels, coastal stations or viewer


3.6.7 Maintainability

The solution will be compliant with industry standard technologies.

3.6.8 Usability Requirement

The system’s architecture should be open for future development and maintenance

The system shall be easy to use

The system shall be easy to learn

The system shall prompt customer with friend easy to read error messages

The system shall utilize consistent symbols and color for clear notification

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3.7 Other Requirements

Language: Vietnamese

3.8 Requirement Completeness Criteria

The below table list all completeness criteria for MIV project in scope of Capstone Project.

All other complements will be developed in second phases (release to market and go live)

Scope Functions/Features Related

Use case

Completeness Remain




Communication from

Coastal Station to On-sea

Terminal, and vice-versa

6, 7, 8, 13,




via HF band

Read/write data from/into

transceiver through audio


6, 7, 8, 13,



Read position from GPS


4 100%

Divide a message into

multiple packages and

assemble them

6, 7, 8, 13,



Visualize vessel position

information using Google

Earth API

18, 19 100%

Visualize storm information

on map (On-sea Terminal)

1, 2 100%

Visualize vessel position on

map (On-sea Terminal)

1, 4 100%

Remote to manage Maritime


14, 16, 19,



Release to

market and

go live

Availability to work with a

system with more than 100

Coastal Station and about

20000 vessels

to be


in future

Communication via HF to be tested

& deployed

in future

Table 3-17: Requirement Completeness Criteria

4 Software Design

4.1 Design Overview

4.1.1 System Context Diagram

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Diagram 4-1: System Context Diagram System Context Description

Object Description

On-land system

Central operator User of Viewer application, responsible for

- Monitoring vessel positions, voyages

- Create weather messages, storm messages

Operator User of Coastal Station application, responsible for

- Monitoring messages to be broadcasted to vessels, received

from vessels

- Broadcasting messages to vessels

Viewer Windows application for monitoring vessel positions, vessel voyages,

creating messages

Coastal Station Windows application for monitoring broadcasted messages, received

messages. It connects to radio station hardware for that tasks

Database server Windows application that connects to SQL Server for managing

Maritime database

Land-sea Communication

Radio station Hardware at each coastal station for broadcasting messages, receive

messages through HF wave

Transceiver Hardware at each vessel for receiving messages, send messages through

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Object Description

HF wave

On-sea System

Fisher User of On-sea Terminal application, responsible for monitoring their

own vessel position on map, being alerted about storm, weather


On-sea Terminal Application on portable computing device that connects to transceiver,

then visualizes received information to fisher, automatically send back

vessel position to transceiver.

Table 4-1: System Context Description

4.2 Architecture Overview

4.2.1 Diagram On-land System Database Server

Diagram 4-2: Database Server Architecture

No Package Name Description

1 UI (Console) Console display, informs user about

connections or database altering activities

2 Controller Main controller

3 From-Client Remote Manage processes when Viewer or

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No Package Name Description

Coastal Station remotes to server

4 To-Client Remote Manage processes when server remotes to

Viewer / Coastal Station clients

5 SQL Database Access Connects to SQL Database Server

(default: local host), control data flow

from/to SQL Database Server

6 Configuration Contains application setting up parameters

7 Common Struct Common objects for binding data

8 Exception Management Exception management

Table 4-2: Database Server Architecture Description Viewer

Diagram 4-3: Viewer Architecture Diagram

No Package Name Description

1 GUI Display graphical interface

2 Controller Main controller

3 Boast cast Messages Creator Create “Boast cast” Messages

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No Package Name Description

4 Google Earth Handler Prepare display data and control Google

Earth API

5 Server Connection Connect to database server, read data

from/write data into database server

6 Common Struct Common objects for binding data

7 Math Helper Provide math functions

8 Logs Management Log files management

9 Exception Management Exceptions management

10 Configuration Contains application setting up parameters

Table 4-3: Viewer Architecture Description Coastal Station

Diagram 4-4: Coastal Station Architecture

No Package Name Description

1 GUI Display graphical interface

2 Controller Main controller

3 Server Connection Connect to database server, read data

from/write data into database server

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No Package Name Description

4 Transceiver Connection Connect to transceiver, receive data from /

send data to transceiver

5 Error Correction Algorithm Algorithm to correct errors, eliminate

noises generated through land-sea HF


6 Audio Decode/Encode Modem Transform text into audio, audio into text

7 Configuration Contains application setting up parameters

8 Common Struct Common objects for binding data

9 Exception Management Exception management

Table 4-4 Coastal Station Architecture Description On-sea Terminal

Common Struct

Presentation Layer

Business Layer

Data Access Layer

Common Layer




ControllerData correctionAudio Soft-





<<uses>> <<uses>>



Diagram 4-2: On Sea Terminal Architecture

No Package Name Description

1 GUI Display graphical interface to fisher

2 Controller Control the main program, process data

3 Transceiver Connection Connect to transceiver, receive data from /

send data to transceiver

4 Error Correction Algorithm to check the correctness of

data, generated by audio noise through

land-sea HF communication, correct it if

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No Package Name Description


5 Audio Soft-modem Convert audio data from analog to digital

and digital to analog, communicate with

the device audio in/out port

6 Common Struct Common message type receive/broadcast

from/to coastal stations

7 Exception Management Manage exception of on-sea terminal


8 Utilization Contains utilization function for the


Table 4-2 On-sea Terminal Architecture Description

4.3 Detailed Design Description

4.3.1 On-land System Database Server Class diagram Diagram

Diagram 4-5: Database server – class diagram

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________________________________________________________________________ Final Report, Maritime Information Visualization, Version 1.0 Page | 51 Prepared by 6Fingers Class Description Server class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 Port int

2 dbConnectManager MaritimeDAL Methods ConfigConnection

Method name void ConfigConnection()

Description Setup connection so that server can listen if there is any client connect to

server, using SOAP

Parameters void

Return void CloseConnection

Method name void CloseConnection()

Description Close connection

Parameters void

Return void StartPositionMessageThread

Method name void StartPositionMessageThread()

Description Create a queue to manage all vessel position updating into Maritime database

Parameters void

Return void AddViewerClient

Method name void AddViewerClient(string clientID)

Description add clientID string into list of Viewer client ID

Parameters clientID: string client ID, generated by Viewer client


Return void

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Method name void AddCoastalStationClient (string clientID)

Description add clientID string into list of CoastalStation client ID

Parameters clientID: string client ID, generated by CoastalStation

client application

Return void RemoveViewerClient

Method name void RemoveViewerClient(string clientID)

Description remove clientID string from list of Viewer client ID, usually be called when

Viewer client disconnects to server

Parameters clientID: string client ID, generated by Viewer client


Return void RemoveCoastal StationClient

Method name void RemoveCoastalStationClient(string clientID)

Description Remove clientID string from list of CoastalStation client ID, usually be called

when CoastalStation disconnects to server

Parameters clientID: string clientID, generated by CoastalStation

client applicaton

Return void AddPositionMessageIntoQueue

Method name void AddPositionMessageIntoQueue(VesselPosition positionRecord)

Description Add position message update calling function into a queue so that they will

process in order, prevent Maritime database connection conflicts

Parameters positionRecord: VesselPosition position information to be inserted

into database

Return void PopPositionMessageFromQueue

Method name VesselPosition PopPositionMessageFromQueue()

Description Pop position record of vessel from queue to be processed

Parameters void

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Return the popped VesselPosition, null if the queue is empty InsertBroadcastMessage

Method name void InsertBroadcastMessage(BroadcastMessage message)

Description Insert broadcast message into Maritime database. It calls MaritimeDAL

method to insert.

Parameters message: BroadcastMessage message to be inserted

Return void InsertSOSMessage

Method name void InsertSOSMessage(SOSMessage message)

Description Insert SOS message into Maritime database. It calls MaritimeDAL method to


Parameters message: SOSMessage message to be inserted

Return void GetVesselLastestInfo

Method name List<VesselPosition> GetVesselLastestInfo()

Description Connect to Maritime database, then get latest position records of all vessels

Parameters void

Return list of position records, null if there is no information TransporterDelegate

It is not a class. We just use it to group these following delegates. NewStormMessageHandler

Method name void NewStormMessageHandler (BroadcastMessage message)

Description delegate for CoastalStation client to be able to register a handler for processing

a new storm message

Parameters message: BroadcastMessage new storm message

Return void NewSOSMessageHandler

Method name void NewSOSMessageHandler(SOSMessage message)

Description Delegate for Viewer client to be able to register a handler for processing a new

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SOS message

Parameters message: SOSMessage new SOS message

Return void ConfigIniFileManager class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 fileName string name of .ini configuration


2 port int server listening port

3 dbConnectionString string connection string to

Maritime database Methods Read

Method name void Read (string filename)

Description Open ini file, read values, then save into its members

Parameters filename: string file path to be read

Return void Save

Method name void Save(string filename)

Description Open ini file, write its members’ value into file

Parameters filename: string file path to be written

Return void MaritimeDAL class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 connectionString string connection string to connect into

Maritime database

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Method name bool Open(string connectionString)

Description Open connection to Maritime database

Parameters connectionString: string connection string to Maritime


Return bool Close

Method name void Close()

Description Close connection to Maritime database

Parameters void

Return void GetBroadcastMessage

Method name List<BroadcastMessage> GetBroadcastMessage(DateTime fromDateTime)

Description Get the broadcast message which has created date time after fromDateTime

Parameters fromDateTime: DateTime created date time of message

Return list of broadcast message, null if there is no messages GetVesselInfoByVesselID

Method name Vessel GetVesselInfoByVesselID(int vesselID)

Description Get vessel information from Maritime database by vessel ID

Parameters vesselID: int vessel ID (primary key of Vessel

table in Maritime database)

Return Vessel object, null if there is no information GetVoyageByVesselID

Method name List<VesselPosition> GetVoyageByVesselID(int vesselID)

Description Get voyage of a vessel that has vesselID

Parameters vesselID: int vessel ID (primary key of Vessel

table in Maritime database)

Return list of position records of this vessel, null if there is no information

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Method name void InsertBroadcastMessage(BroadcastMessage message)

Description Insert broadcast message into Maritime database

Parameters message: BroadcastMessage message to be inserted

Return void InsertSOSMessage

Method name void InsertSOSMessage(SOSMessage message)

Description Insert SOS message into Maritime database

Parameters message: SOSMessage message to be inserted

Return void InsertPositionMessage

Method name void InsertPositionMessage(VesselPosition positionRecord)

Description Insert position information into Maritime database

Parameters positionRecord: VesselPosition position record to be inserted

Return void GetVesselLastestPosition

Method name List<VesselPosition> GetVesselLastestPosition()

Description Get list of the latest position records of all vessels

Parameters void

Return list of position records, null if there is no information ICoastalStationRemote interface Attributes

This interface has no attributes. Methods RegisterCoastalStationTransporter

Method name void RegisterCoastalStationTransporter(string clientID,

CoastalStationTransporter csTransporter)

Description Inform server that CoastalStation client is connected and allow server to

remote CoastalStation client through transporter object

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clientID: string client ID string, generated by

CoastalStation application

csTransporter: CoastalStationTransporter

transporter object to be used in

remote from server to

CoastalStation client

Return void UnregisterCoastalStationTransporter

Method name void UnregisterCoastalStationTransporter(string clientID)

Description Inform server that CoastalStation client is disconnected and server cannot use

transporter object to remote

Parameters clientID: string client ID string, generated by

CoastalStation application

Return void GetBroadcastMessage

Method name List<BroadcastMessage> GetBroadcastMessage(DateTime fromDateTime)

Description Get the broadcast message which has created date time after fromDateTime

Parameters fromDateTime: DateTime created date time of message

Return list of broadcast message, null if there is no messages GetVesselInfoByID

Method name Vessel GetVesselInfoByID(int vesselID)

Description Get vessel information from Maritime database by vessel ID

Parameters vesselID: int vessel ID (primary key of Vessel

table in Maritime database)

Return Vessel object, null if there is no information CommitPositionMessageFromVessel

Method name void CommitPositionMessageFromVessel(VesselPosition positionRecord)

Description Commit vessel position information to Database Server

Parameters positionRecord: VesselPosition position record to be committed

Return void

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Method name void CommitSOSMessageFromVessel(SOSMessage message)

Description commit SOS message to Database Server

Parameters message: SOSMessage message to be committed

Return void IViewerRemote interface Attributes

This interface has no attributes. Methods RegisterViewerTransporter

Method name void RegisterViewerTransporter(string clientID, ViewerTransporter


Description Inform server that Viewer client is connected and allow server to remote

Viewer client through transporter object

Parameters clienID: string client ID string, generated by Viewer


vTransporter: ViewerTransporter transporter object to be used in

remote from server to Viewer client

Return void UnregisterViewerTransporter

Method name void UnregisterViewerTransporter(string clientID)

Description Inform server that Viewer client is disconnected and server cannot use

transporter object to remote

Parameters clientID: string client ID string, generated by Viewer


Return void GetVesselLastestInfo

Method name List<VesselPosition> GetVesselLastestInfo()

Description Get list of the latest position records of all vessels

Parameters void

Return list of position records, null if there is no information

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Method name List<VesselPosition> GetVoyageByVesselID(int vesselID)

Description Get voyage of a vessel that has vesselID

Parameters vesselID: int vessel ID (primary key of Vessel

table in Maritime database)

Return list of position records of this vessel, null if there is no information GetVesselInfoByID

Method name Vessel GetVesselInfoByID(int vesselID)

Description Get vessel information from Maritime database by vessel ID

Parameters vesselID: int vessel ID (primary key of Vessel

table in Maritime database)

Return Vessel object, null if there is no information CommitBroadcastMessage

Method name void CommitBroadcastMessage(BroadcastMessage message)

Description Commit broadcast message to Database Server

Parameters message: BroadcastMessage message to be committed

Return void GetLastestStormMessage

Method name BroadcastMessage GetLastestStormMessage()

Description Get the latest storm message in Maritime database

Parameters void

Return BroadcastMessage with type of Storm, null if there is no information

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Diagram 4-6: Database Server – Start program sequence diagram

Diagram 4-7: Database server – Close program sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-8: Database Server – Start position message thread sequence diagram Register / Unregister Viewer Client

Diagram 4-9: Database Server – Register Viewer client sequence diagram

Diagram 4-10: Database server – Unregister Viewer client sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-11: Database server – Register CoastalStation client sequence diagram

Diagram 4-12: Database server – Unregister CoastalStation client sequence diagram Insert position message from vessel

Diagram 4-13: Database server – Insert position message sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-14: Database server – Insert broadcast message sequence diagram Insert SOS message from vessels

Diagram 4-15: Database server – Insert SOS message sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-16: Database server – Insert storm message sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-17: Viewer – class diagram Class Description MainController class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 autoUpdateData AutoUpdateData Manages automatically

updating message from


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No Name Type Description

2 serverConnectManager ServerConnectManager Connects to database &

manages database data


3 searchForm SearchForm Application search GUI


4 mainForm MainForm Application main GUI


5 overViewForm overViewForm Application overview

GUI Form

6 createMeesagesForm CreateMeesagesForm Application create new

broadcast messages GUI


7 vesselManager VesselManager Management Vessel list Methods AutoBroadcastMessage

Method name void ControlGetData()

Description Synchronize threads during time the application get data from data base. It is

called by AutoUpdateData when time interval is reached.

Parameters void

Return void ControlUpdateData

Method name void ControlUpdateData()

Description Synchronize threads during time the application get update data to GUI. It is

called by AutoUpdateData when it finished get data from database.

Parameters void

Return void ControlDisplayVessel

Method name void ControlDisplayVessel()

Description Display Vessels as layers on GoogleEarth API. It is called by


Parameters void

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Return void ControlDisplayTyphoon

Method name void ControlDisplayTyphoon()

Description Display Typhoon as a layer on GoogleEarth API. It is called by

ControlUpdateData after it calls ControlDisplayVessel().

Parameters void

Return void ControlDisplaySOS

Method name void ControlDisplaySOS()

Description Display SOS messages as layers on GoogleEarth API. It is called by

ControlUpdateData after it calls ControlDisplayTyphoon ().

Parameters void

Return void ConfigParameters

Method name void ConfigPagrameters()

Description Configuration parameters

Parameters void

Return void ServerConnectManager class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 ServerIP string IP of server

2 ServerPort int Port of server

3 eventHandler IServerConnectManager Handle event from

database Methods Connect

Method name bool Connect()

Description Make a connection to database to get data.

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Parameters void

Return true if connect success, false if fail CommitMessages

Method name bool CommitMessages(string message)

Description Commit Broadcast messages to database.

Parameters message : string Content of message

Return true if connect success, false if fail GetVesselLatestInfo

Method name Vessel GetVesselLatestInfo()

Description Get VesselLatestInfo from database

Parameters void

Return New List<Vessel> GetVesselHistory

Method name Vessel GetVesselHistory()

Description Get VesselHistory from database

Parameters void

Return New List<Vessel> GetVesselOwner

Method name Owner GetVesselOwner()

Description Get VesselOwner from database

Parameters void

Return New Owner object GetLatestTyphoonMessage

Method name Owner GetLatestTyphoonMessage()

Description Get TyphoonMessage from database

Parameters void

Return New Typhoon object

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No Name Type Description

1 Interval int Interval of Auto Update


2 CallBackFunction object Callback when update

data finished Methods Start

Method name void Start()

Description Start AutoUpdateData

Parameters void

Return void Stop

Method name void Stop()

Description Stop AutoUpdateData

Parameters void

Return void AutoUpdateLatestInfo

Method name void AutoUpdateLatestInfo()

Description Get VesselLatestInfo from database and add to List<vessel>

Parameters void

Return void AutoUpdateTyphoon

Method name void AutoUpdateTyphoon()

Description Get Typhoon data from database and add to object Typhoon

Parameters void

Return void

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No Name Type Description

1 VesselList List<Veseel> List of Vessel Methods AddVessel

Method name bool AddVessel(Vessel vessel)

Description Add vessel to list Vessel

Parameters vessel:Vessel vessel object to add in List<Vessel>

Return true if vessel is added success, fall if fail RemoveVessel

Method name bool RemoveVessel(int index)

Description Remove vessel from list Vessel

Parameters index: int Index of vessel in List<Vessel>

Return true if vessel is remove success, fall if fail EditVessel

Method name bool EditVessel(int index)

Description Edit vessel from list Vessel

Parameters index: int Index of vessel in List<Vessel>

Return true if vessel is edit success, fall if fail Count

Method name int Count()

Description Return number of vessels in List<Vessel>

Parameters void

Return number of vessels in list ToTable

Method name Datatable Totable()

Description Return a Table of vessels in List<Vessel>

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Parameters void

Return Datatable of List<Vessel> FindByVesselNo

Method name Vessel FindByVesselNo (string vesselNo)

Description Return a vessel in List<Vessel> base on vessel number

Parameters vesselNo: string Number of vessel

Return New Vessel object FindByVesselID

Method name Vessel FindByVesselID (int ID)

Description Return a vessel in List<Vessel> base on vessel ID

Parameters ID:int ID of vessel

Return New Vessel object FindByVesselOwner

Method name Vessel FindByVesselOwner (string name)

Description Return a vessel in List<Vessel> base on name of owner

Parameters name: string Name of owner

Return New Vessel object Vessel class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 VesselID int Id of vessel

2 VesselOwner string Owner of vessel

3 VesselHistoryID int HistoryId of vessel

4 VesselNumber string Number of vessel

5 VesselType enum Type of vessel

6 VesselLat float Latitude of vessel

7 VesselLng float Longtitude of vessel

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No Name Type Description

8 VesselHeading float Heading of vessel

9 VesselSpeed float Speed of vessel

10 Vesse LastReceiveData Datetime Last Receive data of


11 VesselSOS bool Vessel being transmits

SOS messages

12 VesselApiID int ID in GoogleEarth API

13 VesselIsNew bool Vessel is new

14 VesselIsRead bool Vessel is displayed Methods Equals

Method name bool Equals (Vessel vessel)

Description Compare 2 vessels

Parameters vessel: Vessel Vessel to compare

Return true if 2 vessel is equals, fail if not MathHelper class Attributes Methods Distance2point

Method name Float Distance2point(GLatLng g1, GLatLng g2)

Description Calculate distance of 2 point


g1:GLatLng Position 1

g2: GLatLng Position 2

Return Distance of 2 point PointsOfCircle

Method name GLatLng PointsOfCircle(Circle circle,double angle)

Description Calculate position of a point in circle

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circle: Circle Circle to calculate

angle: double Angle at the center of circle

Return New GLatLng object FindTangents

Method name GLatLng[] FindTangents (Circle c1,Circle c2)

Description Calculate tangents of 2 circle


c1: Circle Circle 1

c2: Circle Circle 2

Return New array GLatLng[] objects GLatLng class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 EarthRadiusInKilometers float Earth Radius

2 Longitude float Longitude

3 Latitude float Latitude Methods DegreeToRadian

Method name float DegreeToRadian(float deg)

Description Calculate radian of a degree

Parameters deg: float Angle in degree

Return Angle in radian RadianToDegree

Method name float RadianToDegree(float rad)

Description Calculate degree of a radian

Parameters rad: float Angle in radian

Return Angle in degree

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Method name float DistanTo(GLatLng endPoint)

Description Calculate distance of this point to another point

Parameters endPoint : GLatLng End point to calculate

Return Distance of this point to another point BearingTo

Method name float BearingTo(GLatLng endPoint)

Description Calculate bearing of this point to another point

Parameters endPoint: GLatLng End point to calculate

Return Bearing of this point to another point GoogleEarthCommands class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 IconScale1 float Icon scale when display

2 IconScale2 float Icon scale when click

3 SOSIconScale1 float Icon SOS when display

4 SOSIconScale1 float Icon SOS when click

5 DefaultRange float Default range on

GoogleEarth API

6 CenterLat float Center point latitude

7 CenterLng floar Center point longitude Methods DrawCircle

Method name void DrawCircle (Circle circle)

Description Draw a circle on GoogleEarth

Parameters circle:Circle Circle to draw

Return void

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Method name void DrawLine (GLatLng p1,GLatLng p2)

Description Draw a line on GoogleEarth


p1: GLatLng Begin position

p2: GLatLng End position

Return void DrawTyphoon

Method name void DrawLine (Typhoon typhoon)

Description Draw a typhoon on GoogleEarth

Parameters typhoon: Typhoon Typhoon to draw

Return void SetVesselApiID

Method name void SetVesselApiID (int ID)

Description Set ApiID of a vessel

Parameters ID: int ID of Vessel

Return Void DrawVessel

Method name void DrawVessel (Vessel vessel)

Description Draw a vessel on Google Earth

Parameters vessel:Vessel Vessel to draw

Return Void UpdateVessel

Method name void UpdateVessel (Vessel vessel)

Description Update vessel on Google Earth

Parameters vessel :Vessel Vessel to update

Return Void

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Method name void ChangeIcon (object obj)

Description Change Icon of a layer on Google Earth

Parameters obj:object Object need to be change Icon

Return Void DeleteVessel

Method name void DeleteVessel (Vessel vessel)

Description Delete a vessel on Google Earth

Parameters vessel:Vessel Vessel to delete

Return Void DeleteAll

Method name void DeleteAll ()

Description Delete all layers on Google Earth

Parameters Void

Return Void SetVesselDescription

Method name void SetVesselDescription(Vessel vessel)

Description Set description for Vessel on Google Earth

Parameters vessel: Vessel Vessel should be displayed


Return Void SOSVisualization

Method name void SOSVisualization (Vessel vessel)

Description Set Display SOS Vessel on Google Earth

Parameters vessel: Vessel Vessel in troble

Return Void CreateLookAt

Method name void CreateLookAt (int alt,float lat,float lng)

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Description Create “look at” at a position


alt: int Altitude of “look at”

lat: float Latitude of position

lng: float Longitude of position

Return Void CreatePlaceMark

Method name void CreatePlaceMark (GLatLng p)

Description Create a place mark on GoogleEarth

Parameters p: GLatLng Point to create place mark

Return Void DeletePlaceMark

Method name void DeletePlaceMark (PlaceMark pm)

Description Delete a place mark on GoogleEarth

Parameters pm:PlaceMark PlaceMark to delete

Return Void MainForm class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 GeIsReady bool Loading GoogleEarth is

finished Methods UpdateData

Method name void UpdateData ()

Description Updata data to GUI

Parameters void

Return void DrawLayers

Method name void DrawLayers ()

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Description Call methods drawing in GoogleEarthCommand for drawing on Google Earth

Parameters void

Return void GeReady

Method name void GeReady ()

Description Callback function of GoogleEarth API, set GeIsReady to true

Parameters void

Return void GeFailed

Method name void GeFailed ()

Description Callback function of GoogleEarth API, set GeIsReady to false

Parameters void

Return void SetApiID

Method name void SetApiID ()

Description Callback function of GoogleEarth API, set ApiID of Vessel

Parameters void

Return void VesselClick

Method name void VesselClick (int vesselID)

Description Callback function of GoogleEarth API, a vessel is click on GoogleEarth

Parameters vesselID: int ID of vessel clicked

Return void ShowShipHistory

Method name void ShowShipHistory (int vesselID)

Description Callback function of GoogleEarth API, vessel should be show its history

Parameters vesselID: int ID of vessel clicked

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Return void SetPlaceMarkLocation

Method name void SetPlaceMarkLocation(float lat,float lng)

Description Callback function of GoogleEarth API, PlaceMark is “relocation”


lat: float New latitude of PlaceMark

lng: float New longitude of PlaceMark

Return void SearchingForm class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 ResultData Datatable Result data Methods btnSearch_Click

Method name void btnSearch_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)

Description Button Search clicked


sender: object Default arguments of delegate for

event handler

e: EventArgs Default arguments of delegate for

event handler

Return void createMenu

Method name void createMenu ()

Description Create menu for SearchingForm

Parameters void

Return void

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Method name void FillData ()

Description Display data to GUI

Parameters void

Return void CreateMenu

Method name void CreateMenu ()

Description Create menu for OverviewForm

Parameters void

Return void CreateMessagesForm class Attributes Methods btnOK_Click

Method name void btnOK_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)

Description Button OK Clicked


sender: object Default arguments of delegate for

event handler

e: EventArgs Default arguments of delegate for

event handler

Return void checkInputDouble

Method name bool checkInputDouble(string input)

Description Check input string is a double

Parameters input: string Input should be checked

Return True if input is double, fall if not

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Method name bool checkInput(string input)

Description Check input

Parameters input:string Input should be checked

Return True if input has length >0 Sequence Diagram Start program

Diagram 4-18: Viewer – Start program sequence diagram Update VesselLatestInfo

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Diagram 4-19: Viewer – Update Vessel Latest Information sequence diagram Display Vessel History

Diagram 4-20: Viewer – Display Vessel History sequence diagram S.O.S Messages process

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Diagram 4-21: Viewer – SOS Messages Process sequence diagram Searching vessel information

Diagram 4-22: Viewer – Searching Vessel Information sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-23: Coastal Station – Class Diagram Class Description MainController class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 serverConnectManager ServerConnectManager Connects to database &

manages database data


2 transceiverConnectManager TransceiverConnectManager Connects to transceiver &

read/write data into


3 iniConfigManager ConfigIniFileManager Read/write initial

configuration settings of


4 mainForm MainForm Application main GUI


5 updateTimer AutoRunTimer Manages automatically

updating message from


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No Name Type Description

6 broadcastTimer AutoRunTimer Manages automatically

broadcasting messages to

vessels Methods AutoBroadcastMessage

Method name void AutoBroadcastMessage()

Description Automatically broadcast messages to vessels. It is called by AutoRunTimer

when time interval is reached.

Parameters void

Return void Broadcast Message

Method name void BroadcastMessage(BroadcastMessage message)


Broadcast a message to vessels, actually implementing through:

- Encode message

- Modulate message

- Send data to transceiver

Parameters message: BroadcastMessage Message to be broadcasted

Return void HandleStormMessage

Method name void HandleStormMessage(BroadcastMessage message)

Description process storm message: broadcast it immediately and display it into GUI

Parameters message: BroadcastMessage storm message to be broadcasted

Return void GetBroadcastMessage

Method name BroadcastMessage GetBroadcastMessage()

Description Get broadcast message from Database Server.

Parameters void

Return BroadcastMessage, null if there is no messages or error

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Method name void ReconfigParameters(object parameter)

Description Change parameters due to new value

Parameters parameter: object value of parameters to be updated

Return void ShowMessageHistory

Method name void ShowMessageHistory()

Description Show MessageHistoryForm as a modal form

Parameters void

Return void MessageHistoryForm class Attributes

This is a class that is inherited System.Windows.Forms and generated by Visual Studio 2010 tool.

We do not mention its non-public attributes here. Methods ShowDialog

Method name DialogResult ShowDialog()

Description Show dialog as a modal dialog form. This method is inherit from

System.Windows.Forms in C#

Parameters void

Return value of type System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult (C#) MainForm class Attributes

This is a class that is inherited System.Windows.Forms and generated by Visual Studio 2010 tool.

We do not mention its non-public attributes here. Methods InformBroadcastMessage

Method name void InformBroadcastMessage(BroadcastMessage message)

Description display message onto GUI and inform this message to have just been


Parameters message: BroadcastMessage Message to have been broadcasted

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Return void btnMessageBroadcast_Clicked

Method name void btnMessageBroadcast_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

Description Delegate for event handler when Broadcast message button is clicked. This

method is generated by Visual Studio 2010 tool


sender: object Default arguments of delegate for

event handler

e: EventArgs Default arguments of delegate for

event handler

Return Void InformNewBroadcastMessage

Method name void InformNewBroadcastMessage(BroadcastMessage message)

Description Display message onto GUI and inform this message to have just updated from

Database Server

Parameters message: BroadcastMessage message that have been updated

from Database Server

Return void btnConfigSetting_Clicked

Method name void btnConfigSetting_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)


Delegate for event handler when Config Setting button is clicked. This method

is generated by Visual Studio 2010 tool.

It call ShowDialog() method of SettingForm.


sender: object Default argument of delegate for

event handler

e: EventArgs Default argument of delegate for

event handler

Return void btnMessageHistoryShow_Clicked

Method name void btnMessageHitoryShow_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)


Parameters sender: object Default argument of delegate for

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event handler

e: EventArgs Default argument of delegate for

event handler

Return void SettingForm class Attributes

This is a class that is inherited System.Windows.Forms and generated by Visual Studio 2010 tool.

We do not mention its non-public attributes here. Methods ShowDialog

Method name void ShowDialog()

Description Display SettingForm as a modal form

Parameters void

Return void Setting ParameterChanged

Method name void SettingParameterChanged(object parameter)

Description Event handler when user change setting parameters. It changes value of

relative members of FileIniConfigManager.

Parameters parameter: object parameter value has changed

Return void ConfiglniFileManager class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 filename string filename to be read/written

2 serverIP string server IP address

3 serverPort int server listening port

4 broadcastTimecodeList object list of time code for

automatically broadcasting

5 updateTimecodeList object list of time code for

automatically updating

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Method name void Read(string filename)

Description It opens .ini file and reads the file and save it into its attributes

Parameters filename: string file path to be read

Return void Write

Method name void Write(string filename)

Description It opens .ini file and writes attributes’ value into this file

Parameters filename: string file path to be written

Return void ErrorCorrectManager class Attributes

This class has no attributes. Methods Encode

Method name byte[] Encode(byte[] source)

Description Encode data before sending, using xxx algorithm

Parameters source: byte[] data to be encoded in bytes

Return encoded data in bytes Decode

Method name byte[] Decode(byte[] source)

Description Decode data after receiving, using Viterbi decoding algorithm

Parameters source: byte[] data to be decoded in bytes

Return decoded data in bytes AudioModem class Attributes

This class has no attributes.

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Method name byte[] Modulate(byte[] source)

Description Embed source data into audio so that it can be transferred using HF

communication, using AFSK algorithm

Parameters source: byte[] data to be modulated

Return modulated data in bytes Demodulate

Method name byte[] Demodulate (byte[] source)

Description Get embedded data in audio stream after receiving it from transceiver

Parameters source: byte[] data to be demodulated

Return demodulated data in bytes AutoRunTimer class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 timecodeList object list of time code for processing

2 callbackFunction object delegate function for when a call is

active by timer

3 timer System.Timers.Timer timer for calling callbackFunction

when time code is reach Methods SetupWithTimecodeList

Method name void SetupWithTimecodeList(TimecodeList timecodes, ElapsedEventHandler


Description Setup with list of timecode. It saves the list of timecode and starts running


Parameters timecodes: TimecodeList list of time code when timer calls

callback function



callback function called when time

code reaches

Return void

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Method name void ConfigNextInterval()


It changes time interval for the next call so that the next call is called at the

next timecode in timecodeList. If timecodeList reaches its end, it rolls back to

its beginning, but plus one day, so that the next call is available tomorrow.

Parameters void

Return void Stop

Method name void Stop()

Description Stop timer.

Parameters void

Return void TransceiverConnectManager class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 audioDevice object audio port

2 MessageReceiveHandler ITransceiverConnectManager handler for processing

when receiving data Methods Connect

Method name void Connect()

Description It looks for audio input/output ports and opens stream to these devices.

Parameters void

Return void Send

Method name void Send(byte[] data)

Description It checks connections to audio output device and send data to audio stream to


Parameters data: byte[] pointer to data to be sent

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Return void Close

Method name void Close()

Description It cancels audio streams between audio ports and close connections to these


Parameters void

Return void ServerConnectManager class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 serverIP string server IP address

2 serverPort int server listening port

3 eventHandler IServerConnectManager handler for errors,

connection status

(disconnected, connected) Methods Connect

Method name void Connect(string serverIP, int serverPort)

Description It opens connection to Database Server


serverIP: string server IP address

serverPort: int server listening port

Return void CommitPositionMessage

Method name void CommitPositionMessage(VesselPosition positionRecord)

Description It checks for connection to Database Server, then inserts a new position

message of a vessel into Maritime database

Parameters positionRecord: VesselPosition record of a vessel’s position

Return void

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Method name void CommitSOSMessage(SOSMessage message)

Description It checks for connection to Database Server, then inserts a new SOSMessage

of a vessel into Maritime database

Parameters message: SOSMessage message generated and sent from

vessel when vessel needs help

Return void GetBroadcastMessage

Method name List<BroadcastMessage> GetBroadcastMessage(DateTime fromDateTime)

Description It gets the broadcast messages which were created after fromDateTime

Parameters fromDateTime: DateTime created date time of message

Return list of BroadcastMessage, null if there is no available messages IServerConnectManager interface Attributes

This interface has no attributes. Methods HandleErrorMessage

Method name void HandleErrorMessage(string errorDetail)

Description It handles error message when errors is generated from server connection and


Parameters errorDetail: string error description

Return void ServerDisconnected

Method name void ServerDisconnected()

Description Handler in case of that the connection changes from connected into


Parameters void

Return void ServerConnected

Method name ServerConnected

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Description Handler in case of that the connection changes from disconnected into


Parameters void

Return void IMainFormEventHandler interface Attributes

The interface has no attributes. Methods GetLatestBroadcastMessage

Method name Broadcastmessage GetLastestBroadcastMessage()

Description Get the latest broadcast message from Database Server

Parameters void

Return Broadcastmessage ShowMessageHistory

Method name void ShowMessageHistory()

Description Show the MessageHistoryForm

Parameters void

Return void ITransceiverConnectManager interface class Attributes Methods MessageReceived

Method name void MessageReceived(byte[] data)

Description Handler for processing data when transceiver receives data through audio

input port

Parameters data: byte[] data in bytes to be processed

Return void HandleErrorMessage

Method name void HandleErrorMessage(string errorDetail)

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Description Handler in case of error is generated while connecting to audio input/output

ports and reading/sending data

Parameters errorDetail: string error content

Return void Sequence Diagram Start program

Diagram 4-24: Coastal Station – Start program Sequence Diagram

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________________________________________________________________________ Final Report, Maritime Information Visualization, Version 1.0 Page | 96 Prepared by 6Fingers Broadcast messages Automatically broadcasting

Diagram 4-25: Coastal Station – Automatically broadcast message sequence diagram Manually broadcasting

Diagram 4-26: Coastal Station – Manually broadcast message sequence diagram

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________________________________________________________________________ Final Report, Maritime Information Visualization, Version 1.0 Page | 97 Prepared by 6Fingers Broadcast messages

Diagram 4-27: Coastal Station – Broadcast message sequence diagram Receive messages (from vessels)

Diagram 4-28: Coastal Station – Receive message (from vessel) sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-29: Coastal Station – Handle storm message sequence diagram Update messages (from database server) Automatically updating

Diagram 4-30: Coastal Station – Automatically update message sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-31: Coastal Station – Manually update message sequence diagram Configure application parameters

Diagram 4-32: Coastal Station – Configure application parameters sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-33: Coastal Station – Show message history sequence diagram

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4.3.2 On-sea Terminal Class Diagram Diagram

Diagram 4-34: On-sea Terminal – Class Diagram Class description MainProgram class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 Draw_State int The current drawing state of

the program(map/text


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No Name Type Description

2 messageQueue ArrayList<String> Store new messages received

3 stormMessageQueue Queue<StormMesage> Store last 5 new storm


4 weatherInfoMessageQ


Queue<WeatherInfoMessage> Store last 5 new weather text


5 updatingThread Thread A thread which run

continuously, update data of

the program.

6 messageDisplayer MessageDisplayer Use java graphics API to draw

messages content Methods paintComponent

Method name void paintComponent()

Description When the screen of the program reload, this method will be call to paint all the

screen, background, messages content

Parameters void

Return void bindMessageData

Method name void bindMessageData()

Description Check and process new message received, push it to message queue of the


Parameters void

Return void drawMap

Method name void drawMap()

Description Switch the program draw state to draw map and storm messages

Parameters void

Return void

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Method name void drawWeatherInfo()

Description Switch the program draw state to draw weather information text message

Parameters void

Return void MessageDisplayer class Attributes

No Name Type Description

1 mapBackground Image The map of the Vietnam sea area

2 weatherInfoBackground Image The background to draw text message

3 mapWidth int The width of the background to draw

4 mapHeight int The height of the background to draw Methods getScreenX

Method name int getScreenX(float longitude)

Description Convert from geographical longitude to screen dimension

Parameters longitude:float Real longitude

Return The converted x-dimension getScreenY

Method name int getScreenX(float latitude)

Description Convert from geographical latitude to screen dimension

Parameters latitude:float Real latitude

Return The converted y-dimension drawMapBackground

Method name void drawMapBackground(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Graphic


Description Draw Vietnam sea map

Parameters screenWidth: int Width of the map

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scrreenHeight:int Height of the map

Graphic:Graphics The JPanel Graphics which is use to


Return void drawWeatherInfoBackground

Method name void drawWeatherInfoBackground(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Graphic


Description Draw background image to draw text message content


screenWidth: int Width of the background

scrreenHeight:int Height of the background

Graphic:Graphics The JPanel Graphics which is used

to draw

Return void drawStorm

Method name void drawStorm(StormMessage message, Graphics graphic)

Description Visualize storm data to screen


message:StormMessage The StormMessage to be drawed

Graphic:Graphics The JPanel Graphics which is used

to draw

Return void drawWeatherInfo

Method name void drawWeatherInfo(WeatherInfoMessage message, Graphics graphic)

Description Draw text message data to screen


message:WeatherInfoMessage The WeatherInfoMessage to be


Graphic:Graphics The JPanel Graphics which is used

to draw

Return void drawObject

Method name void drawObject(Image object, int x, int y, Graphics graphic)

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Description Draw a object to screen


Object:Image Object image to be drawed

x:int x dimension to be drawed

y:int y dimension to be drawed

Graphic:Graphics The JPanel Graphics which is used

to draw

Return void Updating thread class Attributes

Name Type Description

mainProgram MainProgram The mainprogram, which this thread will

update data while running Methods run

Method name void run()

Description While running, the thread will update data continuously

Parameter void

Return void Vessel class Attributes

Name Type Description

frames Image The Image array, which is used to draw

vessel icon as animation

currentFrame Image The current Image frame of animation

current Float Current longitude of the vessel

currentY Float Current latitude of the vessel Methods update

Method name void update(float lat, float lon, long timer)

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Description Update the vessel location and frame of animation


lat:float New latitude to be updated

lon:float New longitude to be updated

timer:long Current time, use to update animation


Return void IComPortListener interface Attributes

This interface has no attribute Methods comPortCallback

Method name void comPortCallback()

Description The callback interface of mainprogram, which is called when new message


Parameter data:string New message data

Return void TranceiverConnection interface Attributes

This interface has no attribute Methods connect

Method name void connect()

Description Connect to the com port, then listen data continuously

Parameter void

Return void modulateToSound

Method name void modulateToSound(String data)

Description Send string data as amateur radio analog signal

Parameter Data: String Data to be sent

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Return void comPortCallback

Method name void comPortCallback()

Description Listen to comport and send push new received data to main program

Parameter Data: String

Return void MaritimeMessage class Attributes

Name Type Description

content String Raw data of the message Methods getMessageType

Method name int getMessageType(String message)

Description Return the type of the message (storm message/ weatherinfo message)

Parameter message: String

Return 0 if StormMessage, 1 if WeatherInfoMessage messageRegistered

Method name boolean messageRegistered(String message)

Description Check if the message has already been received and processed

Parameter message:String Raw data of the message

Return true if message has already been received, otherwise false StormEye class Attributes

Name Type Description

time String Time forecasted of the storm eye

level int Level of the storm

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Name Type Description

windPower int The power/velocity of the storm wind

latitude float Latitude of the storm eye

Longitude float Longitude of the storm eye

Influence1 float The strongest influence area

Influence2 float The next strong influence area

Influence3 float The weakest influence area Methods

This class has no method StormMessage class Attributes

Name Type Description

stormEyes StormEye[] The 4 forecasted storm eyes Methods processData

Method name void processData(String message)

Description Process data to get information about 4 forecasted storm eyes

Parameter message:String Raw data of the message

Return void WeatherInfo class Attributes

Name Type Description

weatherInfo weatherInfo The content of the weather information text

message Methods processData

Method name void processData(String message)

Description Process data to get content of the message

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Parameter message:String Raw data of the message

Return void SOSMessage class Attributes

This class has only attribute inherited from super class MaritimeMessage Methods packageData

Method name void packageData(float lat, float lon, float bearing, float speed)

Description Create a SOSMessage to send to the coastal station


lat: float Latitude of the vessel

lon: float Longitude of the vessel

bearing: float Bearing of the vessel

speed: float Speed of the vesssel

Return void PositionMessage class Attributes

This class has only attribute inherited from super class MaritimeMessage Methods packageData

Method name void packageData(float lat, float lon, float bearing, float speed)

Description Create a PositionMessage to send to the coastal station


lat: float Latitude of the vessel

lon: float Longitude of the vessel

bearing: float Bearing of the vessel

speed: float Speed of the vesssel

Return void

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Name Type Description

message string The exception description Methods getMessage

Method name String getMessage()

Description Return the description of the exception

Parameter void

Return The description of the exception DataCorrection class Attributes

This class has no attribute Methods isCorrect

Method name boolean isCorrect(String message)

Description Check if a message data has been changed by noise or not

Parameter message:String Content of the message

Return True if data is correct, false if it has been changed correctData

Method name correctData(String[] messages)

Description Get true message data from several error-detected messages

Parameter message: String[] Error-detected messages array

Return void

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Diagram 4-35: On-sea Terminal – Start Program sequence diagram Process received data

Diagram 4-36: On-sea Terminal – Received Data Process sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-37: On-sea Terminal – Draw Storm sequence diagram Draw text message

Diagram 4-38: On-sea Terminal – Draw Text Message sequence diagram

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Diagram 4-39: On-sea Terminal – Send Position Message sequence diagram Send SOS message

Diagram 4-40: On-sea Terminal – Send SOS Message sequence diagram

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4.4 Database Design

4.4.1 Database Diagram

Diagram 4-41: Database Diagram

4.4.2 Table design description Owner

This table contains static (not frequently changed) information of vessel owners.

No Field name Field type Null Key Description

1 OwnerID int No Yes Primary key

Auto increment

2 OwnerName nvarchar(50) Yes Owner’s name

3 IDNumber Varchar(20) No

Registered id number of each

Vietnamese, provided by


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This table contains static information of vessels.

No Field name Field type Null Key Description

1 VesselID int No Yes Primary key

Auto increment

2 VesselNumber varchar(50) No Registered id number of each vessel,

provided by government.

3 OwnerID int Yes Foreign key

Vessel owner ID Vessel History

This table contains dynamic information of vessel with time log.

No Field name Field type Null Key Description

1 VesselHistoryID int No Yes Primary key

Auto increment

2 VesselID int No Foreign key

Vessel ID

3 CreatedDateTime datetime2(7) No The time when position messages

are created (from on-sea terminal)

4 Longitude float No Longitude of vessel (got from GPS)

when position message is generated

5 Latitude float No Latitude of vessel (got from GPS)

when position message is generated

6 Speed smallint Yes Speed of vessel at the time position

message is generated

7 TrueHeading smallint Yes

Angle from north-intending vertex

to velocity vertex of vessel at the

time position is generated Vessel Latest Information

This table contains information of the newest positions of vessels. The structure of this table is

almost the same with Vessel History table.

No Field name Field type Null Key Description

1 VesselID int No Yes Primary key

2 CreatedDateTime datetime2(7) No

The time when position

messages are created (from on-

sea terminal)

3 Longitude float No

Longitude of vessel (got from

GPS) when position message is


4 Latitude float No

Latitude of vessel (got from

GPS) when position message is


5 Speed smallint Yes Speed of vessel at the time

position message is generated

6 TrueHeading smallint Yes Angle from north-intending

vertex to velocity vertex of

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vessel at the time position is

generated Message Type

This table contains information of broadcast message type. The kinds of message types are listed in

Broadcast Message Structure.

No Field name Field type Null Key Description

1 TypeID int No Yes Primary key

Auto increment

2 TypeName nvarchar(50) No Name of message type Broadcast Message

This table contains all broadcast message created and committed to database server by Viewer


No Field name Field type Null Key Description

1 MessageID int No Yes Primary key

Auto increment

2 TypeID int Yes Foreign key

Message type ID

3 CreatedDateTime datetime2(7) Yes The time when broadcast message

is created (at Viewer application)

4 Description Nvarchar(500) Yes

Content of message, in defined


Reference to Broadcast Message

Structure to see kinds of message

structure SOS Message

This table contains information of SOS messages from vessels.

4.4.3 Broadcast Message Structure The message structure depends on the message type. Storm Message

The fields will be separated by ‘;’ character in the message (for example “a;b;c”)

MessageID MessageType StormName

Integer Integer String

+Time1 StormLevel1 WindPower1 Latitude1 Longitude1 Radius1.1 Radius1.2 Radius1.3

“dd/mm-hh” Integer Integer Real number Real number Real number Real number Real number

+Time2 StormLevel2 WindPower2 Latitude2 Longitude2 Radius2.1 Radius2.2 Radius2.3

“dd/mm-hh” Integer Integer Real number Real number Real number Real number Real number

+Time3 StormLevel3 WindPower3 Latitude3 Longitude3 Radius3.1 Radius3.2 Radius3.3

“dd/mm-hh” Integer Integer Real number Real number Real number Real number Real number

+Time4 StormLevel4 WindPower4 Latitude4 Longitude4 Radius4.1 Radius4.2 Radius4.3

“dd/mm-hh” Integer Integer Real number Real number Real number Real number Real number

No Data Description

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No Data Description

1 MessageID The id of the message broadcasted

2 MessageType Type of the message: Storm, SOS,

Position, Text-weather message

3 Storm name Name of the storm

4 Time1-4 Time of the four predicted storm eyes

5 StormLevel1-4 Level of the four predicted storm eyes

6 WindPower1-4 Power/velocity of the four predicted storm


7 Latitude1-4 Latitude of the four predicted storm eyes

8 Longitude1-4 Longitude of the four predicted storm


9 Radius1.1-4.1 The strongest influence area radius of the

four predicted storm eyes

10 Radius1.2-4.2 The next strong influence area radius of

the four predicted storm eyes

11 Radius1.3-4.3 The weakest influence area radius of the

four predicted storm eyes Weather Message

The fields will be separated by ‘;’ character in the message ( for example “a;b;c”)

MessageID MessageType Content

Integer Integer String

No Data Description

1 MessageID The id of the message broadcasted

2 MessageType Type of the message: Storm, SOS,

Position, Text-weather message

3 Content The weather information broadcasted by

the coastal stations Position Message

The fields will be separated by ‘;’ character in the message ( for example “a;b;c”)

MessageID MessageType Latitude Longitude Heading Speed

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Integer Integer Real number Real number Real number Real number

No Data Description

1 MessageID The id of the message broadcasted

2 MessageType Type of the message: Storm, SOS,

Position, Text-weather message

3 Latitude Latitude of the vessel

4 Longitude Longitude of the vessel

5 Heading Heading of the vessel

6 Speed Speed of the vessel SOS Message

The fields will be separated by ‘;’ character in the message ( for example “a;b;c”)

MessageID MessageType Latitude Longitude Heading Speed

Integer Integer Real number Real number Real number Real number

No Data Description

1 MessageID The id of the message broadcasted

2 MessageType Type of the message: Storm, SOS,

Position, Text-weather message

3 Latitude Latitude of the vessel

4 Longitude Longitude of the vessel

5 Heading Heading of the vessel

6 Speed Speed of the vessel

4.5 Algorithm

4.5.1 Error Detection & Correction Algorithm Introduction

Broadcasting message via HF band has big challenge of noise and low speed, so we have to face up

with two problems: loss bits and wrong bits. We can use check sum to detect loss bits and

convolutional encoding with Viterbi decoding algorithm to correct wrong bits to the original ones.

In a packet the size of raw data bits is approximately 50 per cents and we can extend Viterbi

Decoding to new version that it can combine many wrong packets to one correct packet. At the

terminal sides the more packet with the same content the more concise percent the final packet we

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have. Using this extended version we can detect and correct many bits, we have tested on

simulation: base on about 10 wrong packets still find correct one and rarely did we fail on testing.

Figure 4-1: Encoding Decoding Model

No Item Description

1 Convolutional Encoding Algorithm for error correction (encoding)

2 Viterbi Decoding Algorithm for error correction (decoding)

3 Protocol Encoding data link layer protocol, using checksum

for bit loss detection Protocol Encoding

AX.25 is a data link layer protocol derived from the X.25 protocol suite and designed for

use by amateur radio operators. It is used extensively on amateur packet radio networks.

Flag Address Control PID Info FCS Flag

01111110 N * 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits N * 8 bits 16 bits 01111110

Table 4-5: The original frame of AX.25 Protocol

Since we see that many fields on this frame are redundant for our system, and MIV needs to fill

raw data (Info field) into some fields like address or PID to maximize the capacity of original

information in a packet. We simplify above frame to:

Flag 0 Packet ID Info FCS Flag 1 Flag 2

01111101 16 bits N * 8 bits 16 bits 01111110 01111111

Table 4-6: The customized Protocol for MIV system

Base on the name we can understand that Flag fields are the one that mark the beginning and

ending of the packet. Info field contains raw data; FCS field is the sum of packet ID and the length

of info in bytes. Convolutional Encoding Algorithm

You can think of the encoder as a simple state machine. There are four possible states which are 00,

01, 10 and 11. Initially, the encoder is in the all-zeroes state, which is 00. Each time when we

receive an input bit, we change the current state to the next state and output a couple of bits based

on two tables below:

Current State Input = 0 Input = 1

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00 00 10

01 00 10

10 01 11

11 01 11

Table 4-7: Next state table

Current State Input = 0 Input = 1

00 00 11

01 11 00

10 10 01

11 01 10

Table 4-8: Output symbols table

For example, if we have raw data bit string like 01011100101002, after finishing this decoding

algorithm, we get the output bit string 00 11 10 00 01 10 01 11 11 10 00 10 112.

However, we want the final state to be the same as the initial state (00) so we have to add four input

bits 0 to assure that expectation. The truth is that two additional input bit 0 are good enough for that

criteria; but the length of input bit is divided by 8 and we want the length of output bits has the

same property so four input bits 0 is suitable number.

This is the flow chart for this decoding algorithm

Diagram 4-42: Encoding algorithm flow chart

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________________________________________________________________________ Final Report, Maritime Information Visualization, Version 1.0 Page | 121 Prepared by 6Fingers Viterbi Decoding Algorithm

Perhaps the single most important concept to understand the Viterbi algorithm is the trellis

diagram. The figure below shows the trellis diagram for our example for a 13-bit message:

Diagram 4-43: Trellis diagram for Viterbi decoding algorithm

The four possible states of the encoder are depicted as four rows of horizontal dots. There

is one column of four dots for the initial state of the encoder and one for each time instant

during the message. For a 13-bit message with four additional bits, there are 17 time

instants in addition to t = 0, which represents the initial condition of the encoder. The solid

lines connecting dots in the diagram represent state transitions when the input bit is a one.

The dotted lines represent state transitions when the input bit is a zero.

Notice the correspondence between the encoder output symbols and the output

table discussed above:

Diagram 4-44: Next state diagram

Remember that dotted lines represent cases where the encoder input is a zero, and solid

lines represent cases where the encoder input is a one.

Suppose we receive the above encoded message with a couple of bit errors:

Diagram 4-45: Trellis diagram with two wrong bits

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Each time we receive a pair of channel symbols, we're going to compute a metric to

measure the "distance" between what we received and all of the possible channel symbol

pairs we could have received. The distance is computed by simply counting how many bits

are different between the received channel symbol pair and the possible channel symbol

pairs. The results can only be zero, one, or two.

We define F(i, j) is the minimum accumulated error at the dot of row i column j (i for time

dimension and j for state dimension). So the formulation for F is:

Diagram 4-46: Function F at time t = 5

However, because of many wrong packets with the same original content, the probability

that we have more than one optimal path is very small and nearly impossible. All above

describes the Viterbi decoding algorithm for just one wrong packet, it can correct about 2 –

4 bits depends on some cases. But when expend accumulated error metric to sum of many

bits from many packet at the same time we can detect and correct many bits, we have

tested on many random wrong data packet bits and the result hasn’t got an wrong answer.

This is the flow chart for the Viterbi decoding algorithm

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Diagram 4-47: Viterbi decoding algorithm flow chart

4.5.2 Software Modem – Sound Modem Introduction

A Softmodem, or software modem, is a modem with minimal hardware capacities,

designed to use a host computer's resources (mostly CPUpower and RAM but sometimes

even audio hardware) to perform most of the tasks performed by dedicated hardware in a

traditional modem.

In MIV project, the software modem will

utilize computer sound card for modulating

and demodulating Modulation

Modulation is the process of encoding digital

data into analog signal.

Func modulate

Input byte[]

Output short[]

Output from modulate function will be used

as raw data for sound card. Sound card will

play the sound represented by that raw data.

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Demodulation is modulation’s reverse process. This process will decode the analog signal

(generated from modulation) to digital data.

Func demodulate

Input short[]

Output byte[]

Output from demodulate function will be used by other application for projecting or analyzing.

5 Software Testing

5.1 Requirements for Test

5.1.1 Feature to be tested Viewer system Manage message

Feature name Manage message

Description Allows CO to create a new storm message, weather message, control

command and other message and save in the server database View all vessels’ positions on map

Feature name View all vessels’ positions on map

Description Allows CO to view all vessels’ positions on [Map view] screen View vessel’s voyage

Feature name View vessel’s voyage

Description Allows CO to observe a vessel’s voyage on a time interval View SOS notification

Feature name View SOS notification

Description Allows CO to view vessels’ SOS symbols on map when had SOS notification View vessel’s information

Feature name View vessel’s information

Description Allows CO to view the information of a registered vessel, including unique ID,

current position, direction, etc View vessel’s information

Feature name View vessel’s information

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Description Allows CO to view the information of a registered vessel, including unique ID,

current position, direction, etc Performance test

Feature name Performance test

Description Map load and display time, each click event time CS system View messages history

Feature name View messages history

Description Allows Operator to view history of messages which are broadcasted and

received by this CS: broadcasted message, and received message View broadcast message

Feature name View broadcast message

Description Allows Operator to view or be alerted whenever the coastal station broadcasts

a message to vessels View receive message

Feature name View receive message

Description Allows Operator to view or be alerted whenever the coastal station received

SOS messages from vessels Broadcast a message to all vessel

Feature name Broadcast a message to all vessel

Description Allows Operator to send messages to all vessels Update message

Feature name Update message

Description Allows CS system to auto update/ or be updated by Operator CS setting

Feature name CS setting

Description Allows Operator to set up CS system as: connection, message history

recording time, broadcast time, message updating time

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Feature name Performance test

Description Send and receive message time On-sea Terminal View map

Feature name View map

Description Allows fisher to view the maritime map at his position. The map contains

Asian maritime map, name of the famous places. The map will be full-screen View storm notification

Feature name View storm notification


Allows fisher to view the storm notification broadcasted by CS. The

notification will be displayed in image. In contains the eyes of the storm, the

strongly influenced area and the lightly influenced area View weather information

Feature name View weather information


Allows fisher to view the weather information broadcasted by CS. The

information contains temperature, moisture ... and will be displayed in text

form. The frame of weather information will be located at right-bottom of the

map View vessel position

Feature name View vessel position

Description Allows fisher to view the position of his vessel. The position will be displayed

inside the map, with a vessel icon. The position will be updated continuously View messages history

Feature name View message history

Description Allows fisher to view 5 latest messages broadcasted from CS Send SOS Notification

Feature name Send SOS Notification


Allows fisher to send SOS notification in bad situation. He can push a button

inside the On-sea terminal device, and the notification will be sent to the

rescue team

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Feature name Performance test

Description Send and receive message time

5.1.2 Feature not to be tested Message broadcast distance limit

Conflict when vessel sends SOS from Vessel, and receives storm message from coastal station

in the long distance

Message transferring speed with different distance

5.2 Test strategy

5.2.1 Test types Function Testing

Function testing of the target-of-test should focus on any requirements for test that can be

traced directly to use cases or business functions and business rules. The goals of these

tests are to verify proper data acceptance, processing, and retrieval, and the appropriate

implementation of the business rules. This type of testing is based upon black box

technique that is verifying the application and its internal processes by interacting with the

application via the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and analyzing the output or results. User Interface Testing

User Interface (UI) testing verifies a user’s interaction with the software. The goal of UI

testing is to ensure that the User Interface provides the user with the appropriate access and

navigation through the functions of the target-of-test. In addition, UI testing ensures that

the objects within the UI function as expected and conform to fishers, operators or CO. Performance testing

Performance profiling is a performance test in which broadcast time, SOS transferring

time, and other time-sensitive requirements are measured and evaluated. The goal of

Performance Profiling is to verify performance requirements have been achieved.

Performance profiling is implemented and executed to profile and tune a target-of-test's

performance behaviors as a function of conditions such as distance or hardware


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5.2.2 Test Environment Test Viewer configuration

Hardware Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz

Software Windows 7

SQL server 2008 Express Test CS configuration

Hardware Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz

Software Windows 7

.NET 4.0 Test vessel configuration

Hardware Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz

Software Windows 7

Jre 7

5.2.3 Risk list

Project is a complex system base on new idea Lack of experience about system


Deployment, test environment: device, testing condition(distance),etc

Data of vessels is private, get weather information data provide source

Performance test: Change GUI, map, and displaying image

5.3 Deliverables

No Deliverables Delivered Date Delivered by Delivered to

1 Test Plan 08 – 02 – 2012 LinhDH MIV team

2 System Test case 09 – 02 – 2012 LinhDH MIV team

3 Defect Update daily LinhDH MIV team

4 Test report 03 – 04 – 2012 LinhDH MIV team

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5.4 Checklist

5.4.1 Checklist of Validation

Question Yes No N/A

1. Does a failure of validation on every field cause a sensible user error



2. Is the user required to fix entries which have failed validation tests? x

3. Have any fields got multiple validation rules and if so are all rules being



4. If the user enters an invalid value and clicks on the OK button (i.e. does not

TAB off the field) is the invalid entry identified and highlighted correctly with

an error message? x

5. Is validation consistently applied at screen level unless specifically required

at field level? x

6. For all numeric fields check whether negative numbers can and should be

able to be entered. x

7. For all numeric fields check the minimum and maximum values and also

some mid-range values allowable? x

8. For all character/alphanumeric fields check the field to ensure that there is a

character limit specified and that this limit is exactly correct for the specified

database size? x

9. Do all mandatory fields require user input? x

10. If any of the database columns don't allow null values then the

corresponding screen fields must be mandatory. (If any field which initially was

mandatory has become optional then check whether null values are allowed in

this field.) x

5.4.2 Submission checklist

Question Yes N/A


Does every table column, including the stub column, have a heading? x

Are all tables referred to in text? x

Are the elements in the figures large enough to remain legible after the

figure has been reduced to the width of a journal column or page? x

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Is lettering in a figure no smaller than 8 points and no larger than 14

points? x

Are the figures being submitted in a file format acceptable to the

publisher? x

Has the figure been prepared at a resolution sufficient to produce a high-

quality image? x

Are all figures numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals? x

Are all figures and tables mentioned in the text and numbered in the order

in which they are mentioned? x


Are references cited both in text and in the reference list? x

Do the text citations and reference list entries agree both in spelling and

in date? x

Are journal titles in the reference list spelled out fully? x

Are the references (both in the parenthetical text citations and in the

reference list) ordered alphabetically by the authors’ surnames? x

Are inclusive page numbers for all articles or chapters in books provided

in the reference list? x

Are references to studies included in your meta-analysis preceded by an

asterisk? x


Have you checked the journal’s website for instructions to authors

regarding specific formatting requirements for submission? x

Is the entire manuscript—including quotations, references, author note,

content footnotes, and figure captions—double-spaced? Is the manuscript

neatly prepared? x

Are the margins at least 1 in. (2.54 cm)? x

Are the title pages, abstracts, references, appendices, content footnotes,

tables, and figures on separate pages (with only one table or figure per

page)? Are the figure captions on the same page as the figures? Are

manuscript elements ordered in sequence, with the text pages between the

abstract and the references? x

Are all pages numbered in sequence, starting with the title page? x


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Is each paragraph longer than a single sentence but not longer than one

manuscript page? x

Do the levels of headings accurately reflect the organization of the paper? x

Do all headings of the same level appear in the same format? x

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5.5 Test cases

5.5.1 Onsea Terminal

ID Test Case Description Test Case Procedure Expected Output Inter-test case

Dependence Result Test date

View Map

[OT-1] Check [Map view] screen is displayed on

device successfully


- Open application on on-sea terminal device

Look at [MIV] application


Default screen is [Map view]


pass 9/4/2012

[OT-2] Check Asian maritime map is displayed on

[Map view] screen successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying on device

Look at [Map view] screen Asian maritime map is displayed

full screen on [Map view] screen


pass 9/4/2012

[OT-3] Check name of famous place is displayed on

Asia maritime map successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying on device

Look at Asian maritime


Name of famous place is displayed

on Asian maritime map as: Hà

Nội, TP. Hồ Chí Minh…

pass 9/4/2012

[OT-4] Check control buttons is displayed on [Map

view] screenPrecondition:- [Map view] screen

is displaying on device

Look at [Map view] screen Control buttons are displayed on

[Map view] screen and include:-

Previous message view button is

displayed as back icon- Weather

Information View button is

displayed as weather icon- Storm

Notification view button is

displayed as storm icon- Next

message view button is displayed

as forward icon(Control button

refers to Figure1- On-sea Terminal


pass 9/4/2012

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[OT-5] Check SOS button is displayed on [Map view]

screen successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying

Look at [Map view] screen SOS button is displayed at the left-

top of [Map view] screen

(SOS button icon refers to

Figure1- On-sea Terminal screen


pass 9/4/2012

View weather information

[OT-6] Check weather information screen is

displayed on device successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying on desktop

of on-sea terminal device

1. Click on weather icon

2. Look at weather

information screen

1. [Map view] screen is replaced

by weather information screen

2. Weather Information screen


- Title

- DateTime

- Control buttons

- Content of weather broadcast


(Weather Information screen

refers to Figure 2- On-sea

Terminal sheet)

pass 9/4/2012

[OT-7] Check weather information view icon is

highlighted on weather information

screenPrecondition:- Weather information

screen is displaying on device

Look at weather

information view icon

Weather information view icon is


pass 9/4/2012

[OT-8] Check weather information is displayed on

[Map view] screen


- Weather information screen is displaying on


Look at weather

information screen

- Title is [Bản tin dự báo thời tiết]

- [dd/mm/yyyy], time[hh:mm]

- Weather information is displayed

includes date temperature,

moisture, ...

pass 13/04/2012

[OT-9] Check control buttons is displayed on [Map

view] screen


Look at Weather

information screen

Control buttons are displayed on

[Map view] screen and include:

- Previous message view button is

Pass 9/4/2012

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- Weather information screen is displaying on


displayed as back icon

- Weather Information View

button is displayed as weather icon

- Storm Notification view button is

displayed as storm icon

- Next message view button is

displayed as forward icon

(Control button refers to Figure1-

On-sea Terminal sheet)

View vessel position

[OT-10] Check Vessel's symbol is displayed on [Map

view] screen successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying

1. Look at [Map view]


2. Look at Vessel's position

1. Vessel is displayed on [Map

View] screen as an red point


2. Position of vessel is displayed

as [longitude-latitude] text, next to


Pass 13/04/2012

[OT-11] Check auto change vessel icon's position on

[Map view] screen successfullyPrecondition:-

[Map view] screen is displaying

Look at the vessel icon on

map after vessel is moved

- Vessel's icon moves to the

current place of vessel


Pass 13/04/2012

[OT-12] Check auto change latitude and longitude of

vessel after vessel moved on [Map view]

screen successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying

Look at vessel's latitude and

longitude on [Map view]


- Latitude and longitude are

changed by vessel's current

latitude and longitude

Pass 13/04/2012

[OT-13] Check Vessel's position is displayed on

[Storm Notification] screen successfully


- [Storm Notification] screen is displaying on

desktop of on-sea terminal device

1. Look at [Storm

Notification] screen

2. Look at Vessel's position

1. Vessel is displayed on [Storm

Notification] screen as a red point


2. Position text of vessel is

displayed as [longitude-latitude]

text, next to vessel icon

Pass 9/4/2012

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[OT-14] Check auto update vessel's position



- [Storm Notification] screen is displaying on

desktop of on-sea terminal device

Look at the vessel icon on

map after vessel is moved

- Vessel's icon moves to the

current place of vessel


Pass 13/04/2012

[OT-15] Check auto change latitude and longitude of

vessel after vessel moved on [Storm

Notification] screen

successfullyPrecondition:- [Storm

Notification] screen is displaying

Look at vessel's latitude and

longitude on [Storm

Notification] screen

- Latitude and longitude are

changed by vessel's current

latitude and longitude

Pass 13/04/2012

View message history

[OT-16] Check display previous message successfully


- Weather information screen is displaying on


1. Once click on back icon

2. Verify displayed weather


1. Display pre-message of current

message successfully

2. Weather information is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-17] Check display previous message successfully


- Weather information screen is displaying on


1. Double clicks on back


2. Verify displayed weather


1. Display pre-message of pre-

message successfully

2. Weather information is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-18] Check display previous message successfully


- Weather information screen is displaying on


1. 3 clicks on back icon

2. Verify displayed weather


1. Display pre-message of pre-

message of previous message


2. Weather information is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-19] Check display last weather message in

message history successfully


1. 4 clicks on back icon

2. verify displayed weather

1. Display last weather message in


2. Weather information is

Pass 16/4/2012

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- Weather information screen is displaying on


information displayed with full information

and correct time

[OT-20] Check display current weather message

successfullyPrecondition:- Last weather

message in history is displaying

1. 4 clicks on next icon2.

verify displayed weather


1. Displayed weather message is

newest received weather

message2. Weather information is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-21] Check display current weather message



- Fourth weather message in history is


1. 3 clicks on next icon

2. Verify displayed weather


1. Displayed weather message is

newest received weather message

2. Weather information is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-22] Check display current weather message



- Third weather message in history is


1. Double clicks on next


2. Verify displayed weather


1. Displayed weather message is

newest received weather message

2. Weather information is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-23] Check display current weather message



- Second weather message in history is


1. Once click on next icon

2. Verify displayed weather


1. Displayed weather message is

newest received weather message

2. Weather information is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-24] Check display previous storm message



- [Storm Notification] screen is displaying on


1. Once click on back icon

2. Verify displayed storm

notification image

1. Display pre-storm message of


2. Storm notification screen is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-25] Check display previous storm message

successfullyPrecondition:- [Storm

Notification] screen is displaying on device

1. Double clicks on back

icon2. Verify displayed

storm notification image

1. Display pre-message of pre-

message successfully2. Storm

notification screen is displayed

with full information and correct

Pass 16/4/2012

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[OT-26] Check display previous storm message



- [Storm Notification] screen is displaying on


1. 3 clicks on back icon

2. Verify displayed storm

notification image

1. Display pre-message of pre-

message of previous message


2. Storm notification screen is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-27] Check display fourth storm message in

message history successfully


- [Storm Notification] screen is displaying on


1. 4 clicks on back icon

2. Verify displayed storm

notification image

1. Display fourth storm message in


2. Storm notification screen is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-28] Check display current [Storm Notification]

screen successfully


- Last storm notification image in history is


1. 4 clicks on next icon

2. Verify displayed [Storm

Notification] screen

1. Display current [Storm

Notification] screen successfully

2. Current [Storm Notification]

screen is displayed fully and


Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-29] Check display current [Storm Notification]

screen successfully


- Fourth storm notification image in history is


1. 3 clicks on next icon

2. Verify displayed [Storm

Notification] screen

1. Display current [Storm

Notification] screen successfully

2. Current [Storm Notification]

screen is displayed fully and


Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-30] Check display current [Storm Notification]

screen successfullyPrecondition:- Third storm

notification image in history is displaying

1. 2 clicks on next icon2.

Verify displayed [Storm

Notification] screen

1. Display current [Storm

Notification] screen successfully2.

Current [Storm Notification]

screen is displayed fully and


Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-31] Check display current [Storm Notification]

screen successfully


- Second storm notification image in history is

1. 1 clicks on next icon

2. Verify displayed [Storm

Notification] screen

1. Display current [Storm

Notification] screen successfully

2. Current [Storm Notification]

screen is displayed fully and

Pass 16/4/2012

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displaying correctly

[OT-32] Check display first storm message in message

history successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying on device

1. Once click on back icon

2. Verify displayed storm

notification image

1. Display first storm image in

storm message history


2. Storm message image is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-33] Check display second storm message in

message history successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying on device

1. Double clicks on back


2. Verify displayed storm

notification image

1. Display second storm image in

storm message history


2. Storm message image is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-34] Check display third storm message in

message history successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying on device

1. 3 clicks on back icon

2. Verify displayed storm

notification image

1. Display third storm image in

storm message history


2. Storm message image is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-35] Check display fourth storm message in

message history successfullyPrecondition:-

[Map view] screen is displaying on device

1. 4 clicks on back icon2.

Verify displayed storm

notification image

1. Display fourth storm image in

storm message history

successfully2. Storm message

image is displayed with full

information and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-36] Check display fifth storm message in message

history successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying on device

1. 5 clicks on back icon

2. Verify displayed storm

notification image

1. Display fifth storm image in

storm message history


2. Storm message image is

displayed with full information

and correct time

Pass 16/4/2012

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[OT-37] Check display [Map view] screen successfully


- Fifth storm notification image in history is


1. 5 clicks on next icon

2. Verify displayed [Map

view] screen

1. Display [Map view] screen


2. [Map view] is displayed


Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-38] Check display [Map view] screen successfully


- Fourth storm notification image in history is


1. 4 clicks on next icon

2. Verify displayed [Map

view] screen

1. Display [Map view] screen


2. [Map view] is displayed


Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-39] Check display [Map view] screen successfully


- Third storm notification image in history is


1. 3 clicks on next icon

2. Verify displayed [Map

view] screen

1. Display [Map view] screen


2. [Map view] is displayed


Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-40] Check display [Map view] screen

successfullyPrecondition:- Second storm

notification image in history is displaying

1. Double clicks on next

icon2. Verify displayed

[Map view] screen

1. Display [Map view] screen

successfully2. [Map view] is

displayed correctly

Pass 16/4/2012

[OT-41] Check display [Map view] screen successfully


- First storm notification image in history is


1. One click on next icon

2. Verify displayed [Map

view] screen

1. Display [Map view] screen


2. [Map view] is displayed


Pass 16/4/2012

View Storm Notification

[OT-44] Check storm notification box is displayed



- CS sends storm message to vessel

1. Look at the [Map view]


2. Click on [OK] button

1. Display storm notification box,

text is [Bạn có 1 tin báo bão mới],

[Ok] button

2. Storm notification box is closed

Pass 9/4/2012

[OT-45] Check storm notification screen is display on

device successfully


- CS broadcasts storm message to vessel

Look at the [Map view]


- [Storm Notification] screen is

auto displayed on device

- [Storm Notification] screen

includes storm information and

broadcasting storm

sms from CS

pass 9/4/2012

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- [Map view] screen is displaying on device storm image

[OT-46] Check storm information is displayed on

[Storm Notification View]

screenPrecondition:- [Storm Notification

View] screen is displaying on device

1. Look at [Map view]

screen2. Verify Storm

Information field

1. Storm Information field is

displayed at the right-bottom of

[Map view] screen2. Storm

Information field includes:-Storm

name is black,bold-DateTime is

black, normalas [Tin phát lúc:

hh:mm dd/mm/yyyy]-Information

titles of storm is displayed as

[Ngày-giờ Vĩ độ Kinh độ Cấp bão

Tốc độ gió] is black and

bold(Storm information displaying

refers to "Figure 1- On-sea

Terminal Screen" sheet)

pass 9/4/2012

[OT-47] Check storm information is visualized on

[Storm Notification View] screen successfully


- [Storm Notification View] screen is

displaying on device

1. Look at Storm Image 1. Storm Information is visualized

on map as storm image and


- The main storm orbit is

prebroadcasteded by red line

- The eyes of the storm

- The strongly influenced area and

the lightly influenced area


(Storm Visualization refers to

"Figure 2- On-sea Terminal

Screen" sheet)

pass 9/4/2012

[OT-48] Check comments of storm image is displayed



- [Storm Notification view] screen is

displaying on device

1. Look at comments box 1. Comments is displayed at the

right of storm information field

and include:

- Explaination of storm image

(Comments box refers to Fingure

2- On-sea Terminal Screen)

pass 9/4/2012

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[OT-49] Check storm information hide button is

displayed on storm information field

successfullyPrecondition:- Storm information

field is displaying on [Storm Notification

view] screen

Look at Storm information


Hide button is displayed as a red

triangular at the right-bottom of

storm information field

pass 9/4/2012

[OT-50] Check hide storm information field



- [Storm Notification view] screen is

displaying on device

Click on coner of storm

information field

Storm information field is hidden pass 9/4/2012

Broadcast SOS Message

[OT-51] Check confirm message box is displayed



- [Map view] screen is displaying

1. Click SOS button on

[Map view] screen

1. Display confirm message box

- Text is [Bạn có muốn gửi tin cầu


- [Chắc chắn] button

- [Không] button

Pass 9/4/2012

[OT-52] Check vessel broadcasts SOS message to

coastal station successfully


- [Map view] screen is displaying

1. Click on SOS button on

[Map view] screen

2. Click on [Chắc chắn]


3. Click on [OK] button

1. Display confirm message box

2. Display notification message

box [Đang gửi tín hiệu SOS],

[OK] button

3. Notification message box is


Pass 9/4/2012

[OT-53] Check when click [không] button in confirm

message box


- [Map view] screen is displaying

1. Click on SOS button on

[Map view] screen

2. Click on [không] button

1. Display confirm message box

2. Close confirm message box

Pass 9/4/2012

[OT-54] Check confirm message box is displayed

successfullyPrecondition:- [Weather

information] screen is displaying

1. Click SOS button on

[Map view] screen

1. Display confirm message box -

Text is [Bạn có muốn gửi tin cầu

cứu] - [Chắc chắn] button-

Pass 9/4/2012

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[Không] button

[OT-55] Check vessel broadcasts SOS message to

coastal station successfully


- [Weather information] screen is displaying

1. Click on SOS button on

[Map view] screen

2. Click on [Chắc chắn]


3. Click on [OK] button

1. Display confirm message box

2. Display notification message

box [Đang gửi tín hiệu SOS],

[OK] button

3. Notification message box is


Pass 9/4/2012

[OT-56] Check when click [không] button in confirm

message box


- [Weather information] screen is displaying

1. Click on SOS button on

[Map view] screen

2. Click on [không] button

1. Display confirm message box

2. Close confirm message box

Pass 9/4/2012

5.5.2 Coastal Station system

ID Test Case Description Test Case Procedure Expected Output Inter-test case

Dependence Result Test date



[CSS-1] Check GUI of [Message

View] screen


- [Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at this screen [Message View] screen is displayed in

read mode and includes:

- Title


(GUI refers to "Figure 2 - Coastal

Station Screen" sheet)

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-2] Check title window is

displayed successfully


- [Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at this screen Title of window is [Trạm thu phát ven

biển], text is black.

Pass 5/4/2012

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[CSS-4] Check title message is

displayed on [Message View]



- [Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at this screen - Title message is displayed under of

title screen

- Text is [Nội dung bản tin], black and


Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-5] Check notification of SOS

message is displayed on

[Message View] screen


[Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at this screen - Notification of SOS message is

displayed on same line with title

message, right of line

- Text is [[n] bản tin SOS từ tàu]

- Text is bold, and under line

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-6] Check message content

textbox is displayed on

[Message View] screen


[Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at this screen Message content textbox is displayed

under message title and include:

- Time

- Type

- Content

(Message content textbox refers to

"Figure 2 - Coastal Station Screen"


Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-7] Check [Cài đặt] button is

displayed on [Message

View] screen


[Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at this screen - Setting button is displayed at the left

bottom of screen

- Text is [Cài đặt]. Text is black

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-8] Check [Cập nhập bản tin]

button is displayed on

[Message View] screen


Look at this screen - Update button is displayed at the left of

broadcast button

- Text is [Cập nhập bản tin]. Text is

Pass 5/4/2012

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[Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station



[CSS-9] Check [Phát tin] button is

displayed on [Message

View] screen


[Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at this screen - Broadcast button is displayed at the

right bottom of screen

- Text is [Phát bản tin]. Text is black

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-10] Check [Lịch sử bản tin]

button is displayed on

[Message View] screen


[Message View] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at this screen - Messages history view button is

displayed at above of setting button

- Text is [Lịch sử bản tin]. Text is black

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-11] Check GUI of setting screen


- Setting screen is displaying

1. Click [Cài đặt] button

2. Look at setting screen

1. Setting screen is displayed over

[Message View] screen

2. Setting screen includes:

- Title is "cài đặt"

- …

(Setting screen refers to Fingure 3-

Coastal Station Sheet)

Pass 5/4/2012

View Message


[CSS-12] Check [Cài đặt] screen is

displayed on coastal station


- [Message view] screen is

displaying on coastal station

Click [Cài đặt] button Display [Cài đặt] screen Pass 5/4/2012

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[CSS-13] Check title of [Cài đặt] screen

is displayed successfully


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

Look at [Cài đặt] screen Title of screen is [Cài đặt], text is black. Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-14] Check connection setting

field is displayed successfully


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

Look at [Cài đặt] screen - Connection setting is displayed at left

top of [Cài đặt] screen and includes:

+ Title field is [Cài đặt kết nối]

+ [Địa chỉ server] label and textbox

+ [Cổng] label and textbox

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-15] Check connection setting of

view message ( Full fill



- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Fill in server address textbox

2. Fill in portal textbox

3. Click enter

1. Filled text is displayed in server

address textbox

2. Filled text is displayed in portal


3. Server address and portal is saved


Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-16] Check connection setting of

view message(Portal is blank)


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Fill in server address textbox

2. Click enter

1. Filled text is displayed in server

address textbox

2. Can't save and display a notification

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-17] Check connection setting of

view message(Server address

is blank)


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Fill in portal textbox

2. Click enter

1. Filled text is displayed in server

address textbox

2. Can't save and display a notification

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-18] Check connection setting of

view message(all is blank)


- [Cài đặt] screen is

Click enter Can't save and display a notification Pass 5/4/2012

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displaying on coastal station

[CSS-19] Check message recording

setting field is displayed on

[Cài đặt] screen


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

Look at [Cài đặt] screen - [Lưu trữ bản tin] field is displayed at

right-top of [Cài đặt] screen and


+ radio button and value labels, values

are [trong ngày, trong 1 tuần, trong 2

tuần, trong 1 tháng]

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-20] Check set message recording

of view message successfully


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Choose [trong ngày] value of

radio button values

2. Click enter

3. Check message history

1. Display checked radio button

2. Chose value is saved successfully

3. All messages in message history's

time is the set datetime

View message history Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-21] Check set message recording

of view message successfully


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Choose [trong 1 tuần] value of

radio button values

2. Click enter

3. Check message history

1. Display checked radio button

2. Chose value is saved successfully

3. All messages in message history's

time is the set datetime

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-22] Check set message recording

of view message successfully


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Choose [trong 2 tuần] value of

radio button values

2. Click enter

3. Check message history

1. Display checked radio button

2. Chose value is saved successfully

3. All messages in message history's

time is the set datetime

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-23] Check set message recording

of view message successfully


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Choose [trong 1 tháng] value of

radio button values

2. Click enter

3. Check message history

1. Display checked radio button

2. Chose value is saved successfully

3. All messages in message history's

time is the set datetime

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-24] Check [Thời gian phát] field

is displayed on [Cài đặt]

screen successfully


Look at [Cài đặt] screen - [Thời gian phát] field is display at left-

bottom of [Cài đặt] screen and includes:

+ Time item box

+ [Thêm] button

Pass 5/4/2012

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- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

+ [Xóa] button

[CSS-25] Check message broadcast

time setting of view

message(add a broadcast



- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Click [Thêm] button

2. Fill time as hh:mm:ss

3. Click enter

1. Display time input line in time item


2. Display input time

3. New time is saved

[Phát tin] function Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-26] Check message broadcast

time setting of view

message(add a broadcast



- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Click [Thêm] button

2. Fill time with free style

3. Click enter

1. Display time input line in time item


2. Display input time

3. Can't save new time and display


Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-27] Check message broadcast

time setting of view

message(delete a broadcast



- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

1. Choose a time in box

2. Click [Xóa] button

1. Chose time is highlight

2. Chose time is deleted

[Phát tin] function Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-28] Check delete all time item in

message broadcast time

setting item box


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

Delete all message broadcast time

setting item

Can't delete all time item in time item

box and display [Bạn không thể xóa.

Phải có ít nhất một giờ trong danh sách

này.] notification box

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-29] Check [Thời gian cập nhập

bản tin] field is displayed on

[Cài đặt] screen successfully

Look at [Cài đặt] screen - [Thời gian cập nhập bản tin] field is

display at right-bottom of [Cài đặt]

screen and includes:

Pass 5/4/2012

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- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

+ Time item box

+ [Thêm] button

+ [Xóa] button

[CSS-30] Check message auto update

time setting of view

message(add an auto update



- Setting screen is displaying

1. Click [Thêm] button

2. Fill time as hh:mm:ss

3. Click enter

1. Display time input line in time item


2. Display input time

3. Save new time successfully

Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-31] Check message auto update

time setting of view

message(add an auto update



- Setting screen is displaying

1. Click [Thêm] button

2. Fill time with free style

3. Click enter

1. Display time input line in time item


2. Display input time

3. Can't save new time and display


[Cập nhập bản tin]


Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-32] Check message auto update

time setting of view

message(delete an auto

update time)


- Setting screen is displaying

1. Choose a time in box

2. Click [Xóa] button

1. Chose time is highlight

2. Chose time is deleted

[Cập nhập bản tin]


Pass 5/4/2012

[CSS-33] Check delete all time item in

time item box


- [Cài đặt] screen is

displaying on coastal station

Delete all time item Can't delete all time item in time item

box and display [Bạn không thể xóa.

Phải có ít nhất một giờ trong danh sách

này.] notification box

Pass 5/4/2012

View message [Update]

[CSS-34] Check message auto update

successfully(there is a new


Look at message textbox when

time is the set time

Messsage content in textbox is replaced

by new one at this time

Pass 12/4/2012

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- Set update time

- [View message] screen is


[CSS-35] Check message auto update

successfully(there are more

than 1 new message)


- Set update time

- [View message] screen is


Look at message textbox when

time is the set time

Messsage content in textbox is replaced

by newest one at this time

Pass 12/4/2012

[CSS-36] Check message auto update

successfully(there is not new



- Set update time

- [View message] screen is


Look at message textbox when

time is the setting time

Information in textbox doesn't changed Pass 12/4/2012

[CSS-37] Check message update when

[Cập nhập bản tin] button is

clicked successfully (There is

a new message)


- [View message] screen is


Click on [Cập nhập bản tin]


Messsage content in textbox is replaced

by new one at this time

Pass 12/4/2012

[CSS-38] Check message update when

[Cập nhập bản tin] button is

clicked successfully (There

are more than 1 new



- [View message] screen is

Click on [Cập nhập bản tin]


Messsage content in textbox is replaced

by newest one at this time

Pass 13/4/2012

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[CSS-39] Check message update when

[Cập nhập bản tin] button is

clicked successfully(There

isn't new message)


- [View message] screen is


Click on [Cập nhập bản tin]


Information in textbox doesn't change Pass 13/4/2012

View Message History

[CSS-40] Check [Message history]

window is displayed



- [Map view] window is

displaying in Coastal Station

1. Click on [Lịch sử bản tin]


[Message history] screen is displayed in

read mode and includes:

- Title label

- Number of recorded message

- Message history table

(GUI refers to "Figure 1 - Coastal

Station Screen" sheet)

Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-41] Check title of [Lịch sử bản

tin] window is displayed



- [Lịch sử bản tin] is


Look at [Lịch sử bản tin] window Window title is [Lịch sử bản tin], text is


Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-43] Check [số các bản tin được

lưu trữ] is displayed



- [Message history] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


1. Look at [số các bản tin được

lưu trữ] field

2. Click on number at [số các bản

tin được lưu trữ] label

1. [Số các bản tin được lưu trữ] field is

displayed at the left-top of [Message

history] window

- Text of amount of message is [Số các

bản tin được lưu trữ:], text is black

- Number which is displayed [Số các bản

tin được lưu trữ:] field is same with

amount of message list in table

Pass 10/4/2012

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2. Can't edit the number

[CSS-44] Check message history table


- [Message history] screen is

displaying on Coastal Station


Look at message history table - Message history table is displayed in

read mode and includes columns:

+ STT (số thứ tự)

+ Loại

+ Ngày tạo

+ Nội dung

- Text in table is black

Table refers to "Figure 1 - Coastal

Station Screen sheet"

Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS45] Check view message history

in one day is displayed



- Set message record time of

view message is [trong ngày]

- [Message history] is


Look at message history table all of received messages in this day is

displayed in message history table

message recording


Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-46] Check view message history

of one week is displayed



- Set message record time of

view message is [trong 1


- [Message history] is


Click on [Lịch sử bản tin] button all of received messages in one week is

displayed in message history table

Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-47] Check view message history

of two weeks is displayed



- Set message record time of

view message is [trong 2

Click on [Lịch sử bản tin] button all of received messages in two weeks is

displayed in message history table

Pass 10/4/2012

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- [Message history] is


[CSS-48] Check view message history

of one month is displayed



- Set message record time of

view message is [trong 1


- [Message history] is


Look at message history screen all of receive messages in one month is

displayed in message history table

Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-49] Check information of a

message is displayed in

message table successfully


- [Message history] screen is


1. Look at message history table 1. Message history table is displayed on

read mode and include:

- [Số thứ tự] is auto increase

- [Loại tin] is storm message/ weather

broadcast message

- [Ngày tạo] is message creating time, as

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM(PM)

- [Nội dung] is shortcut of message


Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-50] Check view a message in

history successfully


- [Message history]screen is


1. Click on a message in message

history table

2. Verify message's information

1. Message information is displayed

under message history table

2. Title is [Nội dung tin nhắn], Message

time & information is displayed


Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-51] Check out of view message

history is successfully


- [Message history] screen is


Click close icon on [Message

history] screen

Close [Message history] and return to

[Map view] screen

Pass 10/4/2012

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Broadcast message

[CSS-52] Check coastal station

broadcasts weather message

to vessel successfully(auto)


- [View message] window is


Look at [View message] screen at

set time

- Current message is broadcasted to


- Display sound and notification [Đã gửi

bản tin]

Vessel receives


Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-53] Check coastal station

broadcasts weather message

to vessel successfully(click



- [View message] screen is


Click [Phát tin] button - Current message is broadcasted to


- Display sound and notification [Đã gửi

bản tin]

Vessel receives


Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-54] Check coastal station

broadcasts weather message

to vessel when click [Phát

bản tin] button at set auto



- [View message] screen is


Click [Phát tin] button - Current message is broadcasted to

vessel twice

- Display sound and notification [Đã gửi

bản tin]

Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-55] Check coastal station

broadcasts storm message to

vessel successfully(auto)


- [View message] window is


Look at [View message] screen at

set time

- Current message is broadcasted to


- Display sound and notification [Đã gửi

bản tin]

Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-56] Check coastal station

broadcasts storm message to

vessel successfully(click

Click [Phát tin] button - Current message is broadcasted to


- Display sound and notification [Đã gửi

Pass 10/4/2012

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- [View message] screen is


bản tin]

[CSS-57] Check coastal station

broadcasts storm message to

vessel when click [Phát bản

tin] button at set auto time


- [View message] screen is


Click [Phát tin] button - Current message is broadcasted to

vessel twice

- Display sound and notification [Đã gửi

bản tin]

Pass 10/4/2012

[CSS-58] Check CS broadcasts SOS

message to Viewer



- Increase number of SOS


Look at [View message] screen - Display notification [Đã gửi bản tin] Vessel receives


Pass 13/4/2012

Receive message

[CSS-59] Check coastal station system

receives a SOS message from

a vessel successfully


- [View message] screen is


Look at SOS message notification


Number of SOS message notification

increases by one

[OT-51] Pass 13/4/2012

[CSS-60] Check coastal station system

receives 2 SOS messages

from a vessel at the different



- [View message] screen is

Look at SOS message notification


Number of SOS message notification

increases by two

[OT-51] Pass 13/04/2012

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[CSS-61] Check coastal station system

receives 2 SOS messages

from two vessel at the same



- [View message] screen is


Look at SOS message notification


Number of SOS message notification

increases by two

[OT-51] Pass 11/4/2012

[CSS-62] Check coastal station system

receives 2 SOS messages

from two vessel at the

different time


- [View message] screen is


Look at SOS message notification


Number of SOS message notification

increases by four

[OT-51] Pass 11/4/2012

5.5.3 Viewer

ID Test Case Description Test Case Procedure Expected Output Inter-test case

Dependence Result Test date




[Viewer-1] Check title of Viewer



- Viewer window is


Look at title of this window Title is [Maritime Information

Visualization], text is black

Pass 2/4/2012

[Viewer-2] Check default screen is

displayed on Viewer window

Look at Viewer widow - Default screen is [Bản đồ tổng quan]

- The visible region of map is Vietnam

Pass 2/4/2012

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- Viewer window is


land, Vietnam sea, Philippine sea and

China sea.

- Display fullscreen

[Viewer-3] Check tabs is displayed on

viewer window successfully


- Viewer window is


Look at Viewer widow Default tabs on Viewer window are [Bản

đồ tổng quan] tab and [Tạo tin] tab, and

displayed on tab field

Pass 2/4/2012

[Viewer-4] Check docking bar is

displayed on Viewer window



- Viewer window is


Look at Viewer widow Docking bars are [Tổng quan] and [Tìm

kiếm], at right of window

Pass 2/4/2012

View all vessels'

position on map

[Viewer-5] Check map is displayed on

[Bản đồ tổng quan] screen



- [Bản đồ tổng quan] screen is


Look at [Bản đồ tổng quan] screen The background map contains Vietnam

land, Vietnam sea, Philippine sea and

China sea.

Pass 4/4/2012

[Viewer-6] Check vessel's position is

displayed on map



- [Bản đồ tổng quan] screen is


Look at [Bản đồ tổng quan] screen At current time, all registered is displayed

on background screen

Pass 4/4/2012

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[Viewer-7] Check background map is

displayed in case of no vessel


- [Bản đồ tổng quan] screen is


Look at [Bản đồ tổng quan] screen Display only background map Pass 4/4/2012

[Viewer-8] Check automactically update

a vessel position onto the map

(2 minutes)


- A vessel symbol is

displaying onto the map

Look at the vessel symbol on the map The vessel symbol position is changed on

the map

Pass 4/4/2012

[Viewer-9] Check automactically update

two vessel positions onto the

map (2 minutes)


- Two vessel symbols are

displaying on the map

Look at the vessel symbols on the map The vessel symbols position is changed on

the map

Pass 11/4/2012



Check automactically update

10 vessel positions onto the

map (2 minutes)


- Ten vessels symbols are

displaying on the map

Look at the vessel symbols on the map The vessel symbols position is changed on

the map

Untested 11/4/2012

Check view a vessel's information



Check view a vessel's

information successfully


- At least a vessel symbol is

displaying on the map

1. Click once on a vessel symbol

2. Verify displayed information

1. Display vessel's information box

2. Information is displayed includes:

- [Biển kiểm soát] is vessel's license plate

- [Mã số] is vessel's unique ID (link to

vessel's history)

- [Chủ tàu] is vessel owner name

- [Kinh độ] is vessel current position's

Pass 8/4/2012

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- [Vĩ độ] is vessel current position's


- [Tốc độ] is vessel's velocity


- [Hướng] is vessel's direction

- [Cập nhập lúc] is vessel information

update time(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss




Check close vessel

information box successfully


- Vessel information box is


Click on close at the right top of vessel

information box

Vessel information box is closed


Pass 8/4/2012

Check a vessel's voyage



Check vessel's voyage table is

displayed successfully


- Open vessel information

pop up context

Click on link at the unique ID in vessel

information box

Open vessel history in new tab Pass 8/4/2012



Check title of the vessel

history tab


- Vessel history tab is


Look at the tab title Title is vessel license plate, text is black Pass 8/4/2012



Check vessel history screen is

displayed successfully


- Vessel history tab is


Look at screen and verify data Vessel history screen is displayed on

readmod and includes:

- Title is [Lịch sử tàu + vessel license


- [Kết quả] is number of history records

- Choose time from drop-down list to

Pass 8/4/2012

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view history

- [Tải dữ liệu] button and [Hiển thị trên

bản đồ] button

- Page drop-down list

- Vessel history table includes Record ID

column, Record time column, Longitude

column, latitude column, velocity column,

direction column



Check view vessel history in

1 hour successfully(table)


- Vessel history tab is


1. Choose vessel history display time (1 hour)

2. Click on [Tải dữ liệu button]

3. Verify displayed vessel history

1. Chose time is displayed on drop-down


2. Display all record had chose time, and

display number displayed record on [Kết

quả] field

3. Time and information of records is


Pass 8/4/2012



Check view vessel's voyage

in one month



- Vessel history in one hour is


1. Click on [Hiển thị trên bản đồ] button

2. Look at new displayed tab

1. Display new tab is [Lịch sử tàu +

license plate] tab

2. The vessel's voyage in one hour is

displayed and includes:

- Number symbols is number of vessel

history record

- Start and end symbol is bigger

- All symbols is connected by a red line

(Vessel's voyage refers to Figure 3/

Viewer Screen)

Pass 8/4/2012



Check all vessel history is

displayed successfully(table)


- Vessel history tab is


1. Display all vessel history record

2. Click on [Tải dữ liệu button]

3. Verify displayed vessel history

1. Chose time is displayed on drop-down


2. Display all vessel history record, and

display number displayed record on [Kết

quả] field

3. Time and information of records is


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Check close vessel

information box successfully


- Vessel information box is


Click on close at the right top corner of this


Vessel history screen is closed


Pass 8/4/2012



Check all vessel's voyage is

displayed successfully(image)


- All vessel history is


1. Click on [Hiển thị trên bản đồ] button

2. Look at new displayed tab

1. Display new tab is [Lịch sử tàu [license

plate]] tab

2. The vessel's voyage is displayed and


- Number symbols is number of vessel

history record

- Start and end symbol is bigger

- All symbols is connected by a red line

(Vessel's voyage refers to Figure 3/

Viewer Screen)

Pass 8/4/2012



Check vessel's voyage screen

is closed successfully


- Vessel's voyage screen is


Click on close at the right top corner of this


Vessel's voyage is closed successfully Pass 8/4/2012

Create a message



Check open [Tạo tin] tab



- Viewer window is


Click on [Tạo tin] tab Default screen of this tab is storm

broadcast message creating screen and


- [Loại bản tin] label

- Message types drop-down list

- Message content creating box

Pass 8/4/2012



Check storm broadcasting

message creating screen is

displayed successfully


1. Click on message types drop down list

2. Choose [Bản tin báo bão]

3. Verify [Bản tin báo bão] input fields

1. Display message types list includes:

[Bản tin báo bão] [Bản tin thời tiết] [Câu

lệnh điều khiển] and [Bản tin khác]

2. Display fields to input content of storm

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- [Tạo tin] tab is displaying broadcast message

3. Fields refers to Figure5- Viewer screen




Check input storm broadcast

message content successfully


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3(inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

Pass 8/4/2012



Check save storm message to

database succefully


- Previous testcase is finished

1. Click on [Đồng ý] button

2. Choose [Đồng ý] button in confirm message


1. Display confirm message box

2. Display notification box(successful/


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Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Cấp bão] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Cấp bão] textbox)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3(inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click [Yes] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Vĩ độ của vị

trí tâm bão 1 phải là số thực]

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Tốc độ gió] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Tốc độ gió] textbox)

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

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of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying 3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3(inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click [Yes] button

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Tốc độ gió

của vị trí tâm bão 1 phải là số thực]



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Vĩ độ] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Vĩ độ] textbox)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3(inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Vĩ độ của vị

trí tâm bão 1 phải là số thực]

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(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Kinh độ] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Kinh độ] textbox)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3(inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Kinh độ gió

của vị trí tâm bão 1 phải là số thực]

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influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1] textbox)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3(inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 1 của vị trí tâm bão 1 phải là số


Pass 8/4/2012



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2] field

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

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- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2] textbox)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3(inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click [Yes] button

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 2 của vị trí tâm bão 1 phải là số




Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3] textbox)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 3 của vị trí tâm bão 1 phải là số

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influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3(inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click [Yes] button




Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Cấp bão] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Cấp bão] textbox)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Cấp bão của

vị trí tâm bão 2 phải là số thực]

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5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Tốc độ gió] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Tốc độ gió] textbox)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Tốc độ gió

của vị trí tâm bão 2 phải là số thực]

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7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Vĩ độ] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Vĩ độ] textbox)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Vĩ độ của vị

trí tâm bão 2 phải là số thực]

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Kinh độ] field


- Storm broadcast message

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

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creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Kinh độ] textbox)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Kinh độ của

vị trí tâm bão 2 phải là số thực]



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1] textbox)

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 1 của vị trí tâm bão 2 phải là số


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4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2])

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 2 của vị trí tâm bão 2 phải là số


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(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3] textbox)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 3 của vị trí tâm bão 2 phải là số


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Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Cấp bão] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Cấp bão] textbox)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Cấp bão của

vị trí tâm bão 3 phải là số thực]

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Tốc độ gió] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

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of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying - Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Tốc độ gió] textbox)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Tốc độ gió

của vị trí tâm bão 3 phải là số thực]



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Vĩ độ] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Vĩ độ của vị

trí tâm bão 3 phải là số thực]

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- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Vĩ độ] textbox)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Kinh độ] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Kinh độ] textbox)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Kinh độ của

vị trí tâm bão 3 phải là số thực]

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influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1] textbox)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 1 của vị trí tâm bão 3 phải là số


Pass 8/4/2012



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

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[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2])

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 2 của vị trí tâm bão 3 phải là số




Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 3 của vị trí tâm bão 3 phải là số

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influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3] textbox)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button




Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Cấp bão] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Cấp bão của

vị trí tâm bão 4 phải là số thực]

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5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Cấp bão] textbox)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Tốc độ gió] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Tốc độ gió] textbox)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Tốc độ gió

của vị trí tâm bão 4 phải là số thực]

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7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Vĩ độ] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Vĩ độ] textbox)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Vĩ độ của vị

trí tâm bão 4 phải là số thực]

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Kinh độ] field


- Storm broadcast message

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

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creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Kinh độ] textbox)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Kinh độ của

vị trí tâm bão 4 phải là số thực]



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 1 của vị trí tâm bão 4 phải là số


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- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 1] textbox)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 2] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 2 của vị trí tâm bão 4 phải là số


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- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 2])

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button



Check notification box is

displayed successfully when

save invalid inputted data in

[Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3] field


- Storm broadcast message

creating screen/default screen

of [Tạo tin] tab is displaying

1. Input storm name in storm name textbox

2. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

3. [Vị trí tâm bão 1] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

4. [Vị trí tâm bão 3] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger)

5. [Vị trí tâm bão 4] fields:

- Choose datetime on datetime field

(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

- Input storm level, Longitude, Latitude,

influence area 1, influence area 2, influence area

3 (inputted data must be interger EXCEPT data

in [Phạm vi ảnh hưởng 3] textbox)

6. Click on [Đồng ý] button

7. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted name is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

3. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

4. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

5. Inputted text is displayed on textbox

6. Display message confirm box includes

message is [Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này

lên cơ sở dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button,

[No] button, [Cancel] button

7. Display notification box [Phạm vi ảnh

hưởng 3 của vị trí tâm bão 4 phải là số


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Check notify when input

invalid value in time field of

[Vị trí tâm bão 2]


- All field of storm message

creating screen is inputted

with valid data

1. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


2. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão

2], this datetime data is earlier than data in the

datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão 1]

3. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


4. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


5. Click [Đồng ý] button

6. Click [Yes] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

3. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

4. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

5. Display confirm message box [Bạn có

đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở dữ liệu

không?], [Yes] button, [No] button,

[Cancel] button

6. Display notification box [Thời gian của

vị trí tâm bão 1 phải sớm hơn thời gian

của vị trí tâm bão 2]

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notify when input

invalid value in time field of

[Vị trí tâm bão 3]


- All field of storm message

creating screen is inputted

with valid data

1. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


2. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


3. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão

3], this datetime data is earlier than data in the

datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão 2]

4. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


5. Click [Đồng ý] button

6. Click [Yes] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

3. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

4. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

5. Display confirm message box [Bạn có

đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở dữ liệu

không?], [Yes] button, [No] button,

[Cancel] button

6. Display notification box [Thời gian của

vị trí tâm bão 2 phải sớm hơn thời gian

của vị trí tâm bão 3]

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notify when input

invalid value in time field of

[Vị trí tâm bão 4]


- All field of storm message

creating screen is inputted

with valid data

1. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


2. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


3. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão


4. Input data in datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão

4], this datetime data is earlier than data in the

datetime field of [Vị trí tâm bão 3]

5. Click [Đồng ý] button

6. Click [Yes] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

3. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

4. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

5. Display confirm message box [Bạn có

đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở dữ liệu

không?], [Yes] button, [No] button,

[Cancel] button

6. Display notification box [Thời gian của

vị trí tâm bão 3 phải sớm hơn thời gian

của vị trí tâm bão 4]

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Check weather message

creating screen is displayed



- Default screen of [Tạo tin]

tab is displaying

Choose [Bản tin thời tiết] value in message type

drop down list

Weather message creating screen is

displayed on read mode and includes:

- Chose value is displayed on message

type field

- Field title is [Bản tin văn bản]

- Text of message name label is [Bản tin

thời tiết], text is red and bold

- Text of message code label is [Mã số:2]

- [Nội dung] label

- Weather message creating textbox

Pass 8/4/2012



Check create a weather

message successfully(connect

to server successfully)


- Weather message creating

screen is displaying

1. Input data into textbox

2. Click on [Đồng ý] button

3. Click on [Yes] button

4. Click on [OK] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Display confirm message box [Bạn có

đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở dữ liệu

không?], [Yes] button, [No] button

3. Display notification box [Bản tin thời

tiết đã được lưu trữ trong cơ sở dữ liệu]

and [OK] button

4. Notification message box is closed

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notifiy box is

displayed successfully when

create a weather

message(connect to server



- Weather message creating

screen is displaying

1. Input data into textbox

2. Click on [Đồng ý] button

3. Click on [Yes] button

4. Click on [OK] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Display confirm message box, text is

[Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở

dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button and [No]


3. Display notification box, text is [Có sự

cố khi kết nối tới máy chủ. Việc tải bản

tin lên cơ sở dữ liệu hiện thời không thực

hiện được] and [OK] button

4. Notification message box is closed

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notify box is displayed

successfully when create a

weather message without data


- Weather messsage creating

1. Click on [Đồng ý] button

2. Click on [OK] button

1. Display notification message box , text

is [Vui lòng nhập tin nhắn gửi đi], [OK]


2. Notification message box is closed


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screen is displaying



Check control command

creating screen is displayed



- Default screen of [Tạo tin]

tab is displaying

Choose [Câu lệnh điều chỉnh] value in message

type drop down list

Control command creating screen is

displayed on read mode and includes:

- Chose value is displayed on message

type field

- Field title is [Bản tin văn bản]

- Text of message name label is [Câu lệnh

điều chỉnh], text is red and bold

- Text of message code label is [Mã số:3]

- [Nội dung] label

- Control command creating textbox

Pass 8/4/2012



Check create a control


successfully(connect to server



- Control command creating

screen is displaying

1. Input data into textbox

2. Click on [Đồng ý] button

3. Click on [Yes] button

4. Click on [OK] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Display confirm message box [Bạn có

đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở dữ liệu

không?], [Yes] button, [No] button

3. Display notification box [Câu lệnh điều

khiển đã được lưu trữ trong cơ sở dữ liệu]

4. Close notification box

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notifiy box is

displayed successfully when

create a control command

message(connect to server



- Control command creating

screen is displaying

1. Input data into textbox

2. Click on [Đồng ý] button

3. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Display confirm message box, text is

[Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở

dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button and [No]


3. Display notification box, text is [Có sự

cố khi kết nối tới máy chủ. Việc tải bản

tin lên cơ sở dữ liệu hiện thời không thực

hiện được] and [OK] button

Pass 8/4/2012



Check notify box is displayed

successfully when create a

control command message

without data


- Control command creating

1. Click [Đồng ý] button

2. Click [Yes] button

3. Click on [OK] button

1. Display confirm message box , text is

[Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở

dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button and [No]


2. Display notification box, text is [Câu

lệnh điều khiển dã được lưu trong cơ sở

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screen is displaying dữ liệu], and [OK] button

3. Close notification box



Check other message creating

screen is displayed



- Default screen of [Tạo tin]

tab is displaying

Choose [Bản tin khác] value in message type

drop down list

Other message creating screen is

displayed on read mode and includes:

- Chose value is displayed on message

type field

- Field title is [Bản tin văn bản]

- Text of message name label is [Bản tin

khác], text is red and bold

- Text of message code label is [Mã số:4]

- [Nội dung] label

- Other message creating textbox

Pass 14/4/2012



Check create a message of

other mesage type

successfully(connect to server



- Other message creating

screen is displaying

1. Input data into textbox

2. Click on [Đồng ý] button

3. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Display confirm message box [Bạn có

đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở dữ liệu

không?], [Yes] button, [No] button.

3. Display notification box [Bản tin khác

đã được lưu trong cơ sở dữ liệu]

Pass 14/4/2012



Check notifiy box is

displayed successfully when

create a message of other

message type(connect to

server unsuccessfully)


- Other message creting

creating screen is displaying

1. Input data into textbox

2. Click on [Đồng ý] button

3. Click on [Yes] button

1. Inputted data is displayed in textbox

2. Display confirm message box, text is

[Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở

dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button and [No]


3. Display notification box, text is [Có sự

cố khi kết nối tới máy chủ. Việc tải bản

tin lên cơ sở dữ liệu hiện thời không thực

hiện được] and [OK] button

Pass 14/4/2012



Check notify box is displayed

successfully when create a

weather message without data


- Other message creating

1. Click on [Đồng ý] button

2. Click on [Yes] button

3. Click on [OK] button

1. Display confirm message box , text is

[Bạn có đồng ý tải bản tin này lên cơ sở

dữ liệu không?], [Yes] button and [No]


2. Display notification box, text is [Vui

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screen is displaying lòng nhập nội dung tin nhắn gửi đi], and

[OK] button

3. Close notification box

View SOS notification



Check SOS message

notification box is displayed

successfully when receive a

SOS message


- [Tổng quan] screen is


Look at the [Tổng quan] screen Message notification box is displayed at

screen central

- Text is [Nhận được 1 thông tin khẩn cấp

(S.O.S) mới]

- [OK] button

[CSS-59] Pass 13/4/2012



Check SOS message

notification box is displayed

successfully when receive a

SOS message


- [Tạo tin] screen is


Look at the [Tạo tin] screen Message notification box is displayed at

screen central

- Text is [Nhận được 1 thông tin khẩn cấp

(S.O.S) mới]

- [OK] button

[CSS-59] Pass 13/4/2012



Check SOS message

notification box is displayed

successfully when receive a

SOS message


- Vessel history screen is


Look at vessel history screen Message notification box is displayed at

screen central

- Text is [Nhận được 1 thông tin khẩn cấp

(S.O.S) mới]

- [OK] button

[CSS-59] Pass 13/4/2012



Check SOS message

notification box is displayed

successfully when receive a

SOS message


- [Vessel's voyage screen is

Look at vessel's voyage screen Message notification box is displayed at

screen central

- Text is [Nhận được 1 thông tin khẩn cấp

(S.O.S) mới]

- [OK] button

[CSS-59] Pass 13/4/2012

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Check SOS message

notification box is displayed

successfully when receive 2

SOS messages


- [Tổng quan] screen is


Look at the [Tổng quan] screen Message notification box is displayed at

screen central

- Text is [Nhận được 2 thông tin khẩn cấp

(S.O.S) mới]

- [OK] button

[CSS-61] Pass 11/4/2012



Check SOS message

notification box is closed



- SOS message notification

box is displaying on screen

Click [OK] button SOS message notification box is closed Pass 4/4/2012



Check a SOS vessel symbol

is displayed on map

successfully when receive a

SOS message


- [Tổng quan] screen is


Look at map on [Tổng quan] screen A SOS vessel symbol is displayed on map

as a red symbol, and blinked

[CSS-59] Pass 11/4/2012



Check 2 SOS vessel symbols

are displayed on map

successfully when receive 2

SOS message


- [Tổng quan] screen is


Look at map on [Tổng quan] screen 2 SOS vessel symbols are displayed on

map as a red symbol, and blinked

[CSS-61] Pass 11/4/2012

Page 190: MIV final report

5.6 Test Summary Report

5.6.1 Test Execution Summary

5.6.2 Test Results

5.6.3 Summary of Incident Reports Raised During Project

Severity Total


Open Defect

Assigned Corrected Accepted Total Open


Fatal 0 0 0 0 0

Serious 3 0 3 0 0

Medium 1 0 1 0 0

Cosmetic 4 0 4 0 0

Total (Status) 0 0 0 0 0

Total (W.def) 0 0 0 0 0

Test Execution Summary

Pass Fail Untested Accepted N/A

Number of Test


0 0 0 0 0 0

Onsea Terminal 54 0 0 0 0 54

Coastal Station system 62 0 0 0 0 62

Viewer 75 0 1 0 0 75

CombineV-CS-OT 10 10 0 0 0 10

External Interface 0 0 0 0 0 0

Performance 0 0 0 0 0 0

Data migration 0 0 0 0 0 0

Test coverage

Test coverage 99.5%

Test successful coverage 99.5%

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5.6.4 Conclusion System Test Success Criteria

# Criteria


All the inputs of system testing are baselined and approved by 6Fingers(Common

requirement, ADD, SRS, Design,Software package, System test cases).


System testing is over and all known issues (if any) are aware by 6Fingers’ members and

documented in Test summary report.

3 All planned Test Cases have been executed (99.5% test execution coverage)


At least 95% executed system test cases have to be passed. (More than 95% test successful


5 100% high priority test cases in scope are passed.

6 Only Cosmetic defects can be accepted

6 Installation Guide

6.1 Environment Requirement

Due to all modules of the project are developed on .NET and Java platform, production

environment needs to fulfill these following requirements:

Operating system: Windows 7

Framework: .NET Framework 4.0, Java 7.0

DBMS: SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

6.2 Installation Package

At the glance, the project has these following modules need to be deployed on production


On-sea Terminal

Java application for terminal device (JAR file).

Coastal Station

Set up for coastal station management (EXE file).

6.3 Installation Guide for On-sea Terminal

These following steps show installation guide for MIV On-sea terminal program.

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Firstly, open the MIVSetup.exe file.

When the license screen appears, read and click “Tôi đồng ý” button if you want to setup

the program.

On next screen, click “Tiến” button to continue

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On next screen, click “Duyệt” button to select destination folder, and finally click “Cài

đặt” button to install.

After installed, open the installed folder

Finally, double click on the MIV_OnseaTerminal.jar file to run the program

6.4 Installation Guide for Database server Install “Microsoft SQL Server” then run “DBServer.exe”

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6.5 Installation Guide for Coastal Station

These following steps show installation guide for MIV Viewer program.

Firstly, open the MIVCoastalStation.exe file.

When the license screen appears, read and click “Next” button if you want to setup the program.

On next screen, click “Browse” button to select destination folder, and finally click

“Next” button to install.

Click “Next” to start installation

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Installation success, click “Close” to finish

6.6 Installation Guide for Viewer

These following steps show installation guide for MIV Viewer program.

Firstly, open the MIVViewer.exe file.

When the license screen appears, read and click “Next” button if you want to setup the program.

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On next screen, click “Browse” button to select destination folder, and finally click

“Next” button to install.

Click “Next” to start installation

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Installation success, click “Close” to finish

7 User Manual

7.1 Application Overview

7.1.1 Requirements

In order to use this application, you need to have the following:

.NET Framework 4.0

JRE 7.0

7.1.2 Available Features

The below list is available features for fishers

No. Functions Description


View map This use case allows fisher to view the maritime map where he’s on


View storm notification This use case allows fisher to view storm notifications broadcasted

by coastal stations. The notifications will be visualized and

displayed in images


View weather information This use case allows fisher to view other weather information like

wind power, temperature…The information will be display in text


View vessel position The fisher can trace his position by using the terminal. His position

will be displayed inside the map


View message history This use case allows fisher to trace the message that was

broadcasted in past, or old message

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Send SOS notification This use case allows fisher to send SOS notification in case he got a

bad situation.

Table 7-1: Available features for fishers

The below list is available features for operators

No. Functions Description


View message history This use case allows Operator to view history of messages which are

broadcasted and received by this coastal station


View broadcasted message This use case allows Operator to view or be alerted whenever the

coastal station broadcasts a message to vessels


View received message This use case allows Operator to view or be alerted whenever the

coastal station receives a message (except position message) from


Table 7-2: Available features for operators

The below list is available features for central operators

No. Functions Description


Broadcast messages This use case allows central operator to send messages to all vessels


View all vessels’ positions on


This use case allows central operator to observe vessel position on

map at a specific time


View a vessel’s voyage This use case allows central operator to observe a vessel’s voyage

through an interval of time


View a vessel’s information This use case allows central operator to view information of vessel

Table 7-3: Available features for central operators

7.1.3 Roles

To perform certain functions, the user must be assigned a role within the application.

Thus, be sure you are assigned a proper role for this application.

In MIV, the users can be classified into following User Roles as below:

No. Roles Description

1 Operator

A user who has responsibilities for observing coastal station

system and message forwarding between Viewer system and


2 Central Operator A user who has responsibilities for vessel management,

observation and salvage.

Table 7-4– Roles for coastal station

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7.2 User Manual for Functions

7.2.1 Functions for Fishers View map

When the program is opened, the default screen will be the map.

This map shows the Vietnam sea area map, which can help fishers easier to visualize the sea area.

In the case the fisher want to switch from Weather Information screen to Map, he can click the

“Map Button” on the top-right of the screen View storm notification

When a new storm message arrives, a message box will be displayed to notify the fisher.

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After click “ok” button, the storm image will be displayed

If fisher doesn’t understand detail of the storm by image, he can click the button to view more

detail: View weather information

When a new storm message arrives, a message box will be displayed to notify the fisher.

After click “ok” button, the storm image will be displayed.

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In the case the fisher want to switch from Map screen to Weather Information, he can click the

“Weather Information Button” on the top-right of the screen View vessel position

When the fisher views the map, the vessel position will be also displayed on the map. It will be an

animating red dot icon, update continuously and the vessel coordinate will be written beside the

dot icon.

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The program will store the latest 5 storm messages and 5 weather information messages. If the

fisher want to view the previous message, he can click the button, and click the

to back to the next message

If there is no previous message, the “Previous” button will be gray-scaled: Send SOS notification

There is always a red button at the left-top corner of the program:

If the case the fisher needs help, he can click this button to send “SOS message”.

There will be a confirm dialog:

If fisher click “Chắc chắn” button, the SOS message will be send. The button will

be changed to button. The SOS message will be send until fisher clicks this

button. If fisher click “Không” button, the message will not be send. Notify restricted area

On map will, there is a rounded area call “Restricted area”. The fishers are prohibited to enter this


If the vessel enters this area, a warning will be displayed until it leaves this area

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7.2.2 Functions for Operators View broadcasted/received message

Main GUI View message history

Click button , a dialog shows up that lists all current broadcast

messages. Broadcast messages

Click button to broadcast the latest updated message.

If there is no messages to be broadcasted, an inform message pops up.

If there are messages to be broadcasted, the application will broadcast the latest updated message.

When the application finishes broadcasting a message, a message box pops up.

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Click button to update the latest messages. When updating process finishes, the

program will inform the number of updated messages.

Click “OK”, then the latest message (if there is) will be displayed on the main window. Configuration

Click Change server address

In “Cài đặt kế nối” group box, type server IP into “Địa chỉ server” textbox, server port into

“Cổng” texbox, then press Enter key.

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The program connects to server with new address. The inform label

displays until connection process finishes. Then the inform label is replaced by

(if success) or (if error). Change message storing time

Change the selection in “Lưu trữ bản tin” group box by tick into a radio button.

After you choose one, the current stored message will be updated due to the store time from

database server. Change the automatically broadcast time

In “Thời gian phát” group box, you can see the list of time in a day for broadcasting messages


To remove a time from this list, select a time and click button. Note that you cannot

remove all items, so if you remove the last item, a message box pops up.

To add a time into this list, click button. A textbox shows up for you to enter a new

time. Note that you must enter a new time in “h:m:s” format (h, m, s stands for hours, minutes,

seconds), then press Enter

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If the new time exists, nothing is inserted. Else, then the new time is inserted into the list with

descending order. Change the automatically update time

Refer to Change the automatically broadcast time. Do the same thing in “Thời gian cập nhật bản

tin” group box.

7.2.3 Functions for Central Operators Broadcast messages

Step1: Go to tab [Tạo tin]

Step 2: Choose Message type in drop down box [Loại bản tin]

Step 2a: Screen when you choose [Bản tin báo bão]

Step 2b: Screen when you choose other messages

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Step 3: Fill the content of message and click [Đồng ý]

Step4: A message box show confirm question. Click [Yes] to commit message to database

Step 5: A Message box will be shown if your message is successfully commit to database View all vessels’ positions on map

All vessel position will be automatically display on tab [Bản đồ tổng quan]

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Step 1: Click on the vessel that you want to see voyage

Step 2: Click to [Bấm vào đây để xem lịch sử đi tàu]

Step 3: Move to tab display the voyage

Step 4: Click [Hiển thị trên bản đồ] to view voyage on map

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Step 5: A tab shown vessel voyage View a vessel’s information

Step 1: Click on the any vessel that you want to see information

8 Appendixes

8.1 Messages

This section describes the details of messages used in business rules e.g. error messages,

confirmation messages, etc.





Message Title Message Content Button

MSG1 Error InvalidDatetime Bạn đã nhập dữ liệu ngày tháng

không đúng


MSG2 Error InvalidNumber Bạn chỉ được nhập kí tự số OK

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MSG3 Error MessageSuccess Bạn đã tạo bản tin thành công OK

MSG4 Inform MessageNotification Có x bản tin mới Xem/Bỏ
