MySocialClou d An easy step-by-step guide to setting up your profile

MySocialCloud Step-by-Step Guide

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An easy step-by-step guide for educators who want to create a profile on MySocialCloud.

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An easy step-by-step guide to setting up your profile

Page 2: MySocialCloud Step-by-Step Guide

Sign Up

1. Go to mysocialcloud.com

2. In the section on the left, enter your

full name (Jonathan Doe)

3. Enter the username you’d like to

have so that the link to your profile

will appear as


4. Enter your email address

5. Enter a password for your MSC

account *Make sure you

remember this*

6. Type in the captcha words

7. Read and check the Terms &

Conditions box

8. Click Sign Up!

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StreamsDiscover new information in the three different streams

found here.

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Explore Stream

A short tutorial will explain the

different tabs at the top of the page.

1. After you click through the tutorial, you

will find yourself in the Explore stream.

Here, you will be able to see:

-Interesting lists that have been

recommended by the MySocialCloud team

-Interesting people that you can

subscribe to

-Recently added bookmarks by anyone

using the site

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Social Stream

2. At the top, click on Social.

-In this stream, you can connect your

Facebook or Twitter account, allowing

you to view that web content in a much

more intuitive way.

-It is highly recommended that you

connect at least one account because

this is where your profile picture will be

pulled from. If you do not connect one,

your photo will remain generic and gray.

-Make sure you are logged into your

Facebook/Twitter and then click the blue

& green buttons to connect them to your

MySocialCloud profile.

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Subscriptions Stream

3. Next to the Social stream is your Subscriptions stream.

-It will be blank because you haven’t yet subscribed to a person or a list.

Once you do, you can view the content of those you subscribe to here in this


-Once a student subscribes to each one of his or her professors, he or she

can browse this stream to find the new pieces of information that have been

added by them.

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The ‘Cloud It’ ButtonAny time you find something online (a video, photo,

article, website, or pdf) you will click this button to save or share it.

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Installing the Button

Clicking on this button is how you will save

things to your profile, but first you need to

drag it to your bookmarks bar.

1. Make sure your browser’s bookmark bar is


-Internet Explorer: Click

View>>Toolbars>>Bookmarks (or Favorites)

-Chrome: Click

Settings>>Bookmarks>>Show Bookmarks Bar

-Firefox: Click

View>>Toolbars>>Bookmarks Toolbar

2. Hover over your name in the top, right corner of

the MySocialCloud page and click ‘Add ons’

3. Enter your MySocialCloud password to access

this section.

4. Click and drag the blue ‘Cloud It’ button to

your bookmarks bar.

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Saving Bookmarks

1. Go to linkedin.com.

2. Click on the Cloud It button that

you’ve dragged to your bookmarks

bar and you will see the

MySocialCloud interface appear.

3. LinkedIn is a professional

networking site, so you might want

to add it to a list called “Business

Resources,” but  you can

personalize the title to anything you


4. Type in “Business Resources” and

hit the Enter key to create that list.

The name will become blue,

indicating that you’ve created that

list on your profile.

The MySocialCloud interface.

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Saving Bookmarks5. You can now choose to make that

bookmark private or public. Mark it as

public so your students will be able to see

it! Keep it private until you’re ready to show


6. Hit save. Your profile now has one list

called “Business Resources,” which

contains one bookmark. The next time

you want to save a bookmark to “Business

Resources,” you will see that the list name

will pop up when you start typing in the list

section, so you can just select it and hit


Note: If for some reason, you cannot use

the Cloud It button, you can manually add a

bookmark by clicking on the plus sign at

the top of the MySocialCloud page.

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Sharing Bookmarks

1. Pretend that Jane Doe is a professor who

doesn’t know about LinkedIn yet. To share

this page with her, go to linkedin.com and

click the Cloud It button.

2. You will see the bookmarking window pop

up again. This is because, on the left, the

Add Bookmark tab is selected.

3. Select the Share Page tab.

4. Start typing in Jane Doe until you see her

profile appear, and then select it.

5. Add a comment if you wish, and click

Share to send it to her.

6. You’ll notice the icons for Facebook,

Twitter, Google +, and Buffer. You can

share any bookmark to any and all of those

networks as well.

Three different tabs.

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ListsHere, you will be able to see your own lists, your saved for

later section, and your sharing history.

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My ListsNow that you’ve saved something, let’s see

what your profile looks like. Click on the Lists

tab at the top of the MySocialCloud page.

1. Hopefully, you’ve connected your Facebook

and/or Twitter accounts (slide 5) so that you have

a profile photo. Small icons will show up next to

your name when you make these connections.

2. Next to your profile photo, you can see that the

lists tab is selected. Click on the bookmarks tab

to view all of your bookmarks in the order that

you’ve saved them to your profile (most recent

ones are at the top).

3. On the right side, you will see 0 subscriptions because you haven’t

subscribed to anyone yet. You will also see 0 subscribers because none of your

students or fellow teachers have subscribed to you yet. Make sure to ask

students to subscribe to you so that your updates appear in their


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Saved for Later

-When adding a bookmark, if you don’t type

in the name of one of your lists, your bookmark

will get saved to this section.

-Everything in this section is marked as

private, so no other students or professors will

be able to see anything here.

-You can come back to that bookmark later,

hover over the tile, and click Edit in order to

add it to a list.

-This is great for quickly storing research

you find online and then coming back to it


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-In this section you will see your

sharing history, allowing you to see

what you’ve shared with whom, and

what conversations happened.

-Since nobody has shared anything with

you yet, you will not see anything in

your “Shared with Me” section.

-Click on “Shared by Me” and you will

see the LinkedIn bookmark that you

shared earlier with Jane Doe.

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The VaultThis is where all of your login information can be stored.

The idea here is that your MySocialCloud password will be your

key to the Internet. Because it is stored and encrypted

online, your information is safe and easily accessible to you

from any computer with an Internet connection.

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Adding a login

1. Go back to linkedin.com and

make sure you are signed out. (If

you do not have a LinkedIn

account, use any website that

you have login credentials for.)

2. Click on the Cloud It button

and the MySocialCloud

interface will appear.

3. Select the Add Login tab on

the left side and you will see a

form to save a new login.

4. Edit the title if you’d like.

Add Login tab

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Adding a login

5. Type in your username.

6. Type in your password. Click on

the eye in order to show the


7. Optional: Use the Secure Note

field to type in a phrase or

keyword that might be asked as a

security question by the website

(ex. What was your first dog’s


8. Click Save.

9. A popup will appear, asking if

you’d like to bookmark the site as

well. Since you already added it to

your Business Resources list

(slide 9), click No.

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Random Password Generator (Optional)

Clicking “Generate Secure Password” will

suggest a randomized 15-character password

that is highly secure.

1. In a separate tab on your browser, log into

your LinkedIn account using your normal password.

2. Click Settings on LinkedIn , then Change


3. Go back to the tab where you have the

MySocialCloud login form open.

4. Click “Generate Secure Password”

5. If you don’t like the suggested password, then

click “Another One.” If you like it, then click “Yes.”

6. Copy that new password to your clipboard

(Ctrl+C) and paste it (Ctrl+V) into your password

settings on LinkedIn. Click Save there on Linkedin.

7. Click Save on the MySocialCloud password form as

well. Now, both MySocialCloud and LinkedIn are

storing your new, highly secure password.

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Auto-loginHow will you remember your

passwords if they are all supposed

to be different? Use the Cloud It


1. Log out of linkedin.com and go to the


2. Click the Cloud It button and when the

MySocialCloud interface appears, you

will see your username displayed. If you

have more than one account saved for

LinkedIn, all of your usernames will


3. Click the blue Login button to log

yourself in--no typing necessary!

4. Clicking the Auto-fill button will fill

in your information without logging you

in. Due to the way some sites are coded,

this button may be necessary when the

Auto-login button isn’t working on that

particular site.

The Login button

A new tab will appear if you have a login stored.

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SearchUse the magnifying glass at the top of the

MySocialCloud page in order to search for a

person or topic within MySocialCloud.

1. Click on the magnifying glass.

2. Type “Business” into the search bar and

hit the Enter key.

3. The Bookmarks tab is highlighted, which

means that you are searching for individual


4. If you look to the left, you will notice that

the Explore tab is also highlighted, meaning

you are searching all of MySocialCloud’s

bookmarks. If you are searching for a

bookmark on your profile and you forgot which

list it was in, then click on the My Stuff tab.

5. Click on the Lists tab to search for lists

that have the word business in them.

6. You can click on the People tab, but you

will most likely not find anyone named


Magnifying glass

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• Click on the question mark at the top of the page for video tutorials on each feature of the site.

• Now that you know how to create a list, create one for each of your courses. In addition to that, you can create lists that showcase your research or hobbies in case any of your students or other professors are interested.

• On the first day of class, ask your students to visit your profile (mysocialcloud.com/jonathandoe) and to subscribe to the list that reflects the course they are in. As you add articles and videos throughout the year, students will be notified, and they can always come back to that link to see the resources.

• Be sure to share interesting articles and tips with your other colleagues on MySocialCloud. They will appreciate the knowledge you are sharing!

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Questions?• Click on the question mark at the top of the page.

• Frequently asked questions:Go to www.mysocialcloud.com/#!/faq

• Send an email: [email protected]

• Tweet us! @My_SocialCloud

• Post on our Facebook wall: www.facebook.com/socialcloud