Network Security Present by Khoa.NK

Network security - Basic concepts

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Network SecurityPresent by Khoa.NK

Common technics

Eavesdropping- Put devices and/or softwares in middle layer- Easier in wireless network- No-way to prevent in the public networks

- Encrypt data

Common technics

Cryptanalysis- Find information from encrypted data- Use math methodology and high

performance machines

- Encrypt data with un-structure algorithm- Use complex password for route-force attack

Common technics

Password Pilfering- Guessing- Social engineering- Dictionary- Password sniffing

Common technics

Guessing: 10 passwords most common in the world by PC Magazine)

Password 123456 qwerty abc123 letmein monkey myspace1 password1 blink182 (the user's own first name)

Common technics

Social engineering: use social skill to find information- impersonate- physing via email, website

Common technics

Identity Spoofing

Common technics

Buffer-overflow- strcat(), strcpy(), sprintf(), vsprintf(), bcopy(),

get(), scanf(),..

Common technics

DoS and DDoS- Type

- Smurf- Buffer Overflow attack- Ping of dead- SYN attack

Tools: Jolt2, Bubonic.c, Land and LaTierra, Targa, Blast20, Crazy Pinger, Some Trouble,...

Common technics

Malicious Softwares- Virus- Worms- Trojan- Logic bomb- Backdoor- Spyware- Keylogger


- plaintext- cyphertext- key

c = E(m, k)m = D(c, k)