Parse and Cloud Code Node.pgh - 0.16 meetup

Node.js and Parse

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Parse is a suite of cloud based APIs, services and libraries that focus on letting developers build out rich applications and less time dealing with the overhead of setting up and managing databases, push notifications, social sign on, analytics, and even hosting and servers. In this series I'll overview the options around developing an application that leverages Parse, including using Cloud Code to deploy your Node.js app to Parse's own hosting service.

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Parse and Cloud CodeNode.pgh - 0.16 meetup

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Nicholas McClayUX Developer


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What is ?

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“Parse's vision is to let developers build any mobile app without

dealing with servers.”

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a suite of tools to replace or support your app’s backend

Parse Data Parse Push Parse Social Parse Analytics Parse Hosting Cloud Code

Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS)

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Getting Started with Parse

1. 2. 3.

Sign Up

Acquire Keys

Pick Your Platform

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Sign Up with Parse

Sign Up App + Optional Info Intro Documentation



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Acquire Keys

Parse Account Page


Application Keys

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‘Key’ Details


• Main ID (always needed)

• iOS & Android Key

• Windows 8 & Phone Key

• Node + Client Side JS Key


• ‘Sudo’ Key

Adheres to Object Level Permissions (ACL)

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I choose you !

Pick Your Platform

Parse API Platforms


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yo express

npm install parse


Generate an Express App

Install Parse module

Run Server

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Alternative Node-Parse Modules

npm install node-parse-api

“IMPORTANT NOTE: This api is not currently maintained. If I were starting a parse project today using node.js, I would

probably start out with https://github.com/shiki/kaiseki”

npm install kaiseki


A Parse.com REST API client for Node.js

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var Parse = require('parse').Parse; Parse.initialize(“Application ID", “JavaScript Key");

var TestObject = Parse.Object.extend("TestObject");var testObject = new TestObject();testObject.save({foo: "bar"}, { success: function(object) { alert("yay! it worked"); }});


Import and Initialize Parse Module

Save a “TestObject”

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Parse Suite OverviewPick your problem

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Parse DataStore your app’s data in the cloud. No servers necessary.


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Parse Data ObjectsData is schema-less

Automatic objectId, createAt and modifiedAt fields

Objects can be extended from other objects (classes)

{ objectId : "xWMyZ4YEGZ", score: 1337, playerName : "Sean Plott", cheatMode : false, createdAt : "2011-06-10T18:33:42Z", updatedAt : "2011-06-10T18:33:42Z"}

Objects can be relational

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Object API


var Class = Parse.Object.extend("ClassName"); var item = new Class();

item.save({"field" : "value"}, { success : function(obj) { // Execute any logic that should take place after the object is saved. }, error : function(obj,error) { // Execute any logic that should take place if the save fails. // error is a Parse.Error with an error code and description. } })


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Object Methods• save(params,callback) - save params to your object

• fetch(callbacks) - refresh an object

• set(field,value)/get(field) - stage params for saving to object

• increment/decrement(field,value) - ++ and - -

• destroy(callbacks) - delete an object

• unset(field) - delete a field

• add, addUnique, remove - array specific methods


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Query API

var GameScore = Parse.Object.extend("GameScore"); var query = new Parse.Query(GameScore);query.equalTo("playerEmail", “[email protected]");query.find({ success: function(object) { // Successfully retrieved the object. }, error: function(error) { // Handle error } });


Retrieve many objects at once, put conditions on the objects you wish to retrieve, and more

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Query Methods• get(objectId,callbacks) - get one object by ID

• find(callbacks) - runs query and returns results

• equalTo, notEqualTo, etc - stage filters for query results

• limit(num)/skip(num) - stage range for query results

• ascending/descending - stage order for query results

• first(callbacks) - like find, but just the first match

• count(callbacks) - if you just want to know total of results


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Object PointersOne-to-one and one-to-many relationships are modeled by

saving a Parse.Object as a value in the other object (pointer).

var Portfolio = Parse.Object.extend("Portfolio");var item = new Portfolio();var Comment = Parse.Object.extend("Comment");var post = new Comment(); post.save({'message' : "this is great!"},{ success : function() { item.set("comments",[post]); item.save(); }});

{ "comments": [ { "__type": "Pointer", "className": "Comment", "objectId": "YrLhRXbnfc" } ], "objectId": "Z8CarHlfu2", "createdAt": "2013-11-05T20:06:59.130Z", "updatedAt": "2013-11-05T20:06:59.130Z"}

Saving an Object pointer Pointer Data without being fetched

By default, when fetching an object, related Parse.Objects are not fetched. These objects' values cannot be retrieved until they have been fetched

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Object Relations

var Portfolio = Parse.Object.extend("Portfolio");var item = new Portfolio();var Comment = Parse.Object.extend("Comment");var post = new Comment(); post.save({'message' : "this is great!"},{ success : function() { var relation = item.relation("comments"); relation.add(post); item.save(); }});

Many-to-many relationships are modeled using Parse.Relation.

var relation = item.relation(“comments"); var query = relation.query(); query.equalTo("author", “Sam"); query.limit(10); ""query().find({ success: function(list) { // list of all relation results } });

Saving an Object relation Retrieve relation data using Query API

By default, the list of objects in this relation are not downloaded. You can get a list of the posts that a user likes by using the Parse.Query returned by query.

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Parse Data Browser

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Lots of other Data goodness

Every asynchronous method in the Parse JavaScript SDK returns a Promise

A Parse.Collection is an ordered set of Parse.Objects. It is compatible with Backbone.Collection, and has all the same


Parse.File lets you store application files in the cloud

Object instance and class methods

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Parse PushCreating, scheduling, and segmenting push notifications


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Enabling Push Notifications

Flip this to get started

To send notifications from the JavaScript SDK outside of Cloud Code or any of the other client SDKs, you will need to set Client Push Enabled in the Push Notifications settings of your Parse app.

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Parse Channels

Parse.Push.send({ channels: [ "Giants", "Mets" ], data: { alert: "The Giants won against the Mets 2-3." } }, { success: function() { // Push was successful }, error: function(error) { // Handle error } });

Allows you to use a publisher-subscriber model for sending pushes.

The channels subscribed to by a given Installation are stored in the channels field of the Installation object.

Installation Object modification not available in JavaScript SDK

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Push Options• alert- your notification’s message

• badge (iOS) - # of pending notifications on your app

• sound (iOS) - play a sound file in your application bundle

• content-available (iOS) - for Newsstand apps

• action (android) - Intent to be executed when received

• title (android)- displayed in notification tray

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Advanced Targeting While channels are great for many applications, sometimes you need

more precision when targeting the recipients of your pushes.

var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation); query.equalTo('channels', 'Pirates'); // Set our channelquery.equalTo('scores', true); Parse.Push.send({ where: query, data: { alert: "Pirates scored against the Cardinals! It's now 3-2." } }, { success: function() { // Push was successful }, error: function(error) { // Handle error } });

Data stored in Installation Object can be used with Query API

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Receiving Pushes…The JavaScript SDK does not currently support subscribing iOS and Android devices for pushes

The JavaScript SDK does not currently support receiving pushes.

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Push forwardScheduling Pushes and expiration dates

Targeting by Platform and Relationships

App Notification Dashboard

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Parse SocialMake your app social. Instantlyhttps://parse.com/products/data

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Parse UserParse.User is a subclass of Parse.Object, and has all the same features

• username - required, makes sure username is unique

• password - required, stores as hidden hash

• email - optional, makes sure email is unique

var user = new Parse.User();user.set("username", "Nick");user.set("password", "voltan123");user.set("email", "[email protected]");// other fields can be set just like with Parse.Objectuser.set("phone", "XXX-XX-XXXX");user.signUp(null, { success: function(user) { // Hooray! Let them use the app now. }, error: function(user, error) { // Show the error message somewhere and let the user try again. } });

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User API• signUp(params,callback) - create new User

• logIn(user,pass,callbacks) - authenticate User

• logOut() - sign out User

• save(params,callbacks) - update User fields

• User.current()- get current User from localStorage

• User.requestPasswordReset(email, options)


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Setup for Facebook Integration


https://developers.facebook.com/apps1. Setup a Facebook App


Add FB App ID to Parse App Settings Page 3.https://www.parse.com/apps/<your app name>/edit#authentication

Add Facebook JS SDK to your app

4. Replace FB.init() with Parse.FacebookUtils.init()

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Facebook Social Sign On

Parse.FacebookUtils.logIn("user_likes,email", { success: function(user) { if (!user.existed()) { // User registered through Facebook! } else { // User signed in through Facebook! } }, error: function(user, error) { // User didn’t authorize for some reason… }});


You may optionally provide a comma-delimited string that specifies what permissions your app requires from the Facebook user

allow your Parse.Users to log in or sign up through Facebook.

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Facebook SDK + Node…https://parse.com/questions/facebook-login-with-the-node-sdk-for-parse

The Facebook JavaScript SDK does not work in Node

Sign in with the Facebook Javascript SDK client side and then transfer the credentials to the server and use REST API

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Getting more Social

Security - roles and ACLs

Email verification and password reset

Users in Data Browser

Twitter, 3rd Party Integration and Account Linking

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Parse AnalyticsTrack any data point in your app in real-time


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Complimentary AnalyticsDevelopers using Parse Data are automatically instrumented

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Custom Analytics

var dimensions = { priceRange: '1000-1500', customerType: 'renter', age: '22-25'}; // Send the dimensions to Parse along with the 'search' eventParse.Analytics.track('search', dimensions);

Track free-form events, with a handful of string keys and values

Dimensions must be string values

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Check your Parse module version!

root.Parse.VERSION = "js1.2.8";

root.Parse.VERSION = "js1.2.12";

npm currently thinks this is the latest version

Download the actual latest version manually to get Parse.Analytics Object



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Parse HostingA powerful web presence without all the hassle.


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Parse Cloud CodeAdd rich, custom logic to your app’s backend without servers.


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Install Cloud Code

curl -s https://www.parse.com/downloads/cloud_code/installer.sh | sudo /bin/bash


parse new MyCloudCode

Email: <enter Parse.com email>

Password: <enter Parse.com password>

1:MyApp Select an App: <enter Parse App Number>

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Cloud Code Project

cloud - where you cloud code snippets live

config - where your Parse app config lives

public - where static files that will be hosted live

Hosting a website with Parse is easy. Everything in the public directory will be hosted at your-custom-subdomain.parseapp.com.

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Parse Deploy

parse deploy

cd MyCloudCode

Uploading source files Finished uploading files New release is named v1

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Cloud Functions

Parse.Cloud.define("averageStars", function(request, response) { var query = new Parse.Query("Review"); query.equalTo("movie", request.params.movie); query.find({ success: function(results) { var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { sum += results[i].get("stars"); } response.success(sum / results.length); }, error: function() { response.error("movie lookup failed"); } });});

Parse.Cloud.run('averageStars', {"movie":"The Matrix"}, { success: function(result) { // returns cloud function results }, error: function(error) { // returns error from cloud code }});

Cloud functions can be called from any of the client SDKs, as well as through the REST API

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Cloud Functions API• run(key,params,callbacks) - All

• before/afterSave(class,callbacks) - All

• before/afterDelete(class,callbacks) - All

• useMasterKey() - Cloud Code and Node.js only

• define(key,callback) - Cloud Code only

• httpRequest(options) - Cloud Code only


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parse generate express

// These two lines are required to initialize Express in Cloud Code.var express = require('express'); var app = express();// Global app configuration sectionapp.set('views', 'cloud/views'); // Specify the folder to find templatesapp.set('view engine', 'ejs'); // Set the template engineapp.use(express.bodyParser()); // Middleware for reading request body// This is an example of hooking up a request handler with a specific request// path and HTTP verb using the Express routing API.app.get('/hello', function(req, res) { res.render('hello', { message: 'Congrats, you just set up your app!' });});// Attach the Express app to Cloud Code.app.listen();

Creating directory /Users/nick/MyCloudCode/cloud/views Writing out sample file /Users/nick/MyCloudCode/cloud/app.js Writing out sample file /Users/nick/MyCloudCode/cloud/views/hello.ejs Almost done! Please add this line to the top of your main.js: require('cloud/app.js');

Parse Express ServerAfter you get Parse Hosting set up, you can add dynamic backend

logic to your website by generating an Express application.

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Cloud Modules

var Crowdflower = require('crowdflower');Crowdflower.initialize('myAPIKey');

var coolNames = ['Ralph', 'Skippy', 'Chip', 'Ned', 'Scooter'];exports.isACoolName = function(name) { return coolNames.indexOf(name) !== -1; }

var name = require('cloud/name.js');name.isACoolName('Fred'); // returns falsename.isACoolName('Skippy'); // returns true;name.coolNames; // undefined.



Cloud Code supports breaking up JavaScript code into modules.

Pre-installed Cloud Modules

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Cloud Code limitations…

Doesn’t support npm

Can’t test locally

Can’t debug…

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Parse PricingPricing that scales with your needs.

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Getting More Help

JavaScript Guide Documentation

JavaScript SDK Documentation

https://www.parse.com/tutorialsOfficial Parse Tutorials

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