OffDays Getting Started Full Guide April 2013

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Offdays is a Time Off & Absence Management software that simplifies and automates the Time Off Process. Create time off rules and manage all time off requests, approvals, scheduling and accruals. This web-based solution will help you to control efficiently employee time off, from anywhere at anytime, thanks to the ESS (Employee Self-Service) and its automated notifications: requests, approvals, refusals, corrections, etc. You can create unlimited time off types and balances, with their own color code. Offdays is easy and user-friendly. No need for substantial documentation or heavy training sessions, you will be able to set up and use the software by your own self. Offdays will definitely improve your workforce productivity and allow you to save time and money. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, paid sick leave in March 2009 cost private-sector employers 23 cents per employee hour on average across all occupational groups. Don’t deprive yourself of a good absence management!

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OffDaysGetting Started

Full Guide

April 2013

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Managing Absence. …... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03

Setting…….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Managing Absence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Setting……. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Managing Absence……. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……36

Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

HR Mode



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HR Mode : Managing Absence




Graphic view

Dynamic view

Calendar view

Add an absence

Edit an absence

Graphic view

Dynamic view

Setting Main Menu


Dynamic view

Graphic view

Add balance

Edit balance

Setting interface

Annual limits

Monthly limits

Daily limits


Fixed holidays




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HR Mode – Main Menu


The main menu provides access to various tools

for managing leave and holidays.

Main menu

Filters allow you to select workers, teams and sites to

view in a given period.

Filers menu

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HR Mode – Dashboard – Dynamic view


Dynamic view enabled

This view allows you to view for selected workers in the "Filters" menu, the status of their leave

balances: Type of leave, basic balance, hours used, hours awaiting validation, vacation hours still

available and their validity

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HR Mode – Dashboard – Graphic view


Graphic view enabled

This view allows you to view for selected workers in the "Filters" menu, the status of their leave

balances: Leave Type (color), basic balance, hours used, hours awaiting validation, hours of leave yet

available in graphical form.

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HR Mode – Absence – Dynamic view

This view allows you to view for selected employees in the "Filters”, list of vacation requests and their

status and their time with the ability to change them.

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HR Mode – Absence – Graphic view

This view allows you to show for selected employees in the "Filters" menu, list of vacation requests,

their status and their period in graphical form with the ability to change them.

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HR Mode – Absence – Calendar view

This view allows you to show for selected employees in the "Filters" menu, in calendar form, leave

requests and their status color code with the ability to change them.

Pending request

Request refused

Request accepted

Edit, validate, deny

or delete request

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HR Mode – Absence – add an absence request

Save the request

Select the start date

Select the type of leave

Select an employee to apply a request

for him

Choose 1 for a full day and ½ for a


Select the end date

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Comment changes

HR Mode – Absence – Edit an absence request

Save comment and changes

Save comment

Delete request

Validate the request Refuse the request

Save changes

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HR Mode – Balance – Dynamic view

This view allows you to view for selected employees in the "Filters" menu, list of added leave balances,

type and availability.

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HR Mode – Balance – Graphic view

This view allows you to view for selected employees in the "Filters" menu, list of added leave balances,

type color code as well as their availability in graphical form.

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HR Mode – Balance – Add leave balances

Select an employee to

add balances for him

Save the balanceBalances in hours

and minutes

Select the end

date of availability

Select start date

of availability

Select the type of leave

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HR Mode – Balance– Edit leave balances

Save balance

Balances in hours

and minutes

Select the end date of availabilitySelect start date

of availability

Select the type of leave

Delete balance

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HR Mode : Setting


Setting interface

Annual limits

Monthly limits

Daily limits


Fixed holidays




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Main Menu


Action buttons

Action buttonsContent

Bouton Intitulé Utilité

Add Add an item from the right side to the left

Remove Remove an item from the left side to the right

Save Save changes

Save and Next Save and go to the next menu or add a line to the table

Save and Next x2 Save and go to the menu after the next one

Back to the root Back at the beginning of the submenu (list of profiles)

Previous Back to previous page

Edit Edit an entry

Validate Submit an application (eg leave request)

Refuse Refuse a request

Delete Delete an entry


HR Mode : Setting – Setting interface

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Meaning :

• Counters to set limits on annual basis. Ex. : Holidays number.

Create types :

• They distinguish leave and absences. Ex. : satutory leave ≠ parental leave.

• Give a Name and Reference (abbreviation).

• Select the type ”Holiday" or ”Absence".

• Select sites that have access to this type.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save.

Create Profiles :

• They allow you to assign multiple types of leave or absences to a person or a group of persons.

• Give a name and reference (abbreviation).

• Select sites that have access to this profile.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save or Save and Next (Settings).

Setting created profiles :

• Once created, the profiles are waiting for counters.

• Select type (Ex. : holiday).

• Insert the counter limit value in the format "hour: min".

• Insert the period of validity.

• Choose the annual repetition if necessary.

• Save or Save and Next (to add another counter).


HR Mode : Setting– Annual limits

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Meaning :

• Counters to set limits on monthly basis. Ex: Number of reported hours per month.

CreateTypes :

• They allow to create variables that will be used in formulas. Eg positive or negative balance.

• Give a Name and Reference (abbreviation).

• Select sites that have access to this type.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save.

Create Profiles :

• They allow you to assign multiple variable types to a person or a group of persons.

• Give a name and reference(abbreviation).

• Select sites that have access to this profile.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save or Save and Next (Settings).

Setting created profiles :

• Once created, the profiles are waiting for counters.

• Choose the type (Eg. : monthly hours max).

• Enter the value of the counter, « hour : min ». Choose the monthly repetition if necessary.

• Save or Save and Next (to add a new counter).


HR Mode : Setting – Monthly limits

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Meaning :

• Counters to set limits on a daily basis. Ex: Number of working hours.

Create Types :

• They allow you to create variables that will be used in formulas. Eg average working hours.

• Give a Name and Reference (abbreviation).

• Select sites that have access to this type.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save.

Create Profiles :

• They allow you to assign multiple variable types to a person or a group of persons.

• Give a Name and Number (abbreviation).

• Select sites that have access to this profile.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save or Save and Next (Settings).

Setting created profiles :

• Once created, the profiles are waiting for counters.

• Choose the type (eg hours per day).

• Enter the value of the counter, « hour : min ».

• Save or Save and Next (to add a new counter).


HR Mode : Setting – Daily limits

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• Counters for grouping Daily Limits and Time Slots in same profile.

Create Profils :

• They allow you to assign a schedule to a person or a group of persons.

• Give a Name and Reference (abbreviation).

• Select sites that have access to this profile.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save or Save and Next (Setting).

Setting created profiles :

• Once created, the profiles are waiting for counters.

• Select the profile of Daily Limits for the first day.

• Select the profile of Time Slots for the first day.

• Add a day to the schedule by clicking Save and Next.

• Repeat these steps as many times as there are days in the schedule cycle *.

• Save.

* Schedule cycle is typically one week but in some areas, workers have a schedule that loop 2 or 3 weeks (with shifts

between each week). This option allows you to set the cycle totally flexible!


HR Mode : Setting – Schedule

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Meaning :

• Counters to establish leave, the dates already set. Eg New Year's Day.

Create Types :

• They distinguish leaves. Eg. : vacation day ≠ conventional leave.

• Give a Name and Reference (abbreviation).

• Select sites that have access to this type.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save.

Create Profiles :

• They allow you to assign multiple variable types to a person or a group of persons.

• Give a Name and Reference(abbreviation).

• Select sites that have access to this profile.

• Add an optional comment.

• Save or Save and Next (Paramétrage).

Setting created profiles :

• Once created, the profiles are waiting for counters.

• Give a name to the first term of the leave.

• Choose the type (Eg. : vacation day) and leave’s period : « From » and « To ».

• Choose the annual repetition if necessary..

• Select the employees affected by the leave.

• Add another term leave by clicking Save and Next.

• Repeat these steps as many times as there are deadlines leave.

• Save.


HR Mode : Setting – Fixed Holidays

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Meaning :

• Anyone working or having worked in the organization must be registered for its data to be calculated. A personal

account is also made available to access its data.

Register Workers :

• Workers are registered with their personal data.

• Required fields are Name, Email (= login), Password, Language and General Access Profile*

• Save or Save and Next (Set. Access) or Save and Next (Set. Contract-Plannings).

Assign access for teams:

• Once created, workers must be placed in teams.

• In the "Other teams" column, select the team to which the worker has access (press "Ctrl" key to select multiple)..

• In the "Access Profile" column, select the role (see Config. Teams) of the person in relation to the team.

• Click Add to move the selected teams in the column “ Teams: Access Profile ".

• To remove teams from the column "Teams: Access Profile", select and click Remove.

Assign contracts schedules:

• To calculate the data of the worker, he must be assigned one or more periods, indicating the system work. That is

to say that we will link the worker to the Temporal Parameters (= Contract Planning).

• Give a name to the contract schedule and select the validity period "From" and ”To." If one of the fields of the

period is not complete, the program assumes an infinite period (CDI =).

• Select the appropriate settings Temporal (Limits Annual, Monthly, Weekly and Planning).

• Assign a date to the first day of a cycle (eg, the first week of the cycle starts Monday 03/01/2012).

• Save or Save and Next to add a new contract-planning.

* The General Access Profile limits access to the Settings Interface


HR Mode : Setting – Workers

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Meaning :

• Teams is used to group workers who have access to the same team. Eg Michael worked in the "IT”, he will be given

the "Worker”* Access. While John, who is Director of HR has "Admin”* Access since it must be able to visualize

leave workers even if he is not a member of "IT” team.

Create Teams :

• They are used to group workers.

• Give a Name and Reference (abbreviation).

• Add an optional comment.

• Save or Save and Next (Set. Workers).

Assign workers with access :

• Once created, the teams are waiting for workers.

• In the column "Other workers" select persons who have access to the team (press "Ctrl" key to select multiple).

• In the "Access Profile" column, select the role* of the person in relation to the team.

• Click Add to move the selected workers in the "Team Members" column.

• To remove workers from "Team Members" column, select and click Remove.

• It is possible to create an infinite number of profile access based on need and the role of the worker. Typically we

offer 4 Access Profiles:

• «Worker», whose hours of work and holidays are counted for the team

• «Manager», recorded with the possibility to view and manage data team members

• «Admin», unrecorded, with the possibility to view, manage, and configure

• « Super Admin », unrecorded, with advanced configuration


HR Mode : Setting – Teams

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Meaning :

• Sites are used to group the teams that have access to the same content. Eg holiday "Martin Luther King Day"

visible to the site "USA" but not for "France” site.

Create sites :

• They allow you to group teams.

• Give a Name and Reference (abbreviation).

• Add an optional comment.

• Save or Save and Next (Set. Teams).

Assign teams:

• Once created, the sites are waiting for teams.

• In the column "Other teams", select the teams that belong to the site (press "Ctrl" key to select multiple).

• Click Add to move the selected in the "Team Site" column teams.

• To remove teams from the column "Team Site", select and click Remove.


HR Mode : Setting – Sites

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MANAGER Mode : Managing absence




Graphic view

Dynamic view

Calendar view

Apply an absence request

Edit an absence request

Graphic view

Dynamic view

Main Menu

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MANAGER Mode – Main Menu


The main menu provides access to various tools

for managing leave and holidays.

Main Menu

Filters allow you to select workers and teams to

view in a given period.

Filters Menu

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MANAGER Mode – Dashboard – Dynamic view


Dynamic view enabled

This view allows you to view for selected workers in the "Filters" menu, the status of their leave

balances: Type of leave credit basis, hours used, hours awaiting validation, vacation hours still available

and their validity

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MANAGER Mode – Dashboard – Graphic view


Graphic view enabled

This view allows you to view for selected workers in the "Filters" menu, the status of their leave

balances: Leave Type (color), basic balance, hours used, hours awaiting validation, hours of leave yet

available in graphical form.

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MANAGER Mode – Absence – Dynamic view

This view allows you to view for selected employees in the "Filters”, list of vacation requests and their

status and their time with the ability to change them.

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MANAGER Mode – Absence – Graphic view

This view allows you to view for selected employees in the "Filters" menu, list of vacation requests,

their status and their period in graphical form with the ability to change them.

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MANAGER Mode – Absence – Calendar view

This view allows you to view for selected employees in the "Filters" menu, in calendar form,

leave requests and their status color code with the ability to change them.

Pending request

Request accepted

Edit request

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Comment the request

MANAGER Mode – Absence – Apply an absence request

Save the request

Select the absence type

Select an employee to

apply a request for him

Select the start date

Choose 1 for a full day

and ½ for a half-day

Select the end date

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MANAGER Mode – Absence – Edit an absence request

Comment changes

Save comment and changes

Save comment

Delete request

Validate request Refuse request

Save changes

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MANAGER Mode : Setting – Setting your account


Change your account settings. Fields (*) are required

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USER Mode : Managing absence





Graphic view

Dynamic view

Calendar view

Apply an absence request

Edit an absence request

Setting up your account

Main Menu

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USER Mode – Main Menu


The main menu provides access to various tools

for managing leave and holidays.

Main Menu

Filters allow you to select workers, teams and

sites to view in a given period.

Filters Menu

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USER Mode – Dashboard – Dynamic view


Dynamic view enabled

This view allows you to view the status of leave balances: Type of leave credit basis, hours used, hours

awaiting validation, vacation hours still available and their availability

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USER Mode – Dashboard – Graphic view


Graphic view enabled

This view allows you to view status of leave balances: Leave Type (color), basic credit, hours used, hours

awaiting validation, hours of leave yet available in graphical form.

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USER Mode – Absence – Calendar view


Pending request

Request refused

Request accepted

Edit request

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USER Mode– Absence – Apply an absence request

Comment the absence request

Save the request

Select the leave typeSelect the start date

Choose 1 for a full day

and ½ for a half-day

Select the end date

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Comment your request

USER Mode – Absence – Edit an absence request

Select the end date

Save comment and changes

Save comments

Save changes

Select the start date

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USER Mode – Setting - Setting your account


Change your account settings. Fields (*) are required