Candy Strategies Inc. www.candystrategies.com Open Source and Open Standards: The Next Generation of Enterprise Content Management? ARMA - Information Management Symposium Toronto - June 1, 2011 Cheryl McKinnon Founder/President [email protected] @CherylMcKinnon Sunday, May 29, 2011

Open Source and Open Standards for Information and Records Managers

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Slides from the session "Open source and Open Standards - Next Generation for Enterprise Content Managemetn" - June 1, 2011 ARMA Information Management Symposium in Toronto. Delivered by Cheryl McKinnon, Candy Strategies.

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Page 1: Open Source and Open Standards for Information and Records Managers

Candy Strategies Inc.www.candystrategies.com

Open Source and Open Standards:The Next Generation of Enterprise

Content Management?

ARMA - Information Management SymposiumToronto - June 1, 2011

Cheryl McKinnonFounder/President

[email protected]@CherylMcKinnon

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Page 2: Open Source and Open Standards for Information and Records Managers

Open Standards are Essential to ECM

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Page 3: Open Source and Open Standards for Information and Records Managers

• Information Management professionals who are serious about digital preservation in today’s knowledge economy need to be diligent

• Preservation

• Metadata

• Interoperability and Portability

Open Standards in ECM

Sunday, May 29, 2011

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• How do we ensure this era of Information Overload doesn’t become the Dark Ages 2.0?

• Non-vendor controlled file formats

• Independent from operating systems or hardware platforms

• Can live outside of digital rights lockdown for appropriate preservation and educational uses

What About Preservation?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Page 5: Open Source and Open Standards for Information and Records Managers

• A long way to go...but:

• PDF/A and ODF are a start

• Public sector has lead the charge in this area

• PDF/A an ISO Standard

• Ability to mandate and encourage open standards adoption

Open Standards for Preservation

Sunday, May 29, 2011

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• Dublin Core

• Wide adoption for these standard metadata elements in content management and library systems


• W3C consortium

• Machine and Human Readable textual data format

Open Standards for Metadata

Sunday, May 29, 2011

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• CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services)

• OASIS managed with active participation from AIIM

• OpenSocial

• Interoperability across collaboration and social network products

• “Gadget” metaphor inspired by Google

• An Open API not a formal standard

Open Standards for Interoperability

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Open Source is Changing the Information

Management Industry

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• Definition emerged 1998 - with a new model of software development and release - Mozilla (Netscape Navigator)

• Roots back to 1980s - Free Software Foundation

• Practices rooted in development that evolved into the internet

• 1960s/70s - early example of open, participatory software development

• 1998 - Founding of Open Software Initiative

• consistent terminology, sanctioned software license agreements, definitions and practices

• http://opensource.org/

What is Open Source?

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• Simply?

• A way a software developer (a vendor or a community) licenses and distributes its source code

• No charge for the software, availability of code, welcomes contributions, no restrictions on how software is used

• Variety of individual license agreements govern how it is distributed or used inside other products.

• Examples: GPL, LGPL, Apache, BSD, Eclipse, others...

What is Open Source?

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2010 Was a Turning Point in ECM

Sunday, May 29, 2011

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CMIS: Vendors Playing Nicely

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• Original Concept in 2006

• Kick off meeting - vendors, academics, end-users

• Three vendors created their own project

• Microsoft, EMC, IBM


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• Draft specification submitted to OASIS in 2008

• Strong participation and collaboration among 19 vendors

• Final public draft in January 2010 with Ratification on May 4, 2010

• Planning for Next Version in Progress - discussions including Records Management


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• Statement of Purpose

• Define a domain model that can be used by applications to work with one or more Content Management systems

• Data Model, Abstract Capabilities, Set of Bindings

• Problem of “islands of incompatible systems” making it difficult for organizations and application developers to integrate content across and among systems

CMIS: Why and What is it?

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• Use Cases for CMIS 1.0

• Collaborative Content Applications

• Portals Leveraging Content Management Repositories

• Mashups

• Content Repository Search

• http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/cmis/charter.php

CMIS: Why and What?

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• Secondary Use Cases

• Content-centric Workflow and BPM

• Archival Applications

• Compound and Virtual Documents

• Electronic and Legal Discovery

CMIS: Why and What?

• Not in 1.0 Scope

• RM and Compliance



• Subscription and Notification

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IBM/Filenet NuxeoEMC/


Sharepoint Alfresco ...

CMIS Client: Portal, Scan/Capture, Content and Business Applications




Checkin, Checkout


CRUD operations

Query : CMISQL




REST (AtomPub) or SOAP


CMIS 1.0

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Removing the Stigma from “Silo”

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• Federated Repositories

• Ability to use and consume content across multiple repositories

• Appears to end user as one cohesive system

• Ability to build single UI to access content in across multiple repositories - entirely different ECM products

Harvesting the Content Silos

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• Repository to Repository

• Publish a document from one repository to another

• Example: a document in an ECM system published to a WCM upon approval

• Manage corporate records from one centralized repository

• Access business records from multiple document repositories in one records system for consistent retention, disposition

Harvesting the Content Silos

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• Application to Repository

• Use and consume managed content across other line of business applications

• ERP, CRM, case management systems, collaboration tools

• Let content flow across its natural horizontal business lifecycle

Harvesting the Content Silos

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The Problem isn’t “Vendor Lock-in”

It’s “Content Lock-in”

Sunday, May 29, 2011

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• CMIS Basics

• Object Types

• Documents, Folders, Relationships, Policies

• Each object has an object identity, properties

• Objects may an access control list, a content stream or rendition

Lowest Common Denominator or Highest Common Ground?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

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• Versioning of Documents

• CMIS Query and Discovery Services

• Navigation Services

• Multi-Filing Services

Lowest Common Denominator or Highest Common Ground?

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ECM: Platforms and Suites

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• CMIS opens the door to meaningful consumption of content across business processes

• Fast Integrations

• Generic deployments of basic document management often don’t meet business requirements

• Compliance cudgel often doesn’t work

• Productivity is back on the front-burner

ECM Becomes a Platform for Content Applications

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• Vendors with cohesive platforms may be able to be most creative with CMIS

• ECM vendors will need to differentiate in new ways

• Suite vendors that assembled portfolio via acquisition will take longer to take full advantage of CMIS

• Inconsistent architectures and integrations

ECM Becomes a Platform for Content Applications

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• Content Management Goes Mobile

• Android CMIS Browser

• Browse CMIS repository

• View Documents

• Email Documents

• Search

• View Document Properties


ECM Becomes a Platform for Content Applications - Mobile

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• Content Engine behind WCM / Portal Systems

• Drupal

• Liferay

• Nuxeo

• Alfresco

• eXo

• ....More

ECM Becomes a Platform for Content Applications - Web

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• Business Process Management

• Access content stored in ECM repositories via CMIS

• BonitaSoft

ECM Becomes a Platform for Content Applications - Process

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Why It Matters

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Standards = Efficiency

Sunday, May 29, 2011

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• Line of Business and ECM Applications carry business content

• Goods and Services are bought, sold and contracted electronically

• Interoperable systems (ERP, WCM, eCommerce, BPM and Workflow, ECM) need to let electronic content move across business processes

• Reluctance to adopt basic Document Management interoperability standards is a repeat of the Rail Gauge Debates of the 1800s

Transporting the Digital Goods

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How Does Open Source Help Shape the Future of

Information Management?

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• Organizations Can Begin their Information Management Project

• Start Testing, Prototyping without Significant Financial Investment

• Lingering Perception of the Hobbyist or Part Time Developer is Ready for the History Books

• Mature Products, Strong Vendor Support Backing

Benefits from Open Source

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• Community Strength for Knowledge Sharing and Quick Responses

• Enterprise 2.0 in Action

• Organizations can Take Back Control of their Own ECM Roadmaps

• Access to code, marketplaces, module exchange with peers, partners or supply chain

Benefits from Open Source

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• Brings ECM and Information Management to organizations of all sizes and budgets

• The Web opened the door to opportunities for new and innovative companies to communicate and do business globally

• Democratization of opportunity means Democratization of risk

• ECM no longer available to only those organizations with large IT budgets

Benefits from Open Source

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From Information Overload to Dark Ages 2.0?


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Candy Strategies Inc.www.candystrategies.com

Thank YouQuestions?

ARMA Information Management Symposium

Toronto - June 1, 2011

Cheryl McKinnonFounder/President

[email protected]@CherylMcKinnon

Sunday, May 29, 2011