Op#fy Best Prac#ces LANDING PAGES

Optify best practices: landing pages

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An overview of landing pages best practices and main use cases A step-by-step demo of how to build, publish and promote a landing page using Optify Measuring landing page performance and introduction to A/B Testing

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Page 1: Optify best practices: landing pages

Op#fy  Best  Prac#ces  LANDING  PAGES  

Page 2: Optify best practices: landing pages

Page  2   Confiden#al  

•  What  is  a  Landing  Page?  •  Why  Landing  Pages  are  so  important?  •  10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  a  Killer  Landing  Page  •  Crea#ng  Landing  Page  in  Op#fy  •  How  to  use  Op#fy’s  Landing  Pages  for  A/B  tes#ng  •  Q&A  


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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “Landing  pages  are  specific  pages  designed  to  make  a  prospec3ve  customer  take  ac3on.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “In  online  marke3ng  a  landing  page,  some3mes  known  as  a  lead  capture  page,  is  the  page  that  appears  when  a  poten3al  customer  clicks  on  an  adver3sement.  The  page  will  usually  display  sales  copy  that  is  a  logical  extension  of  the  adver3sement  or  link.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “(Landing  pages)  Pages  that  are  op3mized  and  very  targeted  towards  a  par3cular  subject.  An  effec3ve/valid  site  op3miza3on  and  sales  conversion  strategy.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “(Landing  pages)  Are  specific  pages  bound  to  aJract  poten3al  customers  to  the  website.  Usually  presents  informa3on  that  is  relevant  to  the  visitor  and  captures  their  aJen3on  resul3ng  on  a  sign  up  or  even  into  an  acquisi3on.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “The  specific  web  page  that  a  visitor  ul3mately  reaches  aMer  clicking  an  adver3sement.  OMen,  this  page  is  op3mized  for  a  specific  keyword  term  or  phrase.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “The  page  or  view  to  which  a  user  is  directed  when  they  click  on  an  ac3ve  link  embedded  in  a  banner,  web  page,  email  or  other  view.  A  click  through  lands  the  user  on  a  jump  page.  Some3mes  the  Landing  Page  is  one  stage  upstream  from  what  would  ordinarily  be  considered  the  Home  Page.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “The  page  a  visitor  arrives  at  when  clicking  through  to  a  site,  typically  from  a  paid  adver3sement.  Similar  to  a  doorway  page,  but  a  legi3mate  marke3ng  func3on  —  it  is  used  for  coun3ng  and  tracking  arrivals  and  determining  the  effec3veness  of  a  marke3ng  campaign.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “A  Landing  Page  is  a  content  page  on  a  website  to  which  traffic  is  directed,  either  through  paid  search  or  email  marke3ng.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “Web  page  that  is  reached  when  a  link  is  clicked,  specifically  a  special  page  designed  to  receive  traffic  from  par3cular  links.”  

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What’s  a  Landing  Page?  •  “The  landing  page  is  the  page  on  which  a  visitor  “lands”  aMer  clicking  a  search  engine  lis3ng,  email  link,  Banner  Ad,  Cost-­‐Per-­‐Click  ad,  or  other  ad/link.  The  landing  page  can  be  a  site’s  homepage,  but  is  usually  a  page  designed  to  appeal  to  users  who  Click-­‐Through  a  specific  ad  or  link.  Landing  pages  are  also  used  to  monitor  site  traffic  and  measure  an  adver3sing  campaign’s  success.  Well-­‐designed  landing  pages  that  are  relevant  to  a  user’s  keyword  query  will  improve  Conversion  Rates  and  play  a  cri3cal  role  in  Search  Engine  Marke3ng.”  

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Why  Landing  Pages  are  so  important?  

Set  goals  and  establish  baseline  

Define  the  buyer  profile  

Plan,  set  up  and  execute  campaigns  Deliver  on-­‐target  

leads  to  sales  

Measure,  report,  refine  and  start  


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Why  Landing  Pages  are  so  important?  

Set  goals  and  establish  baseline  

Define  the  buyer  profile  

Plan,  set  up  and  execute  campaigns  Deliver  on-­‐target  

leads  to  sales  

Measure,  report,  refine  and  start  


Plan,  set  up  and  execute  campaigns  

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The  core  of  every  lead  genera#on  campaign  

Organic  Search  

Social  Media  

Press  Coverage  


Viral  Content  

Directories  Paid  

Directories  Paid  Search  



Social  Ads  


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Landing  Page  purposes  •  Primary  goal:  Convert  visitors  to  leads  •  Secondary  goals:  

§ Collect  data  § Test  message  § Measure  performance  § Reroute  leads  § Deliver  content  

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Example:  promo#ng  a  white  paper  •  The  offer:  White  paper  with  #ps  for  crea#ng  an  effec#ve  landing  page  •  Title:  “10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  B2B  Landing  Page”  •  Text:  “Are  you  using  landing  pages  as  a  des#na#on  for  your  marke#ng  campaigns?  More  importantly,  are  you  using  them  effec#vely?  Anyone  can  create  a  landing  page,  but  a  great  landing  page  results  in  engagement  and  ac#on.    Download  our  10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page  Whitepaper  and  learn  how  to:  §  Tailor  the  design,  images  and  text  for                                conversion  

§  Create  an  emphasized  call-­‐to-­‐ac#on  §  Op#mize  the  headline  and  sub-­‐headline  §  Enable  social  sharing  and  highlight  social                        valida#on  

§  And  much  more…    

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Offer  §  “10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  B2B  Landing  Page”  §  5-­‐page  white  paper  with  10  #ps  for  crea#ng  an  effec#ve  landing  page  

Landing  pages  

§  URL:  hgp://pages.op#fy.net/landing-­‐pages-­‐white-­‐paper        §  Image:  


Thank  you  page   §  hgp://www.op#fy.net/thanks-­‐for-­‐reques#ng-­‐our-­‐white-­‐paper    

Thank  you  email   §  Send  mass  email  to  all  leads  with  addi#onal  content    

Campaign  Details  

§  Campaign  Name:  Landing-­‐Pages-­‐White-­‐Paper  §  Campaign  ID  in  SFDC:  70180000000Qtma  

Tagging  §  Source:  from  Op#fy  or  with  URL  tagging  §  Campaign  Name:  op#fy_rd=Landing-­‐Pages-­‐White-­‐Paper  §  Details:  Include  in  form  

Form  fields  

§  Version  1:  Name,  email,  company,  #tle,  phone  number  §  Version  2:  Name,  email,  phone,  Are  you  interested  in  a  demo?,  open  text  §  Hidden  SFDC  fields:  form  name  (00N80000004cDrZ  -­‐  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  

Landing  Page),  Campaign_ID,  lead_source  (Web),    

Setup  &  Execute  Campaign:  Bill  of  Materials  (BoM)  

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Execute  Campaign    

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Crea#ng  the  pages  

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  

þ  ☐  



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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  4.  Simplify  design  and  reduce  text  

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  4.  Simplify  design  and  reduce  text  5.  Use  images  wisely  

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  4.  Simplify  design  and  reduce  text  5.  Use  images  wisely  6.  Align  message  throughout    

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  4.  Simplify  design  and  reduce  text  5.  Use  images  wisely  6.  Align  message  throughout    7.  Brand  valida#on    

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    

1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  4.  Simplify  design  and  reduce  text  5.  Use  images  wisely  6.  Align  message  throughout    7.  Brand  valida#on    8.  Reduce  barriers  

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  4.  Simplify  design  and  reduce  text  5.  Use  images  wisely  6.  Align  message  throughout    7.  Brand  valida#on    8.  Reduce  barriers  9.  Keep  your  promises  

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  4.  Simplify  design  and  reduce  text  5.  Use  images  wisely  6.  Align  message  throughout    7.  Brand  valida#on    8.  Reduce  barriers  9.  Keep  your  promises  10.  Test,  test,  test  

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10  Tips  for  Crea#ng  an  Effec#ve  Landing  Page    1.  Clear  and  emphasized  call  to  ac#on  2.  Killer  #tle  3.  Eliminate  choices  4.  Simplify  design  and  reduce  text  5.  Use  images  wisely  6.  Align  message  throughout    7.  Brand  valida#on    8.  Reduce  barriers  9.  Keep  your  promises  10.  Test,  test,  test  

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Addi#onal  Resources  •  Op#fy  B2B  Lead  Genera#on  Blog  -­‐  hgp://www.op#fy.net/lead-­‐genera#on-­‐soqware-­‐blog  

•  Digital  Marke#ng  Resources  -­‐  hgp://www.op#fy.net/inbound-­‐marke#ng-­‐resources    

•  Landing  Page  webinar  hgp://www.op#fy.net/inbound-­‐marke#ng-­‐resources/how-­‐to-­‐webinars/from-­‐click-­‐through-­‐rate-­‐to-­‐conversion-­‐rate    

•  Op#fy  Help  hgp://help.op#fy.net/entries/20611788-­‐gerng-­‐the-­‐most-­‐from-­‐landing-­‐pages      

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®uri@op#fy.net              @uribarjoseph                in/uribarjoseph