Perfect understanding Perfect understanding why trusting your users isn't a bad idea why trusting your users isn't a bad idea

Perfect Understanding at Media2020, Ireland

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Perfect understandingPerfect understandingwhy trusting your users isn't a bad ideawhy trusting your users isn't a bad idea

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What is Backstage?What is Backstage?• backstage.bbc.co.uk is the BBC's early adopter

network to encourage participation and support creativity through open innovation

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Backstage is a licenceBackstage is a licence• A licence similar to the creative commons non-

commercial attribution licence but with a few extras clauses for the uk market

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backstage is open data, feeds and api'sbackstage is open data, feeds and api's• Champion "open culture" around the BBC and with

that releasing data that can be made available on backstage

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backstage is communitybackstage is community• Advocate the mash-up scene, and the individuals

who participate in it

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rule #33rule #33• Learning to speak with a human voice is not a

parlor trick. It can't be "picked up" at some tony conference.

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Boarding the cluetrainBoarding the cluetrain

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Changing the work cultureChanging the work culture• I have PRed everything from dotcoms to donkey’s (I kid you

not) so I guess you could say I am pretty clued up on the basics. However, we are entering a brave new world of communications which has caused me more than a few sleepless nights so I thought it was time I should have a look round and get to the bottom of it before anymore PR gaffs hit the internet.

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cluetrain #84cluetrain #84• We know some people from your company. They're

pretty cool online. Do you have any more like that you're hiding? Can they come out and play?

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cluetrain #93cluetrain #93• We're both inside companies and outside them.

The boundaries that separate our conversations look like the Berlin Wall today, but they're really just an annoyance. We know they're coming down. We're going to work from both sides to take them down.

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Pull down the wallsPull down the walls• Social Media Cafe Manchester• PHPNW• DrupalCampUK• Software Craftsmanship Conference• Makers and Hackers


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cluetrain #40cluetrain #40• Companies that do not belong to a community of

discourse will die.

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Being part of the communityBeing part of the community• TEDxManchester part of TEDxNorth• Sponsorship of other small events• Attendance at other events

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Being part of the communityBeing part of the community

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cluetrain #67cluetrain #67• As markets, as workers, we wonder why you're not

listening. You seem to be speaking a different language.

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Twitter analysisTwitter analysis• Search.twitter• Twitterfall• Shownar / Buzztracker• Backstage Tweetstore

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Twitter everywhereTwitter everywhere• Mumbai attacks live updates• US Elections live responses• BBC Question Time #bbcqt• BBC, Twitter and Iran• UK snow watch #uksnow• BBC iPlayer 3.0

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cluetrain #42cluetrain #42• As with networked markets, people are also talking

to each other directly inside the company—and not just about rules and regulations, boardroom directives, bottom lines.

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Communicate better internallyCommunicate better internally• Yammer was introduced as a “experiment”• Employees as high as directors have used it

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Cluetrain #21/22Cluetrain #21/22• Companies need to lighten up and take themselves

less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor.• Getting a sense of humor does not mean putting

some jokes on the corporate web site. Rather, it requires big values, a little humility, straight talk, and a genuine point of view.

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Opening the problem upOpening the problem up• What should we do with the Twitter account


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Cluetrain #4Cluetrain #4• Whether delivering information, opinions,

perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.

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Backstage podcastBackstage podcast• BBC & DRM podcast : http://digg.com/d15jvz

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cluetrain #45cluetrain #45• Intranets naturally tend to route around boredom.

The best are built bottom-up by engaged individuals cooperating to construct something far more valuable: an intranetworked corporate conversation.

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Open innovationOpen innovation• Bottom up innovation from our audience

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• Bottom up innovation from our audience

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cluetrain #18cluetrain #18• Companies that don't realize their markets are now

networked person-to-person, getting smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity.

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New editorial formatsNew editorial formats

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cluetrain #57cluetrain #57• Smart companies will get out of the way and help

the inevitable to happen sooner.

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Media City UKMedia City UK

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Thank you... any questions?Thank you... any questions?

Ian Forrester : @bbcbackstageIan Forrester : @bbcbackstageSenior Backstage Producer : backstage.bbc.co.ukSenior Backstage Producer : backstage.bbc.co.uk