Drew Cogbill

Pigeon First Semester Final

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Drew Cogbill

Thesis Question and Concept

How can an immediate technology provide an intimate communication experience for people with limited technological access?

Thesis Question and Concept

How can an immediate technology provide an intimate communication experience for people with limited technological access?

Thesis Question and Concept

How can an immediate technology provide an intimate communication experience for people with limited technological access?

Pigeon is a voice message broadcast network.

Thesis Question and Concept

How can an immediate technology provide an intimate communication experience for people with limited technological access?

Pigeon is an asynchronous voice message broadcast network.

Thesis Question and Concept

How can an immediate technology provide an intimate communication experience for people with limited technological access?

Pigeon is an asynchronous voice message broadcast network accessible through a local phone call.










Group Broadcast

Process and Trajectory: Research

Process and Trajectory: Proper Implementation, Storytelling

Process and Trajectory: Public Alpha

Process and Trajectory: Future plans

1 Considerations

Process and Trajectory: Future plans

1 Considerations

Extreme users

Process and Trajectory: Future plans

1 Considerations

Broader appealExtreme users

Process and Trajectory: Future plans

1 Considerations

Broader appealExtreme users


Process and Trajectory: Future plans

1 Considerations

2 Feature implementation per user response

Broader appealExtreme users


Process and Trajectory: Future plans

1 Considerations

2 Feature implementation per user response

3 Belize field prototyping

Broader appealExtreme users


Process and Trajectory: Future plans

1 Considerations

4 Beta

2 Feature implementation per user response

3 Belize field prototyping

Broader appealExtreme users


How do you see the Pigeon business model functioning?

How can Pigeon better facilitate group discussion and broadcast?

(713) 574-9488

Conclusion, questions, invitation