Technology, recruitment and the future An insight into how innovation will change the way we hire


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Page 1: PJO-3B

Technology, recruitmentand the future

An insight into how innovation will change the way we hire

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What will you gain from this presentation?

1. A better understanding of how technology influences potential candidates

2. A better understanding of how candidate expectations will change the way we work

3. Some ideas on what you can achieve today to gain the competitive edge

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Why are you listening to me today?

My experience encompasses the following:

The development of technology for computer gaming and the movie industry

The automation of print production and delivery worldwide

Directorships of industry-leading companies - Adlogic, Global IP Video, and others.

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What does this experience tell me?

We will have to do much more in the future to attract the right audience

The experience needs to be rich, interesting and offer real appeal to users

We need to appeal to the ‘online’ generation

The technologies are available now and accessible

What makes a candidate? How do we use technology to attract them?

What has influenced them?

What is the experience they are looking for?

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Why candidates and clients will expect more from you

in the future – a bit of history first!

1. At the movies

2. Let the games begin

3. The online revolution and recruiting

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1 At the movies

Hollywood has been the major influence on the mind in the 20th Century

Three key events exemplify the coming of age of the viewing public in relation to the acceptance of technology

CCI Computer Controlled Imagery 1977

CGI Computer Generated Imagery 1993

CM Computer Modelling 2003

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The growth in computer fx in the movies has permanently altered

the perceptions and expectations of the viewing public

The general public became aware of technology

The general public accepted technology

The general public actively sought participation in technology

It changed their sense of what technology could do

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2. Let the games begin – Computer Gaming

Computer gaming has been around for longer than people realise

Its influence has been rapidly growing

It is a major influence on most segments of society and a key influence on many ofyour key prospects

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The early days of gaming Computer games began in the 1940’s with a cathode ray tube

By the 1960’s Mainframe computers were staging basic games

In the 1970’s games hit the high street and Atari Pong and Space Invaders were born

The 1980’s saw games move into the home with the TRS-80, Commodore 64, Amiga and Apple II

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The gaming revolution The ’80’s also the introduction of the portable game thanks to Nintendo

And games like Super Mario Brothers

By the end of the 1980’s, gaming had become huge business amongst the youth audience

The 1990’s saw a maturing of the industry and as gamers grew up they embraced games like Sim City

The new millenium meant real speed and realistic graphicsfrom the Game Cube through Xbox to PlayStation 3, gamer expectations are incredibly high – PS3 is a supercomputer dedicated to games

Recently gaming has followed the rest of us onto the Internet

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Who’s playing games? The kids who grew up with games in the ’80’s are now some of your key targets!

It is multi billion dollar industry eclipsing box office movie income

Gaming is a rich, multimedia experience combining graphics, audio and sound

Recently Gaming has followed the rest of us onto the Internet

It is now a network experience

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Who’s playing games?

Here are some stats that will bear out the significance of gaming on your target audience.

Computer and video game software sales grew six percent in 2006 to $7.4 billion – almost tripling industry software sales since 1996.

69 percent of American heads of households play computer and video games. 

The average game player is 33 years old and has been playing games for 12 years.

The average age of the most frequent game buyer is 40 years old.

80 percent of gamer parents say they play video games with their kids. Sixty-six percent feel that playing games has brought their families closer together.

38 percent of all game players are women.

In 2005, 25 percent of Americans over the age of 50 played video games, an increase from nine percent in 1999.

44 percent of game players say they play games online one or more hours per week.

Source: Entertainment Software Association 2007

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3. The Online revolution

These same people have taken this experience to the Net

They are sophisticated, unafraid and active

They have high expectations of the online experience both graphically and with content

They are not afraid to embrace new technology

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Blogs and Social Networking

Communication is a key activity for these people online

Users are more mature than is generally thought

It started with weblogs (blogs) and has evolved into social networking

The most popular examples of this are:

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Top 5 Social Networking Sites

According to Hitwise, the US market share of Internet traffic to the top 20 social networking sites grew by 11.5 percent from January to February 2007, to account for 6.5 percent of all Internet traffic in February 2007.

Bebo 1.18%

BlackPlanet.com 0.88%

Xanga 0.87%

MySpace 80.74%

Facebook 10.32%

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1. Gizmodo with 7,116,865 hits per month

2. TMZ.com with 2,586,927 hits per month

3. engadget.com with 5,679,225 hits per month

4. LifeHacker with 3,242,212 hits per month

5. Huffington Post with 2,842,662 hits per month Source: eBizMBA 2007

The top 5 Blog sites

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How do recruiters use technology to connect employers to candidates?

The traditional channel is print

Print will not go away. In fact, it will become more selective to draw the attention of specific candidates

Production will have to be controlled using a combination of creative and template-driven systems.

It must be linked to the Online space and initiatives and not treated separately

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Job Boards and Websites

Australia has a broad range of job boards to choose from- Mainstream and selective industries

International access will increase - Asia, USA and Europe

Recruiter Website

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Some Job Boards are taking a different approach

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The next generation will support true multimedia

They will incorporate audio, video and text

Our candidates are already in training

And posting on the new video-enabled job boards.

And in the future, streaming live!

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The Future - Now

Our audience is older and better versed in technology than we thought

They have access to an array of tools, the internet, mobile phones, Ipods

Offer candidates the rich, multimedia and networked solution they expect

Build systems that combine Job Boards, Print and websites that make sense

Use these technologies to differentiate from everyone else

Build and be part of these online communities