Power point environmental problems in my town

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  • 1. Enviromental problems in my village C.E.I.P SIERRA ARANA IZNALLOZ ,Granada,SPAIN 5th and 6th grade students

2. 1 People throw papers on the floor instead of using the trash can 3. This is how we should do it: 4. Cars pollution 5. This is how we should do it 6. People dont separate trash, they mix it. 7. We need to learn to recycle 8. People contaminate Water 9. This is how we should do it 10. PROBLEM: People waste water 11. SOLUTION: We need to use water sensibly. 12. PROBLEM: we keep the lights on during the day 13. SOLUTION: Open the blinders 14. Problem: People dont clean ther petspoos 15. g PROBLEM 1.Using chemicals in the nature 16. SOLUTION Use natural products g 17. People drop too much trash in the trash can 18. Problem in my town: people leave trash on the sierra.